Complete Guide to Shodan
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Complete Guide to Shodan

Collect. Analyze. Visualize. Make Internet Intelligence Work for You.

About the Book

The Complete Guide to Shodan is the official book written by the founder that explains the ins and outs of the search engine. Readers will be introduced to the variety of websites that are available to access the data, how to automate common tasks using the command-line and create custom solutions using the developer API.

About the Author

John Matherly
John Matherly

John Matherly is an Internet cartographer, speaker and founder of Shodan, the world’s first search engine for the Internet-connected devices. Born and raised in Switzerland, he attended the Freies Gymnasium in Zurich where he majored in business and law until he moved to the San Diego, USA at the age of 17.

There he worked at the San Diego Supercomputer Center to help manage the world’s foremost protein data bank. At the same time, he was also attending the University of California San Diego’s bioinformatics program which would kindle the fascination with large data and efficient algorithms. His final project included analyzing the human genome for exon code regions and mapping them to proteins while accounting for alternative splicing. After graduating, he worked as a freelance software engineer at a variety of companies including bioinformatics work.

In 2009, his project the Shodan search engine was unveiled on Twitter and within hours the website received a lot of attention due to the unexpected discoveries that people made. Printers, webcams, power plants and more, many of them unprotected or minimally protected, were found over time and the revelations have changed the way security and privacy on the Internet is perceived. Shodan is already seeing TVs, cell phones, traffic lights, industrial controls, infrastructure plants and various home appliances pop-up in the search results. And more of these “Internet of Things” are added each day as the world is becoming more connected. For the past years, he has been featured in the news on CNBC, CNN Money, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Forbes and many others.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • All About the Data
    • Data Collection
    • SSL In Depth
    • Beyond the Basics
  • Web Interfaces
    • Search Query Explained
    • Introducing Filters
    • Shodan Search Engine
    • Shodan Maps
    • Shodan Exploits
    • Shodan Images
    • Exercises: Website
  • External Tools
    • Shodan Command-Line Interface
    • Maltego Add-On
    • Browser Plug-Ins
    • Exercises: Command-Line Interface
  • Developer API
    • Usage Limits
    • Introducing Facets
    • Getting Started
    • Initialization
    • Search
    • Host Lookup
    • Scanning
    • Real-Time Stream
    • Network Alert
    • Example: Public MongoDB Data
    • Exercises: Shodan API
  • Industrial Control Systems
    • Common Abbreviations
    • Protocols
    • Securing Internet-Connected ICS
    • Use Cases
  • Appendix A: Banner Specification
    • General Properties
    • Elastic Properties
    • HTTP(S) Properties
    • Location Properties
    • SMB Properties
    • SSH Properties
    • SSL Properties
    • ISAKMP Properties
    • Special Properties
    • Example
  • Appendix B: List of Search Filters
    • General Filters
    • HTTP Filters
    • NTP Filters
    • SSL Filters
    • Telnet Filters
  • Appendix C: Search Facets
    • General Facets
    • HTTP Facets
    • NTP Facets
    • SSH Facets
    • SSL Facets
    • Telnet Facets
  • Appendix D: List of Ports
  • Appendix E: Sample SSL Banner
  • Exercise Solutions
    • Website
    • Command-Line Interface
    • Shodan API

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