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About the Book
The main objective of this textbook is to help students of engineering and other sciences in more advanced courses in these fields. Textbook discusses the relativistic mechanics and covariant formulation of electromagnetism.
I start with the introduction of the special theory of relativity and the necessity of development of that theory by Einstein (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2, I discuss the Lorentz transformations. In Chapter 3, I introduce the relativistic linear momentum and Newton's law form of relativistic mechanics.
Then, Chapter 4 introduces a relativistic work and energy relationship. Chapter 5 discussed the concepts of collisions in relativistic mechanics. In Chapter 6, I present the relativistic angular momentum for a
particle and system of relativistic particles. Then, in Chapter 7, I introduce electromagnetism and relativity. Chapter 8 discusses the electromagnetic field energy-momentum density tensor. Chapter 9 gives an introduction to the postulates of the general theory of relativity. Besides, in this chapter, I present some aspects of the fundamental metric tensor. I continue by describing the motion of a particle in the gravitation field, and relativistic tidal forces. Then, I derive gravitation field equations. In Chapter 10, I discuss the work on the unification of the gravitation and electromagnetic field.
The textbook is mainly aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and science.
About the Author