Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver
From Foundations To Framework
About the Book
This book is a hands-on guide to dozens of specific ways you can use to get the most of WebDriver in your test automation development. This practical handbook gives you instantly-useful solutions for important areas like interacting with and testing web applications and using the WebDriver APIs. As you read, you'll graduate from WebDriver fundamentals to must-have practices ranging from how to interact with, control and verify web pages and exception handling, to more complex interactions like page objects, alerts, and JavaScript, as well as, mobile testing, and much more. Finally, you'll learn how to build your own framework. By the end of the book, you’ll be confident and skilled at testing your web applications with WebDriver.
About the technology
Web applications are difficult to test because so much depends on the way a user interacts with individual pages. The Selenium WebDriver web testing framework helps you build reliable and maintainable test automation for your web applications across multiple browsers, operating systems and programming languages. Much like a human, it can click on links, fill out forms, and read the web pages, and unlike a human, it does not get bored. WebDriver can do nearly anything you ask it to—the trick is to come up with a unified approach to testing. Fortunately, that’s where this book really shines.
What's inside
Specific, practical WebDriver techniques
Interacting with, controlling, and testing web applications
Using the WebDriver APIs
Making maintainable tests
Automated testing techniques
Reader Testimonials
Reviewer 6 (Anonymous)
An essential book for anyone interested in doing WebDriver integration testing. You should have some familiarity with Java development (including basic use of Maven). It starts with basic Selenium WebDriver usage but there’s plenty more. It’s clear that the authors have been using this technology in a professional setting for quite some time as the book is littered with one technique after another which can be used to address problems one can expect when testing real world web applications.
Reviewer 2 (Anonymous)
Excellent coverage of a key technology in the web testing space.
Reviewer 3 (Anonymous)
This book is a very practical guide to Selenium WebDriver. The book is loaded with practical examples with their solutions. I have already used techniques to solve problems at work.
Reviewer 4 (Anonymous)
It’s a really good introduction to the framework and I like the way the authors have attempted to provide practical solutions to the problems one faces when trying to automate certain types of tests.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Fundamentals
- Chapter 1: First Steps
- Chapter 2: Locating elements on a page
- Chapter 3: Interacting with elements on a page
- Chapter 4: Examining a page
- Chapter 4: Making maintainable tests using the Page Object pattern
- Chapter 6: What To Do When Something Goes Wrong
Part 2: WebDriver APIs In Depth
- Chapter 7: Managing WebDriver
- Chapter 8: Windows, pop-ups, and frames
- Chapter 9: Unicorns and other beasts: Exotic features of web pages
- Chapter 10: Executing JavaScript using the JavascriptExecutor interface
- Chapter 11: What you need to know about different browsers
- Chapter 12: Wrapping WebDriver and WebElement
Part 3: Page Based Automation Framework
- Chapter 13: Forming a Framework
- Chapter 14: Encapsulating and Grouping elements
- Chapter 15: Automating a page flow
- Chapter 16: Examining HTML Tables
- Chapter 17: Automating jQuery Datepicker
- Chapter 18: Datepicker Framework
- Appendix A: Selenium Grid
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