Angular Router
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Angular Router

The Complete Authoritative Reference

About the Book

Managing state transitions is one of the hardest parts of building applications. This is especially true on the web, where you also need to ensure that the state is reflected in the URL. In addition, we often want to split applications into multiple bundles and load them on demand. Doing this transparently isn’t trivial.

The Angular router solves these problems. Using the router, you can declaratively specify application states, manage state transitions while taking care of the URL, and load bundles on demand.

This book is a complete description of the Angular router written by its designer. It goes far beyond a how-to-get-started guide and talks about the library in depth. The mental model, design constraints, and the subtleties of the API-everything is covered. Reading this book will give you deep insights into why the router works the way it does and will make you an Angular router expert.

About the Author

Victor Savkin
Victor Savkin

Victor Savkin is an Angular core team member. He is one of the main contributors to Angular 2 and is the main contributor to the Angular router.

Apart from building Angular, Victor also likes to toy with eclectic programming technologies and obsesses over fonts and keyboards.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Example
  • Chapter 1: What Do Routers Do?
  • Chapter 2: Overview
    • Applying Redirects
    • Recognizing States
    • Running Guards
    • Resolving Data
    • Activating Components
    • Navigation
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: URLs
    • Simple URL
    • Params
    • Query Params
    • Secondary Segments
  • Chapter 4: URL Matching
    • Backtracking
    • Depth-First
    • Wildcards
    • Empty-Path Routes
    • Matching Strategies
    • Componentless Routes
    • Composing Componentless and Empty-path Routes
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Redirects
    • Local and Absolute Redirects
    • One Redirect at a Time
    • Using Redirects to Normalize URLs
    • Using Redirects to Enable Refactoring
  • Chapter 6: Router State
    • What is RouterStateSnapshot?
    • Accessing Snapshots
    • ActivatedRoute
    • Query Params and Fragment
  • Chapter 7: Links and Navigation
    • Imperative Navigation
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Lazy Loading
    • Example
    • Lazy Loading
    • Deep Linking
    • Sync Link Generation
    • Navigation is URL-Based
    • Customizing Module Loader
    • Preloading Modules
  • Chapter 9: Guards
    • CanLoad
    • CanActivate
    • CanActivateChild
    • CanDeactivate
  • Chapter 10: Events
    • Event Types
    • Enable Tracing
    • Listening to Events
    • Grouping by Navigation ID
    • Showing Spinner
  • Chapter 11: Testing Router
    • Isolated Tests
    • Shallow Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Configuration
    • Importing RouterModule
    • Configuring Router Service
    • Disable Initial Navigation
    • Custom Error Handler
  • Fin
    • Bug Reports

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