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About the Book
Mark Twain is credited with the saying "It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So." The more sure you are that your networks and information systems are locked down and comply with your security policies; that they are actually enforced by your nextgen firewalls, fancy URL filtering proxy servers, and SIEM dashboards, the more likely it is, that just ain't so. Shadow IT has a way of taking security policies that you know are Right, and making them Irrelevant because you can't even detect (or are not looking for) that shadow IT is bypassing your security policies and objectives.
A blog will accompany the book for information between updates to the book if you are interested.
Read the book for free: send me an email at and describe your suspicion of how Shadow IT is being used in your organization and I'll send you a coupon for the book. Example: Have you shut off the WiFi at home for "family time" or "quiet study/reading time"? So the kids are now using cellular data or the neighbors' WiFi instead, what do they care about your WiFi, and do you really want your kids to be so stupid and compliant they won't think of it?
About the Author
Djilpmh Pi has been observing and making note of how Shadow IT has proliferated in many areas, and some of the most egregious examples are presented in his book "Shadow IT". While he does support the idea that "there are no stupid questions" he draws the line at "you can do that now?". Well yeah! Instead the question should be framed: is it bad or dangerous to me, how can I stop it, and what needs to be done to head off these situations in the future? Each type of Shadow IT is briefly described, suggestions on how to block it, and some observations to provide context and further background. Hint: company leadership needs to actively guide the vision and direction of how technology will be used, instead of forcing workers and developers creating and using new and innovative products and services to fight with traditional IT and security groups. If that wasted energy were put to collaborative effort everyone could benefit.
For other work by Djilpmh Pi in the areas of privacy and the legitimate use of TOR see .