Surviving Uncertainty
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Surviving Uncertainty

The Secrets of Personal Preparedness and Weathering the Storm

About the Book

In 2020, we saw some amazing acts of human kindness in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people with sewing skills created handmade masks for healthcare workers. People with 3D printers created face shields, respirators, ventilator valves, ventilator splitters, valves turning snorkel masks into protective equipment for healthcare workers, and even safety goggles. University researchers began rapidly developing open-source ventilators which could be built using components from hardware stores. Distilleries switched from producing alcohol to hand sanitizer.

The ability of the human spirit to provide such assistance in hard times is truly amazing.

Unfortunately, I can't sew, I'm not very good with my 3D printer, and I don't own a distillery, although my great grandfather did used to help run a moonshine still during prohibition.

Inspired by all of the efforts to help everyone through the COVID-19 crisis, this book is a guide to help prepare for long-term hardships due to natural and man-made disasters. This is not the end-all guide to survival and preparedness, but instead a primer. This book will help you begin your journey into preparedness for not only short-term disasters, but weathering the long-term effects afterwards.

This book will always be available at no cost. However, if you wish to compensate the author for his work, please feel free to do so, or consider purchasing one of his other books.

About the Author

Ken Buckler
Ken Buckler

I have lived in the Washington County, MD area my entire life.  I graduated from Mount Saint Mary's in 2006 with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. For 15 years worked as a federal contractor for multiple agencies, performing cyber security and information assurance services. I now analyze the cyber security industry and write about my research full-time.

I am an advocate for local small business, as well as empowering local residents in Washington County to better themselves, and create better lives for themselves and their families. I also love local history in Washington County, and am the producer of "History Hub Hunters", a show focused finding lost pieces of local history.

About the Contributors


Private Label Content Contributors

Many thanks to many private label contributors who have made information available for inclusion in this book. Your content has greatly helped supplement this book.

Table of Contents

  • Legal
  • Introduction - Why Prepare
  • How to Be Prepared
  • Types of Disasters
    • Floods
    • Hurricanes
    • Earthquakes
    • Fire
    • Viral or Flu Pandemics and Epidemics
    • Terrorism, Civil Unrest and Warfare
    • Economic Impacts of Disasters
  • Making a Disaster Supply Kit
  • Preparing Your Home for an Emergency
    • Backup Power
    • Fire Safety
    • Home Security
    • Shutting off Utilities in Emergencies
  • Shelter-in-Place
  • Dealing with Evacuation
  • What to do During a Disaster
    • Taking Shelter
    • Managing Water
    • Managing Food
    • Understanding OPSEC
  • Gardening
    • Why Start a Garden?
    • The Psychology Behind Gardening
    • My First Gardening Experience
    • Choosing a Garden that is Perfect for You
    • Growing Your Own Herbs
    • Other Factors in Garden Creation
    • Picking the Ideal Location for your Garden
    • Preparing Healthy Soil
    • Picking the Right Gardening Tools
    • Creating a Raised Bed
    • Getting Started in Container Gardening
    • Optimizing Your Garden for Drought or Water Conservation
    • Installing a Drip Irrigation System
    • Using Rain Barrels to Survive Droughts
    • Picking a Healthy Plant
    • Creating Microclimates to Facilitate Growth
    • Maintaining a Compost Heap
    • Mulching for Free
    • Dealing with Garden Pests
    • The Horrors of Hail
    • Preparing Your Garden for the Winter
    • Go Natural with Organic Gardening!
    • Treat Your Garden Right with Organic Pesticides
  • Common Herbs and their Uses
    • Alfalfa
    • Asafoetida
    • Balsam of Tolu
    • Basil
    • Burdock
    • Catnip
    • Chamomile
    • Cilantro
    • Cloves
    • Dandelion
    • Echinacea
    • Eucalyptus
    • Frankincense
    • Ginkgo Biloba
    • Ginseng
    • Golden Seal
    • Gypsywort
    • Marjoram
    • Oregano
    • Parsley
    • Rosemary
    • Sage
    • Tarragon
    • Thyme
  • Home Remedies
    • Why Home Remedies are Popular?
    • Are Home Remedies Better than a Doctor?
    • Reasons for Home Remedies
    • Best Home Remedies
    • Getting the Most from Home Remedies
    • Cheapest Home Remedies
    • Home Remedy Myths Debunked
    • Top 3 Home Remedies
    • Differences Between Wives Tales and Home Remedies
    • Finding the Right Results for Your Home Remedy
    • Important Tips for Home Remedies
    • Avoiding the Sting of Sunburn
    • Controlling Acid Reflux
    • Managing Anxiety
    • Getting To Sleep
    • Nail Fungus
    • Getting Rid of Bugs
    • Home Remedies and Babies – Are they Really Safe?
    • Teething Babies and Home Remedies
    • Suggestions for Home Remedies to Use on Children
    • Top Home Remedies for Kids
    • Home Remedies for Your Pets
  • Final Thoughts and Parting Wisdom

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