Ruby Is For Fun
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Ruby Is For Fun

Self-Study Course, From Absolute Beginner to Advanced

About the Book

 Hey there! Feel free to dive into the book without any pressure to pay. If you end up loving it, you can always choose to buy it later. And just so you know, whether you pay or not, I won't have any access to who bought the book. Enjoy reading!

This self-study course written as a book is your first step towards making money by coding and programming from home, and doing that with fun. You will understand how the Ruby language works, and establish a foundation for being successful freelance developer. This book gives you not only technical detail, but presents knowledge in a friendly format, understandable by all ages, providing a thorough explanation of modern concepts for absolute beginners. 

In this book you will find 78 easy to follow tasks, so even people without any programming skill can solve them. Beginners will learn how to create, debug, and understand programs in Ruby. Those who are already familiar with the language will rediscover object-oriented concepts, memory organization, find career advice, and save the planet from a nuclear apocalypse.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Contributions are welcome! Typos, rephrases, better explanations, etc. The Leanpub-flavored markdown manuscript is available at GitHub repository.


About the Author

Table of Contents

  • Front Matter
    • In Lieu Of an Introduction
    • Ruby vs. Ybur
    • Ruby Is For Fun
    • What will we study?
    • Web Programming Or Something Else?
    • How Much Do Programmers Earn?
    • Your Advantage
  • Part I. First Steps
    • Runtime Environment
    • Setting Up Windows (MacOS, Linux) For Your First Program
    • Hello, I’m Your REPL
    • Running a Program From a File
    • Hello, I’m Your File Manager
    • File System Essentials
    • File System Navigation
    • Shell Survival Guide
    • Text Editors
    • Your First Program
    • Variables in Ruby
    • String Addition and Multiplication
  • Part II. Essentials
    • Data Types
    • Everything Is An Object (Proof)
    • Type Casting (type conversion)
    • Fractional Numbers
    • String Interpolation
    • Bang!
    • Blocks
    • Blocks With Parameters
    • Methods Of Integer Class
    • Testing Variables And Branching
    • Combining Conditions
    • Some Useful Methods of Ruby Language
    • Random Numbers
    • Guess The Number Game
  • Part III. Having Fun
    • Ternary Operator
    • Loading Indicator
    • Methods
    • Judgement Day Emulator
    • Instance and Local Variables
    • Programming Slot Machine
    • Arrays
    • Few Words About “Each”
    • Initializing Array
    • Accessing Array
    • Missing Detail
    • Battle of Robots
    • Arrays of Arrays (two-dimensional arrays)
    • Gems
    • Accessing Array of Arrays
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • Closer Look into Array class
    • empty? method
    • Methods length, size, count
    • include? method
    • Adding Elements to Arrays
    • Selecting Elements by Criteria
    • Rejecting Elements by Criteria
    • Take Method
    • Is There Any Match? (any?)
    • All Elements Should Meet Criteria
    • Few Words About Array Methods
    • Symbols
    • Hash
    • Other types as Hash values
    • JSON-structure of a real-world application
    • English-Spanish dictionary
    • Comparison of hashes and arrays
    • Most often used methods of Hash class
    • Setting a default value in Hash
    • Passing parameters to methods
    • HashSet
    • Iteration over hash elements
    • “dig” method
    • Key presence
  • Part IV. Fun with Object-Oriented Programming
    • Classes and objects
    • State
    • State, one more example
    • Duck typing and polymorphism
    • Inheritance
    • Modules
    • Subtyping vs Inheritance
    • Class methods
    • The truth about Object-Oriented programming
    • Debugging a program
    • Debugging by using output to console
    • Debugging by using console debugger
    • Debugging with IDE
    • Practice: save the world with Ruby
    • Docker, crash course
    • Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
    • Testing Ruby programs
    • Rspec
    • Final words
  • Notes

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