Best Practices in Software Architecture in the Cloud era
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Best Practices in Software Architecture in the Cloud era

About the Book

In this book, you will learn about concepts that are part of the lives of senior professionals in the software development and architecture careers. All this with content that comes from the application of technologies, concepts and cultures such as Effective Java, Clean Code, Domain-Driven Design, Clean Architecture and Building Microservices.

This book is a translation into English of Melhores Práticas de Arquitetura de Software na era da Nuvem which was originally written in Portuguese (Brazilian).

About the Authors


A Trybe é uma escola de desenvolvimento web que tem comprometimento genuíno com o sucesso profissional das pessoas estudantes. 

São mais de 1500 horas de formação, distribuídas entre estudo de conteúdo, aulas ao vivo, projetos individuais e em grupo e desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais. Para construir uma carreira de sucesso, é preciso mais que capacidade técnica.

Ensinamos a programar, a aprender e a trabalhar.

Trybe. Um novo curso para sua vida.

Elder Moraes
Elder Moraes

Elder helps Java developers work on great projects by guiding them on building and delivering fast and available server-side applications. He is a Java Champion, the author of the “Jakarta EE Cookbook“, and a board member at SouJava, one of the biggest JUGs in the world. As a Developer Advocate, Elder shares experiences and best practices through online content and at international events like JavaOne, The Developers Conference, QCon, Oracle Code One, Campus Party, and Devnexus.

Sandro Giacomozzi
Sandro Giacomozzi

helps Java developers working on enterprise applications to become experts on Java and Devops by practicing the right skills. Volunteer and public speaker. My goal in the software industry is to make organizations and people more agile through processes and tools. Faster, more efficient and quality deliveries. People and technology in line with customer satisfaction and delivery.

Mauricio Salatino
Mauricio Salatino

Otavio Santana
Otavio Santana

Empowering staff-plus engineers to deliver highly scalable software on the cloud, so they can become influential in their companies and in the market, and move their technical careers to the next level.

Otavio is a passionate architect and software engineer focused on cloud and Java technologies. He has deep expertise in polyglot persistence, and high-performance applications in the areas of finance, social media, and e-commerce.

As an open-source contributor, Otavio is directly involved in the Java world as an expert leader in several specifications both at the Java Community Process (JCP) and at the Eclipse Foundation. His work on the Apache and Eclipse Foundations helps projects such as MicroProfile and Jakarta EE to flourish. As a NoSQL expert, Otávio works with many databases and their APIs, including the Jakarta NoSQL specification. 

Otávio is also the representative of SouJava, the Brazilian Java Users Society, on the boards of the JCP and Jakarta EE, where he helps the direction and objectives of the Java platform since Java 8.

Otávio is a JUG leader, instructor, and mentor. Focusing on helping developers grow their careers, Otávio has authored articles and books about software architecture, Java, good practices, software engineering, software design, and the cloud.

As a global speaker, he has presented at the most significant international conferences such as JavaOne, TDC, and Devoxx. He volunteers and helps organize several Java User Groups and meetups around the globe.

Otavio is recognized for his Open Source contributions and has received many awards, such as the all JCP Awards categories (Outstanding Adopt-a-JSR Participant, Most Significant JSR, JCP Member/Participant, JCP Spec Lead/JSR), the Duke’s Choice Award, to name a few. Otávio is also a distinguished member of the Java Champions and Oracle ACE programs. 

Otávio loves history, economy, traveling, and both programming and real-world languages. He speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French, and is fluent in dad jokes.

Table of Contents

  • The importance of learning concepts instead of new frameworks
    • Why study analysis of algorithms, data structure, operating systems, computer architecture, graphs, among others?
    • The importance of further study in theoretical disciplines
    • The key point: using frameworks, doing the tasks manually, or rather, creating your own?
  • I’ve been reading about DDD; where should I go next?
    • Java in the Cloud
    • Evolving your monolith on practice, using DDD
    • Sum up
  • Clean code
    • Rich Models
    • Lombok: problem or solution?
  • Clean Architecture
    • Layering granularity
    • Conclusion
  • Refactoring
    • Fear of changing someone else’s code
    • The importance of automated testing when refactoring
    • Continuous code refactoring
    • What is your motivation for refactoring the code?
    • Conclusion
  • NoSQL vs. SQL
    • NoSQL
    • Conclusion
  • Microservice architecture
    • Monolithic architecture
    • Microservices
    • Migration from a monolith to microservices
    • The most common errors with microservices
    • Conclusion
  • Cloud
    • Cloud-Native or Cloud-Enabled?
    • The cloud-native journey
    • IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS: an architectural perspective
    • Kubernetes - when to use and when not to use
    • Vanilla Kubernetes and their flavors
    • When not to use Kubernetes
    • Conclusion
  • We need to talk about updates
    • How often do you deliver something to your user?
    • The problems of not updating the JVM version
    • Utility versus Hype
  • Unraveling application performance
    • Introduction and concepts
    • Agility versus Performance
    • How to measure performance?
    • Monitoring performance by component
    • Monitoring performance in distributed systems
    • Object-relational Napping
    • Conclusion
    • Security Practices
  • Bibliography

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