Result Library for Java
Result Library for Java
Guillermo Calvo
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Result objects represent the outcome of an operation, removing the need to check for null. Operations that succeed produce results encapsulating a success value; operations that fail produce results with a failure value. Success and failure can be represented by whatever types make the most sense for each operation.

Results in a Nutshell

In Java, methods that can fail typically do so by throwing exceptions. Then, exception-throwing methods are called from inside a try block to handle errors in a separate catch block.

Using Exceptions
Figure 1. Using Exceptions

This approach is lengthy, and that’s not the only problem — it’s also very slow.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

Conventional wisdom says exceptional logic shouldn’t be used for normal program flow. Results make us deal with expected error situations explicitly to enforce good practices and make our programs run faster.

Let’s now look at how the above code could be refactored if connect() returned a Result object instead of throwing an exception.

Using Results
Figure 2. Using Results

In the example above, we used only 4 lines of code to replace the 10 that worked for the first one. But we can effortlessly make it shorter by chaining methods. In fact, since we were returning -1 just to signal that the underlying operation failed, we are better off returning a Result object upstream. This will allow us to compose operations on top of getServerUptime() just like we did with connect().

Embracing Results
Figure 3. Embracing Results

Result objects are immutable, providing thread safety without the need for synchronization. This makes them ideal for multi-threaded applications, ensuring predictability and eliminating side effects.

Getting Started

How to get up and running with Results in no time

The best way to think of Results is as a super-powered version of Java’s Optionals.

Result builds upon the familiar concept of Optional, enhancing it with the ability to represent both success and failure states.

Result API

Results provide the same methods as Optionals, plus additional ones to handle failure states effectively.

Optional Result
isPresent hasSuccess
isEmpty hasFailure
get getSuccess
orElse orElse
orElseGet orElseMap
stream streamSuccess
ifPresent ifSuccess
ifPresentOrElse ifSuccessOrElse
filter filter
map mapSuccess
flatMap flatMapSuccess
or flatMapFailure

Why Results over Optionals?

Optional class is useful for representing values that might be present or absent, eliminating the need for null checks. However, Optionals fall short when it comes to error handling because they do not convey why a value is lacking. Result addresses this limitation by encapsulating both successful values and failure reasons, offering a more expressive way to reason about what went wrong.

No need to return null or throw an exception: just return a failed result.
Figure 4. No need to return null or throw an exception: just return a failed result.

By leveraging Results, you can unleash a powerful tool for error handling that goes beyond the capabilities of traditional Optionals, leading to more robust and maintainable Java code.

Adding Result to Your Build

How to add Result as a dependency to your build

This library adheres to Pragmatic Versioning to communicate the backwards compatibility of each version.

The latest releases are available in Maven Central.

Artifact Coordinates

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result

Maven Central provides snippets for different build tools to declare this dependency.


To use Result, we can add a Maven dependency to our project.

Figure 5. Adding Result as a Maven dependency


We can also add Result as a Gradle dependency.

Figure 6. Adding Result as a Gradle dependency
dependencies {

This is the most common configuration for projects using Result internally. If we were building a library that exposed Result in its public API, we should use api instead of implementation.


We learned how to add the library to your project using either Maven or Gradle. By including the correct dependencies, you’re now ready to start leveraging the power of Results in your applications.

Creating Results

How to instantiate new Result objects

There are several ways to create result objects.

Successful Results

A successful result contains a non-null value produced by an operation when everything works as intended. We can use Results.success to create a new instance.

Figure 7. Successful Results
1 @Test
2 void testSuccess() {
3   // When
4   Result<Integer, ?> result = Results.success(200);
5   // Then
6   assertTrue(result::hasSuccess);
7   assertFalse(result::hasFailure);
8 }

Note that we can invoke hasSuccess or hasFailure to check whether a result is successful or failed (more on this in the next chapter).

Failed Results

On the other hand, a failed result holds a value representing the problem that prevented the operation from completing. We can use Results.failure to create a new one.

Figure 8. Failed Results
1 @Test
2 void testFailure() {
3   // When
4   Result<?, String> result = Results.failure("The operation failed");
5   // Then
6   assertTrue(result::hasFailure);
7   assertFalse(result::hasSuccess);
8 }

Failure values cannot be null either.

Results Based on Nullable Values

When we need to create results that depend on a possibly null value, we can use Results.ofNullable. If the first argument is null then the second one will be used to create a failed result.

