Snort 3 Install Guide for Debian-based Linux Distributions (How to Install Snort 3 for Most Major Debian-Based Distros)
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Snort 3 Install Guide for Debian-based Linux Distributions

Learn how to install powerful network intrusion detection software on your favorite Debian-based Linux Distribution today!

About the Book

Snort 3 is a powerful IDS and IPS platform. Are you interested in learning how to install it? This 40-page guide will show you how to install it on your favorite Debian-based Linux distribution:

Ubuntu (20.04, 22.04, and the newly released 24.04)

Debian 12

Kali Linux 2024.1

Remnux (Based on Ubuntu 20.04)

Sift (Based on Ubuntu 22.04)

Readers will learn how to compile and install Snort 3, Snort 3 extras, and OpenAppID for a complete intrusion detection suite. This installation guide will also introduce users to the pulledpork3 rule manager for downloading the latest Cisco TALOS rules, and automate both system and rule updates on a regular basis for keeping the IDS sensor up to date.

As a final bonus, readers will learn how to convert snort 2.9 rules using the snort2lua utility. As with the rest of my works, this is a 'pay what you want' release, that readers can download for free if they so desire. Good luck, and happy hunting!

-Tony Robinson

About the Author

Tony Robinson
Tony Robinson

Tony Robinson is Security Engineer working for a midwestern MSSP. He has approximately 10 years of general experience in Systems Administration and Information Security roles, with his specialties being Network Security Monitoring, Threat Intelligence, and Malware Analysis

When he is not working, he can be found admiring good sushi, good mead, and fun video games.

Table of Contents

Other Thoughts (before we get started) 4 Hardware Requirements 4 root/sudo Access 5 How to install/configure sudo access on Debian 12 6 Running commands with root privileges 8 Install your SIEM stack on a separate system/VM 9 Acquiring Necessary Packages via apt-get 10 Acquiring Necessary Source Files via curl, wget, and git 11 Compiling Snort3, Snort3_extras, and all supporting libraries 12 Gperftools 12 Safeclib 13 Libdaq 14 Vectorscan 15 Snort3 16 Snort3_Extras and OpenappID/ODP 18 PulledPork3 and New Rules 19 Creating and including custom.lua into snort.lua 22 Cleanup and Automation 26 Creating the snort user and group, and granting necessary file/folder permissions 26 Creating The snort3.service Systemd Service 26 Automatic System and Rule Updates via updater and /etc/cron.weekly 30 Extra Credit 33 snort2lua and the Emerging Threats Snort 2.9 Ruleset 33 Conclusion 41

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