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A career guide to gainful employment as a skilled software tester

About the Book

There is no shortage of material out there to help you become a better tester, but what about landing a role as a tester in the first place? How do you set yourself up for success? How do you set yourself apart from everyone else?

This book guides you through how you present yourself on paper and in person so prospective employers can see the best you have to offer. There’s a lot more to it than sending out your resume, a chat with a recruiter and an interview or two. We’re going to focus on

  • Putting together a standout CV
  • Techniques to improve your interview skills
  • Building your personal brand and,
  • What to do when you’re not actively looking

To make sure you’re prepared when the time comes to begin your job hunt or when opportunity comes knocking.

About the Author

Benjamin Kelly
Benjamin Kelly

Ben Kelly has been in the testing industry for well over a decade. He has worked at companies ranging from startups to large enterprises. Notably, he was Head of Testing for eBay's European Product Development department where he ran a team called S.H.I.E.L.D. (Software Heuristic Investigation Exploration and Local expertise Division). He is now the managing director of House of Test UK.

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Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Personal Brand Management
    • Early Career - Establish Your Brand
    • The Journeyman - Build and Expand Your Brand
    • Mastery
  • Job Hunting
    • Utilising Your Network
    • Applying Directly to Companies
    • Running the Recruiter Gauntlet
    • Job Boards
    • Alternative Paths to Employment
  • Your CV - Your First Work Product
    • The Cover Letter
    • Targeting Your Cover Letter
    • The 2-Pager
    • Make Further Details Discoverable
    • What to Include in Your CV
    • CV Do’s, Don’ts
    • Do
    • Don’t
  • Interviews
    • What Do Interviewers Want?
    • Interview Techniques
    • Common Interviewee Errors
    • Preparation
    • Phone Interviews
    • In Person
    • Other Types of Interviews
    • Interviewers Behaving Badly
    • Questions for the Interviewer
  • Negotiating Salary and Benefits
    • Early Career
    • Mid Career
    • Late Career
    • Your initial salary sets the benchmark for future raises
    • Remuneration Negotiation
  • Rejection
  • What To Do When You’re Not Job Hunting
    • Keep a log
    • Create Narratives
    • Discuss your career objectives with your line manager
  • A Final Word and a Small Request
  • More Tales From The Trenches
    • The Quiet Achiever
    • Trying on Many Hats
    • Try Before You Fly
    • Interview-bot
    • An Interview With Attitude
    • Hiring - Beyond Interviews
    • Ready, Fire, Aim
    • Interviews Are Hard Work
    • Monkey See, Monkey Poo
    • Hidden Biases
    • Interviewing is a Two-way Street
    • How I Hire
    • The Importance of Being Authentic
  • Appendix 1 - Questions and Prompts to Build Narratives
    • Testing
    • Agile
    • People and Soft Skills
    • Self Awareness, Improvement and Career Drive
    • Industry
    • Other Common Interview Questions
  • Appendix 2 - Interview Practice Scenarios
    • Scenario 1 - Conservative Bank
    • Scenario 2 - Startup Company
    • Scenario 3 - Agile to the Core
    • Scenario 4 - Enterprise in Transition
  • Appendix 3 - Further Reading and Resources
    • Job Hunting, Interviews, CVs
    • Apprenticeship Links
    • Testing Fundamentals
    • Coding
    • UX
  • Notes

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