Figure 9. Results based on nullable values
 1 @Test
 2 void testOfNullable() {
 3   // Given
 4   String string1 = "The operation succeeded";
 5   String string2 = null;
 6   // When
 7   Result<String, Integer> result1 = Results.ofNullable(string1, 404);
 8   Result<String, Integer> result2 = Results.ofNullable(string2, 404);
 9   // Then
10   assertTrue(result1::hasSuccess);
11   assertTrue(result2::hasFailure);
12 }

The second argument can be either a failure value or a function that produces a failure value.

Results Based on Optionals

We can also use Results.ofOptional to create results that depend on an Optional value. If the first argument is an empty optional, then the second one will be used to create a failed result.

Figure 10. Results based on Optionals
 1 @Test
 2 void testOfOptional() {
 3   // Given
 4   Optional<BigDecimal> optional1 = Optional.of(BigDecimal.ONE);
 5   Optional<BigDecimal> optional2 = Optional.empty();
 6   // When
 7   Result<BigDecimal, Integer> result1 = Results.ofOptional(optional1, -1);
 8   Result<BigDecimal, Integer> result2 = Results.ofOptional(optional2, -1);
 9   // Then
10   assertTrue(result1::hasSuccess);
11   assertTrue(result2::hasFailure);
12 }

The second argument can be a Supplier too.

Results Based on Callables

Finally, if we have a task that may either return a success value or throw an exception, we can encapsulate it as a result using Results.ofCallable so we don’t need to use a try-catch block.

Figure 11. Results based on Callables
 1 String task1() {
 2   return "OK";
 3 }
 5 String task2() throws Exception {
 6   throw new Exception("Whoops!");
 7 }
 9 @Test
10 void testOfCallable() {
11   // When
12   Result<String, Exception> result1 = Results.ofCallable(this::task1);
13   Result<String, Exception> result2 = Results.ofCallable(this::task2);
14   // Then
15   assertTrue(result1::hasSuccess);
16   assertTrue(result2::hasFailure);
17 }

This method enables compatibility with legacy or third-party code that uses exceptions to indicate operation failure.


We’ve covered how to create new instances of Result using various factory methods provided by the Results class. Each method serves a specific purpose, allowing you to select the most suitable one based on the situation.

Basic Usage

How to solve simple use-case scenarios

In this section, we’ll cover foundational use cases, including checking the status of a result, unwrapping the value inside a result, and taking different actions based on success or failure.

No need for if blocks or early return statements when you can handle success and failure without any hassle.
Figure 12. No need for if blocks or early return statements when you can handle success and failure without any hassle.

These basics will help you handle errors more cleanly and efficiently without cluttering your code with try-catch blocks.

Checking Success or Failure

How to find out if the operation succeded or failed

As we discovered earlier, we can easily determine if a given Result instance is successful or not.

Checking Success

We can use hasSuccess to obtain a boolean value that represents whether a result is successful.

Figure 13. Checking success
1 @Test
2 void testHasSuccess() {
3   // When
4   boolean result1HasSuccess = success(1024).hasSuccess();
5   boolean result2HasSuccess = failure(1024).hasSuccess();
6   // Then
7   assertTrue(result1HasSuccess);
8   assertFalse(result2HasSuccess);
9 }

Checking Failure

We can also use hasFailure to find out if a result contains a failure value.

Figure 14. Checking failure
1 @Test
2 void testHasFailure() {
3   // When
4   boolean result1HasFailure = success(512).hasFailure();
5   boolean result2HasFailure = failure(512).hasFailure();
6   // Then
7   assertFalse(result1HasFailure);
8   assertTrue(result2HasFailure);
9 }


We discussed how to determine the state of a Result object using hasSuccess and hasFailure. These methods provide a straightforward way to identify the outcome of an operation, helping you make decisions based on the outcome.

Unwrapping Values

How to get values out of Result objects

In essence, a Result object is just a container that wraps a success or a failure value for us. Therefore, sometimes you are going to want to get that value out of the container.

As useful as this may seem, we will soon realize that we won’t be doing it very often.

Unwrapping Success

The most basic way to retrieve the success value wrapped inside a result is by using getSuccess. This method will return an optional success value, depending on whether the result was actually successful or not.

