Seeking Nirvana
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Seeking Nirvana

Actionable Leadership Ideas to Achieve Business Agility

About the Book

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This book is a live work in progress. When you download it, you have the opportunity to experience a book during its creation phase. As a believer in Agility and fast feedback loops, I am hoping to receive ongoing feedback, criticisms and suggestions as the book progressing towards completion from being a blank page with no content, to its final publication.

In today's complex and challenging business world, companies need to achieve a certain degree of Agility to be able to remain competitive and survive. Yet, Business Agility often remains a distant Nirvana for most of us.

This book is the culmination of over a decade coaching, mentoring and training dozens of organizations and thousands of people in Business Agility. Its aim is to provide you with practical and actionable ideas that can be adapted to your working environment.

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About the Author

Jose Casal
Jose Casal

10+ years coaching Business Leaders in Flow-Based Organisational Design & FLIPP Leadership | Trained 3,000+ people to improve Business Agility | Business Director | Founder of Actineo Consulting LLP, one of the leading Business Agility consultancies in the UK.

Jose is an international speaker based in Finland where he moved to in 2021 after living in the UK for almost 30 years. He is an active community leader and organises the Lean Agile London (LALDN) and Agile Tampere conferences.

Jose's experience covers the full breadth of Agile approaches. He is a Flight Levels Coach (FLC) and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He is a highly-experienced and innovative trainer with significant expertise as a Flight Levels Guide (FLG), Professional Kanban Trainer (PKT), Professional Scrum Trainer (PST), and Certified Trainer for Training from the BACK of the Room! (TBR-CT).

Table of Contents

    • 1.README - Thank you for being an Intrepid Bookaneer
      • 1.1.Help me choose what to write next…
      • 1.2.Changelog
    • 2.Introduction
      • 2.1.Why am I writing this book?
      • 2.2.Who is this book for?
      • 2.3.How is the content structured?
    • 3.Business Agility
      • 3.1.What is my nirvana?
      • 3.2.Deterministic thinking in a probabilistic world
      • 3.3.Knowledge Work is evolving
      • 3.4.FLIPP: The Principles of Business Agility
      • 3.5.Seeking Nirvana: Business Agility in 3 steps
      • 3.6.Agility is fundamental for business survival
      • 3.7.Agility ≠ Agile
      • 3.8.Lean Principles
      • 3.9.FLIPP: The 5 Principles for Business Agility
    • 4.Flow
      • 4.1.Flow-based organisational design & Flow Mapping
      • 4.2.Watch the Ball not the Player
      • 4.3.Companies are addicted to working in crisis mode
      • 4.4.Balancing your workload
      • 4.5.The value of slack & how maxed-out people respond to variability
      • 4.6.Rethinking expedited work
      • 4.7.Business & systems interactions: Turn dependencies into collaboration
      • 4.8.Identifying and resolving Flow issues
      • 4.9.Rules of Flow
      • 4.10.Evolutionary vs Revolutionary change
      • 4.11.Workflow, Roleflow and Waitflow - The Flow Snake
      • 4.12.Establish & review your common glossary. Run Language retrospectives
      • 4.13.Flow Metrics for Business Agility
      • 4.14.Age and Ageing
      • 4.15.Variability - Move the hump vs cut the tail
      • 4.16.Forecasting at the right level
      • 4.17.Turn SLAs into SLEs
    • 5.Learning
      • 5.1.Learning as a key strategic need
      • 5.2.3 dimensions of learning
      • 5.3.Knowledge Debt: The hidden business cost of not learning
      • 5.4.Create & deliver exceptional learning experiences
      • 5.5.Coaching mindset - make others better. Key for promotion
      • 5.6.Effective techniques to spread knowledge
      • 5.7.Pull coaching
      • 5.8.The power of facilitative learning
      • 5.9.Are leaders willing to learn?
      • 5.10.Succession planning & Talent development
      • 5.11.“If no other company wants you; why should you stay here?”
    • 6.Impact
      • 6.1.What does success look like for us?
      • 6.2.The 3 myths of product development
      • 6.3.Outcomes or outputs?
      • 6.4.Balancing the inherent conflict in INVEST
      • 6.5.Experiment design
      • 6.6.OKRs
      • 6.7.EBM
      • 6.8.SOFI
    • 7.Purpose
      • 7.1.Stop creating a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on your organisation
      • 7.2.Where does the work come from?
      • 7.3.Mapping initiatives to the strategy
      • 7.4.Portfolio Management
      • 7.5.Anticipating Flow issues: Start work you think you can finish
      • 7.6.Work Selection Matrix
      • 7.7.Differentiators, spoilers, cost savers & table stakes
      • 7.8.Right-sizing work
    • 8.People
      • 8.1.FLIPP Leadership: Learn to see things from a different angle
      • 8.2.Manage the environment. Not the people.
      • 8.3.Work spaces designed to unleash people’s potential
      • 8.4.Change with people. Don’t inflict change on people.
      • 8.5.Agile leadership principles
      • 8.6.Leadership Styles
      • 8.7.Fractal interactions (individual, pairs, groups, multi-group, etc)
      • 8.8.3 dimensions for change: Ready, Willing & Able
      • 8.9.The Change Onion: Why change is uncomfortable for people
      • 8.10.The Flow Channel & Leadership anxiety
      • 8.11.The power of diversity in knowledge work
      • 8.12.Delivering impacful feedback that people are willing to listen to
      • 8.13.Handling conflict
      • 8.14.Change experiments
      • 8.15.Don’t hire brilliant jerks
      • 8.16.Every interaction is a recruitment opportunity
      • 8.17.Use probation periods as the true interviews
      • 8.18.Hire from the bottom. Promote from within.
      • 8.19.Measure engagement (Gallup Q12)
      • 8.20.Business risk of deep specialists
      • 8.21.Growing knowledge - Skills matrix, skills liquidity, protect the expert
      • 8.22.Conducting Stay Interviews
      • 8.23.Do you want people to stay? Ask them to get job offers from elsewhere
      • 8.24.New in your job? Resist making decisions for 3-6 months
    • 9.References

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