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Sobre el Libro
En Scaling Agile: Un JumpStart Lean, Sanjiv se sumerge en el desafío de eliminar las barreras para la adopción de metodologías Ágile en la empresa. El autor presenta un conjunto de componentes fundamentales o “bloques de construcción” como una base esencial para marcos de referencia más grandes, incluyendo el Scale Agile Framework® (SAFe®), Scrum a gran escala (Large-Scale Scrum o LeSS) y Entrega Agil Disciplinada (Disciplined Agile Delivery o DAD).
Sanjiv proporciona instrucciones paso a paso, con un enfoque centrado en algunas prácticas Lean básicas. Con este enfoque de jumpstart, el poder está en sus manos para aplicar ideas Ágiles desde equipo y hasta los niveles más altos de la organización, y para transformar totalmente una empresa.
Sobre el Autor
Sanjiv Augustine is an entrepreneur, industry-leading agile and lean expert, author, speaker, management consultant and trainer.
For over 13 years, Sanjiv has served as a trusted advisor to executives and management at leading firms including: Capital One, The Capital Group, CNBC, Comcast, General Dynamics, HCA Healthcare, The Motley Fool, National Geographic and Nationwide Insurance. He is the author of the book Managing Agile Projects (Prentice Hall 2005) and several publications including Transitioning to Agile Project Management and The Lean-Agile PMO: Using Lean Thinking to Accelerate Agile Project Delivery. He is the founder and moderator of the Lean Startup in the Enterprise Meetup and the Yahoo! Agile Project Management discussion group. Sanjiv was also a founder and advisory board member of the Agile Leadership Network (ALN), and a founder member of the Project Management Institute’s Agile Community of Practice.
As an in-the-trenches practitioner, he has personally managed agile projects varying in size from five to over one hundred people, served as product sponsor for LitheSpeed products, trained thousands of agile practitioners via workshops and conference presentations, and coached numerous project teams.
For more information, see Sanjiv’s website: www.sanjivaugustine.com.