Figure 15. Unwrapping success
 1 @Test
 2 void testGetSuccess() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<?, ?> result1 = success("SUCCESS");
 5   Result<?, ?> result2 = failure("FAILURE");
 6   // Then
 7   Optional<?> success1 = result1.getSuccess();
 8   Optional<?> success2 = result2.getSuccess();
 9   // Then
10   assertEquals("SUCCESS", success1.get());
11   assertTrue(success2::isEmpty);
12 }

Unwrapping Failure

Similarly, we can use getFailure to obtain the failure value held by a Result object.

Figure 16. Unwrapping failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testGetFailure() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<?, ?> result1 = success("SUCCESS");
 5   Result<?, ?> result2 = failure("FAILURE");
 6   // Then
 7   Optional<?> failure1 = result1.getFailure();
 8   Optional<?> failure2 = result2.getFailure();
 9   // Then
10   assertTrue(failure1::isEmpty);
11   assertEquals("FAILURE", failure2.get());
12 }

Unlike Optional’s get, these methods are null-safe. However, in practice, we will not be using them frequently. Especially, since there are more convenient ways to get the success value out of a result.

Using Alternative Success

We can use orElse to provide an alternative success value that must be returned when the result is unsuccessful.

Figure 17. Using alternative success
 1 @Test
 2 void testGetOrElse() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<String, String> result1 = success("IDEAL");
 5   Result<String, String> result2 = failure("ERROR");
 6   String alternative = "OTHER";
 7   // When
 8   String value1 = result1.orElse(alternative);
 9   String value2 = result2.orElse(alternative);
10   // Then
11   assertEquals("IDEAL", value1);
12   assertEquals("OTHER", value2);
13 }

Note that alternative success values can be null.

Mapping Failure

The orElseMap method is similar to Optional’s orElseGet, but it takes a mapping Function instead of a Supplier. The function will receive the failure value to produce the alternative success value.

Figure 18. Mapping failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testGetOrElseMap() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<String, Integer> result1 = success("OK");
 5   Result<String, Integer> result2 = failure(1024);
 6   Result<String, Integer> result3 = failure(-256);
 7   Function<Integer, String> mapper = x -> x > 0 ? "HI" : "LO";
 8   // When
 9   String value1 = result1.orElseMap(mapper);
10   String value2 = result2.orElseMap(mapper);
11   String value3 = result3.orElseMap(mapper);
12   // Then
13   assertEquals("OK", value1);
14   assertEquals("HI", value2);
15   assertEquals("LO", value3);
16 }

Although probably not the best practice, the mapping function may return null.

Streaming Success or Failure

Finally, we can use streamSuccess and streamFailure to wrap the value held by an instance of Result into a possibly-empty Stream object.

Figure 19. Streaming success or failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testStreamSuccess() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<?, ?> result1 = success("Yes");
 5   Result<?, ?> result2 = failure("No");
 6   // When
 7   Stream<?> stream1 = result1.streamSuccess();
 8   Stream<?> stream2 = result2.streamSuccess();
 9   // Then
10   assertEquals("Yes", stream1.findFirst().orElse(null));
11   assertNull(stream2.findFirst().orElse(null));
12 }
14 @Test
15 void testStreamFailure() {
16   // Given
17   Result<?, ?> result1 = success("Yes");
18   Result<?, ?> result2 = failure("No");
19   // When
20   Stream<?> stream1 = result1.streamFailure();
21   Stream<?> stream2 = result2.streamFailure();
22   // Then
23   assertNull(stream1.findFirst().orElse(null));
24   assertEquals("No", stream2.findFirst().orElse(null));
25 }


We explored various ways to retrieve values from results. Using these methods you can efficiently access the underlying data within a Result object, whether it’s a success or a failure.

Conditional Actions

How to handle success and failure scenarios

We’ll now delve into a set of methods that allow you to take conditional actions based on the state of a result. They provide a cleaner and more expressive way to handle success and failure scenarios, eliminating the need for lengthy if/else blocks.

Handling Success

We can use ifSuccess to specify an action that must be executed if the result represents a successful outcome. This method takes a consumer function that will be applied to the success value wrapped by the result.

Figure 20. Handling success
 1 @Test
 2 void testIfSuccess() {
 3   // Given
 4   List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
 5   Result<Integer, String> result = success(100);
 6   // When
 7   result.ifSuccess(list::add);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals(100, list.getFirst());
10 }

In this example, ifSuccess ensures that the provided action (adding the success value to the list) is only executed if the parsing operation is successful.

