Serverless Saas
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Serverless Saas

Building Affordable, Performant, and Scalable Services

About the Book

Note: This is an early access release of the book. If you are not comfortable receiving an incomplete book for a reduced price, please wait until the book has been completed!

Don't you think it is about time to learn the technology that is changing the face of the software industry? Do you want to launch your software for no cost? Do you want to scale to millions of customers without having to rewrite your entire application? Then it is time you learn and embrace Serverless Technologies.

Advantages of Serverless:

  • Only pay for your traffic. You don't pay for a server sitting idle waiting for a connection. Only get charged for the time your code is actively running!
  • Scale to 10's of millions of customers. Each request is handled separately, which means nearly infinite scalability.
  • Launch faster. Less infrastructure. Less boilerplate. Less code. Focus only on your business logic and user interface and leave the rest to the framework. Launch in days or weeks instead of months or years.
  • Time for user experience. Less time worrying about infrastructure means a lot more time to dedicate to the user experience and feature development. Happier customers means more money.
  • Decreased latency. AWS Serverless technologies are globally distributed which means lower latencies for all of your customers.

What you will learn:

  • How to set up the Serverless Framework with AWS.
  • Building RESTful web interfaces with AWS Lambda and API Gateway.
  • Using DynamoDB as a serverless database
  • Adding authentication with AWS Cognito
  • Hosting serverless web applications with S3
  • Creating User Interfaces with VueJS

What you should already know:

  • Basic programming knowledge with Javascript. You can use the other serverless languages (Java, Go, Python, C#) but the book is presented in Javascript.
  • Familiarity with RESTful services.
  • Familiarity with modern web application development (i.e. AJAX, HTML5, CSS, JSON, etc.)

This book is a hands-on guide to building SaaS applications using serverless technology. We will be building a SaaS application from scratch to illustrate all of the parts of a full stack serverless application. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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    • Computers and Programming
    • Vue.js
    • Node.js
    • AWS
    • Amazon Web Services
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About the Author

Christopher Franklin
Christopher Franklin

Chris is a software engineer with 15 years of experience building at every level of the stack. His recent fascination is building microservices using serverless technology.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • What is the Cloud?
    • What is SaaS?
    • What is Serverless?
    • Who is this book for?
    • Book Style
  • Chapter 2 - The Tools
    • The Frontend
    • The Backend
    • Third-Party Tools
  • Chapter 3 - Setting Up
    • Installing Node
    • Installing Git
    • Installing Vue
    • Installing Serverless
    • Get an AWS Account
    • Setting Up Credentials
    • Give Serverless the Credentials
    • Create a CircleCI Account
  • Chapter 4 - Starting the User Interface
    • Create the Project
    • Create the S3 Bucket
    • Deploying to S3
  • Chapter 5 - Starting the Backend
    • Set Up the Project
    • Configuring Deployments
    • Deploying
  • Chapter 6 - What Are We Building?
    • Picking the Project
    • Why A To-do App?
    • Defining the Main View
    • Features
    • Building Blocks

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