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About the Book
I create this book to bring to the large public new idea’s and new concept’s about hardware and software design that are new concept’s at the time of writing this book.
The concept that you will not find it in many book´s about Robot´s is the concept developed by me ¨Self-aware Robot´s¨. Robot´s that evaluate in real time the status of energy and take action accordingly that to function indefinitely in time. They mimic the will of living organism´s to adapt to the environment and find a way to recharge the accumulator´s.
About the Author
Vasile Adrian , I was born on 02.06.1979 I graduate the Automation University with specialization in Robot’s and Artificial Intelligence 1999-2004 and I graduate the Maritime University 2012-2014.
I like technology and innovation and this is driving all my life.
I write this book being in Greece a country that inspire me so much and made me to write this book a project that was need it to see the light of publishing 10 years ago.
I walk on the land of giant´s Greek thinker´s of all time’s like : Aristotle, Pittagora, Tales. I can’t compare with them, but them inspired me so much the same like many great personality in human evolution.
My idol and my great inspiration are Leonardo Da Vinci and Nicola Tesla.