Sockets and Pipes
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Sockets and Pipes

Connect with Haskell

About the Book

The content that eventually grew into this book began with the question: What exactly is a web server? A satisfactory answer that does not assume substantial background knowledge requires spanning quite a few areas of computing. Fortunately, they all serve as fruitful motivations for simultaneously learning about how to use Haskell, which is the larger objective of the Joy of Haskell collection.

The language a web server speaks is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which this book explores in great detail while walking through the creation of a server from "scratch." We encourage readers to follow along in reading the official definition of HTTP (RFC 9110 and 9112 published by the Internet Engineering Task Force) as we implement the specification in Haskell. While high-level libraries make it possible to create web applications without detailed knowledge of HTTP, we believe that a full understanding of the underlying layers we build upon helps us use a platform more effectively. By studying HTTP we also gain an appreciation for what it is and is not good for, and for what applications we might stand to benefit from choosing a different network protocol instead.


This book is for Haskell learners who have some basic faculty with the language and are now ready to work up to a substantial project. We expect that you understand the basic syntax and can do things like install GHC, use GHCi, write a case expression, sequence IO actions in a do block, use qualified imports, and define datatypes. From the base package, we assume some familiarity with Maybe, Either, [], Eq, Show, Monoid, Foldable, Functor, and Monad. We do not assume prior knowledge of any additional libraries or GHC language extensions.

What's inside

Bytes and characters - The first several chapters introduce the bytestring and text libraries and are largely dedicated to tearing apart a traditional hello world program, looking underneath the abstract notion of "printing text" to start greeting the world in terms of writing bytes to a file handle. After discussing bytes, we need only a short hop to sockets, our means of writing bytes across great distances using the network library.

Encoding and parsers - First we encode HTTP messages as byte strings. That's the easy part; next, we go in the opposite direction and learn how to interpret byte strings using the attoparsec library. This will acquaint us even more closely with the HTTP message format.

Monad transformers - We introduce some monad transformers that are especially applicable to our subject matter: ResourceT, Producer, ExceptT, and ReaderT. No prior experience with transformers is required. We do not linger on the general concept, preferring instead to focus on each of the three examples and to create familiarity with transformers and lifting chiefly by demonstration. Later on, we use newtype wrappers and DerivingVia to manage the complexity of larger monad stacks.

Resource safety - Use of ResourceT begins in chapter 1, and we use it throughout the book. This makes it a breeze to deal with files and sockets without resource leaks.

Streaming - To move past toy examples that fit easily into memory, we have to start writing streaming processes that can deal with large amounts of data by handling it in smaller pieces. All of the code within this book is written with memory usage in mind. Producer, Pipe, and Consumer constitute an especially convenient facility for working with streams.

Error handling - As features accumulate, the number of possible error conditions starts to rise. We introduce ExceptT to work with errors in a clean and well-typed manner.

About the Author

Type Classes
Type Classes

Type Classes is Chris Martin and Julie Moronuki. We've been writing about Haskell together since 2018.

Table of Contents

  • 1 - Handles
    • The necessity of indirection
    • Writing to a file
    • Exceptions
    • Diligent cleanup
    • MonadIO
    • Exercises
  • 2 - Chunks
    • Packed characters
    • Reading from a file
    • Exercises
  • 3 - Bytes
    • Packed octets
    • Copying a file
    • Character encodings
    • Dangerous classes
    • Avoiding system defaults
    • Exercises
  • 4 - Sockets
    • Open up and connect
    • Extra details
    • Names and addresses
    • Address information
    • Exercises
  • 5 - HTTP
    • The specification
    • HTTP requests
    • ASCII strings
    • HTTP responses
    • Serving others
    • Exercises
  • 6 - HTTP types
    • The ASCII type
    • Request line
    • Status line
    • Fields
    • Body
    • Exercises
  • 7 - Encoding
    • String builders
    • Measuring time
    • Request and response
    • Higher-order encodings
    • The start line
    • Exercises
  • 8 - Responding
    • A measure of success
    • Response-building utilities
    • Integers
    • Response transmission
    • Exercises
  • 9 - Content types
    • Some common types
    • UTF-8
    • HTML
    • JSON
    • Exercises
  • 10 - Change
    • STM
    • Increment
    • Atomically
    • The counting server
    • Other STM topics
    • Exercises
  • 11 - Streaming
    • Chunked hello
    • Chunk types
    • Encoding a chunk
    • Transfer-Encoding
    • Serving the file
    • Exercises
  • 12 - Pipes
    • The new response type
    • What is a Producer
    • Constructing a response
    • Encoding a response
    • Sending a response
    • Exercises
  • 13 - Parsing
    • Encoding vs decoding
    • Attoparsec
    • Request line
    • Explaining what's wrong
    • Incremental parsing
    • Exercises
  • 14 - Errors
    • Status codes
    • Constructing error responses
    • Visibility in two places
    • Thread-safe logging
    • Either
    • ExceptT
    • Exercises
  • 15 - Reading fields
    • Alternatives and repetition
    • Accept-Language
    • Field parser
    • Field lookup
    • Content-Language
    • Exercises
  • 16 - Context
    • When it pays to be vague
    • ReaderT and deriving
    • Ask and you shall receive
    • A place for your files
    • Context initialization
    • Exercises
  • 17 - Reading the body
    • Getting
    • Putting
    • A new type of stream
    • Which kind of body?
    • Grabbing some input
    • Chunky
    • Finishing up
    • Exercises

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