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Über das Buch
Getreu dem Bonmot „Besser-geht-immer“ leidet praktisch alle Software an Problemen: Vielleicht läuft sie zu langsam, stürzt manchmal ab, sieht nicht so schön aus wie das Produkt der Konkurrenz oder Änderungen dauern zu lange. Mal abgesehen von hello-world-Anwendungen, lässt sich überall noch so manches besser machen. Hier zeigen wir, wie Sie solche Probleme zielsicher aufdecken.
Über die Autoren
Markus is a software engineer who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specializes in the analysis of software data such as source code, application performance data or version control repositories to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface.
Christine Koppelt works as a Senior Consultant at innoQ Deutschland GmbH. Her focus is on the implementation and modernization of digitization projects for medium-sized companies. Her main interests are software architecture, infrastructure and data engineering.
Christine Koppelt arbeitet als Senior Consultant bei der innoQ Deutschland GmbH. Ihr Schwerpunkt sind die Realisierung und Modernisierung von Digitalisierungsprojekten für mittelständische Unternehmen. Dabei beschäftigt sie sich vor allem mit den Themen Softwarearchitektur, Infrastruktur und Data Engineering.
Dr. Gernot Starke (INNOQ Fellow) is co-founder and longstanding user of the (open source) arc42 documentation template. For more than 20 years, he has been working as software-architect, coach and consultant, conquering the challenges of creating effective software architectures for clients from various industries.
Gernot co-founded the International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB e.V.) and the (open source) Architecture Improvement Method (https://aim42.org).
Gernot has authored several (German) books on software architecture and related topics.
Benjamin Wolf (Senior Consultant at INNOQ) is a committer of arc42 and successfully used the arc42 documentation template in sundry consulting mandates.
Over the years, he developed various software in Java and .Net. It is part of his job to design architectures, develop code and refactor legacy code. Ben also focuses on software quality as well as on the communication and documentation of software architectures.
In 2013, Ben successfully passed the iSAQB e. V. CPSA examination at Foundation Level. He has been supporting the iSAQB workgroups "Advanced Level" and "Universities" since 2017.
We’re an IT consultancy with offices in Germany and Switzerland. We provide software architecture consulting, product development, and training services.