Knowing the RP2040
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Knowing the RP2040

A Guide for Programmers

About the Book

In this book you will learn all the details of the RP2040 microprocessor (used in the Raspberry Pi Pico and other boards) and how to leverage them in amazing applications.

The book is now complete (Updates may be available in the future with fixes or additional material)

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About the Author

Daniel Quadros
Daniel Quadros

Hi, my name is Daniel Quadros.

I am an Electronic Engineer, but have always worked as a software developer. Hardware is a hobby for me, and the last two decades a had a lot of fun with microcontrollers and participating in the Garoa Hacker Clube.

I have a blog and YouTube channel, both in Portuguese (I live in Brazil).  More recently I started a blog (in English) about my experiences with the Raspberry Pi Pico (and other boards based on the RP2040).

In the 80s I wrote a few book about programming the IBM PC in Assembly language. It took me a long time, but I've started writing books again!

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What this Book is About
    • The SDK functions
    • The Examples
    • Whom this Book is For
    • Acknowledgments
    • Updates
    • How to Send Feedback
  • The RP2040 Architecture
    • Processor Subsystem
    • Bus Fabric
    • Address Map
    • Clock Generation
    • Memory
    • PIO
    • Peripherals
    • IOs
    • Future RP Microcontrollers?
  • The Cortex-M0+ Processor Cores
    • Unprivileged and Privileged Execution
    • Debugger Support
    • Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
    • Instruction Set
    • SIO
    • Systick Timer
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Example
  • Reset, Interrupts and Power Control
    • Reset
    • Interrupts
    • Power Control
  • Memory, Addresses and DMA
    • Memory in the RP2040
    • Addresses
    • Direct Memory Access (DMA)
    • DMA Usage Examples
  • Clock Generation, Timer, Watchdog and RTC
    • Clock Generation
    • Timer
    • Watchdog
    • RTC
  • GPIO, Pad and PWM
    • GPIO Overview
    • Function Select
    • PADs
    • Digital Input and Output
    • GPIO Interrupts
    • PWM
  • The Programmable I/O (PIO)
    • The PIO State Machines
    • The FIFOs
    • Programmer’s Model
    • PIO Configuration
    • Interrupt (IRQ) Flags
    • The Instructions
    • Flow Control
    • Coding, Compiling and Running PIO Programs
    • PIO Assembly Language
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Examples
  • Asynchronous Serial Communication: the UARTs
    • Framing
    • FIFOs
    • Control Signals and Hardware Flow Control
    • Baud Rate Generation
    • UART Status and Interrupts
    • Pins Options
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Using the UART Registers
    • Example
  • Communication Using IC
    • IC Basics
    • IC in the RP2040
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Slave Library
    • Examples
  • Communication Using SPI
    • SPI Basics
    • SPI in the RP2040
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Example
  • Analog Input: the ADC
    • Overview
    • Modes of Operation
    • Accuracy of the ADC
    • Temperature Sensor
    • Selected SDK Functions
    • Example
  • A Brief Introduction to the USB Controller
    • USB Basics
    • Hardware
    • Device Classes
    • TinyUSB
    • Using the USB
    • The HID Device Class
    • Example - Emulating a PC Keyboard
    • Example - Connecting a PC Keyboard to the Pi Pico
    • Example - Serial USB Adapter
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix A - CMake Files for RP2040 Programs
  • Appendix B - Using stdio
    • Selected pico_stdio Functions
    • Selected pico_stdio_uart Functions
    • Selected pico_stdio_usb Functions
    • The printf Function
  • Appendix C - Debugging Using the SWD Port
    • Picoprobe Connections
    • Software Installation
    • Debugging from the Command Line
    • Debugging from inside Visual Code
  • Appendix D - Accessing the RP2040 Registers
    • Registers Addresses and Basic Access
    • Special Write Operations
    • Using the SDK Functions for GPIO Output

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