Safe to Improve

Safe to Improve

Psychological Safety as a Foundation for Lean Management

About the Book

Why do countless organizations struggle with "Lean" management and related methodologies? And why does the hefty investment in problem-solving training often fall flat, leaving a trail of unsolved problems and unimplemented improvements in its wake?

Don't blame the employees—it's a matter of culture and leadership.

The foundation, if not the pre-condition, for continuous improvement, innovation, and Lean is "Psychological Safety" — individuals feeling that it's safe (or safe enough) to speak up in the workplace.

We can't solve problems that we don't know about. Leaders must demonstrate that speaking up is both safe and effective. Otherwise, employees will understandably choose to stay quiet.

Follow the lead of Toyota and other successful companies — it starts with Psychological Safety. The rest follows...

About the Author

Mark Graban
Mark Graban

Mark Graban is an internationally recognized consultant, author, professional speaker, and blogger. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus. For his full bio, visit

Mark's newest book (2023) is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation.

He is the author of the book Lean Hospitals, which was the first healthcare book selected as a recipient of the Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award. Mark has also co-authored Healthcare Kaizen and was the editor of the anthology Practicing Lean, published through LeanPub. He published Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More in 2018, originally on LeanPub.

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