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About the Book
Stress is part of everyday life but being stressed out is not. Work related stress can be a major problem, more so in the ever-changing world of software development where hearing about a bug found in production can spike your heart rate!
Although stress forms part of our natural being and can be useful to improve performance, if not managed the stress can lead to feeling overwhelmed and more likely to suffer an illness.
In the book, Andy shares his personal account on how he manages stress, describes how to use stress to help focus on the task at hand, how to recognise what you can and cannot control in the workplace.
By the end of the book, you will gain a better understanding of how to apply techniques to reduce stress at work, how to perform better under stress and how to ensure stress doesn't leave the office for a healthier work and life balance
About the Author
I'm a software tester by choice. I've been in a testing role for nearly 15 years. Over that time I've come acrosss lots of interesting people and worked in ever more complicated projects. This is my conclusion: Software Development is messy. So messy it's easy pickings for cartoon ideas. In The Cartoon Tester book I've put together nearly 200 images and cartoons about software development and specifically about software testers.