Handling Failure

On the other hand, we can use ifFailure method to define an action that must be taken when the result represents a failure. This method also takes a Consumer that will be applied to the failure value inside the result.

Figure 21. Handling failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testIfFailure() {
 3   // Given
 4   List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
 5   Result<Integer, String> result = failure("ERROR");
 6   // When
 7   result.ifFailure(list::add);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals("ERROR", list.getFirst());
10 }

Here, ifFailure ensures that the provided action (adding the failure value to the list) is only executed if the parsing operation fails.

Handling Both Scenarios

Finally, ifSuccessOrElse allows you to specify two separate actions: one for when the operation succeeded and another for when it failed. This method takes two consumer functions: the first for handling the success case and the second for handling the failure case.

Figure 22. Handling both scenarios
 1 @Test
 2 void testIfSuccessOrElse() {
 3   // Given
 4   List<Object> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
 5   List<Object> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
 6   Result<Long, String> result1 = success(100L);
 7   Result<Long, String> result2 = failure("ERROR");
 8   // When
 9   result1.ifSuccessOrElse(list1::add, list1::add);
10   result2.ifSuccessOrElse(list2::add, list2::add);
11   // Then
12   assertEquals(100L, list1.getFirst());
13   assertEquals("ERROR", list2.getFirst());
14 }

In this example, ifSuccessOrElse simplifies conditional logic by providing a single method to handle both success and failure scenarios, making the code more concise and readable.


We explained how to handle success and failure scenarios using these three methods. They provide a powerful way to perform conditional actions based on the state of a Result, streamlining your error handling and making your code more readable and maintainable.

Advanced Usage

How to take Result objects to the next level

While understanding the basics provides a solid foundation, the true potential of result objects is unlocked through their functional capabilities. Mastering these techniques enables concise and readable error handling by leveraging the power of monadic composition.

An icon of a check

The most idiomatic approach to handling results involves screening them and applying various mapping and flat-mapping methods to transform and compose behavior.

Results can be filtered and transformed just like Java streams.
Figure 23. Results can be filtered and transformed just like Java streams.

This section will guide you through these powerful tools, demonstrating how to manipulate results effectively so you can craft more robust and maintainable Java applications.

Screening Results

How to reject success values and accept failure values

Screening mechanisms provide greater flexibility in handling edge cases and enable more robust error recovery strategies.

The following methods allow you to run inline tests on the wrapped value of a result to dynamically transform a success into a failure or a failure into a success.

Validating Success

The filter method allows you to transform a success into a failure based on certain conditions. It takes two parameters:

  1. A Predicate to determine if the success value is acceptable.
  2. A mapping Function that will produce a failure value if the value is deemed unacceptable.

This can be used to enforce additional validation constraints on success values.

Figure 24. Validating success
1 @Test
2 void testFilter() {
3   // Given
4   Result<Integer, String> result = success(1);
5   // When
6   Result<Integer, String> filtered = result.filter(x -> x % 2 == 0, x -> "It's odd");
7   // Then
8   assertTrue(filtered.hasFailure());
9 }

In this example, we use a lambda expression to validate that the success value inside result is even. Since the number is odd, it transforms the result into a failure.

An icon indicating this blurb contains a warning

Note that it is illegal for the mapping function to return null.

Recovering From Failure

The recover method allows you to transform a failure into a success based on certain conditions. It also receives two parameters:

  1. A Predicate to determine if the failure value is recoverable.
  2. A mapping Function that will produce a success value from the acceptable failure value.

This method is useful for implementing fallback mechanisms or recovery strategies, ensuring the application logic remains resilient and adaptable.

Figure 25. Recovering from failure
1 @Test
2 void testRecover() {
3   // Given
4   Result<Integer, String> result = failure("OK");
5   // When
6   Result<Integer, String> filtered = result.recover("OK"::equals, String::length);
7   // Then
8   assertTrue(filtered.hasSuccess());
9 }

In this example, we use method references to check if the failure value equals OK and then transform the result into a success.


We covered how to filter out unwanted success values and accept failure values using filter and recover. These methods enable you to refine results based on specific criteria, ensuring that only the relevant values are processed down the line.

Transforming Results

How to transform values wrapped inside Results

Transforming result objects is a key feature that enables you to compose complex operations in a clean and functional style. There are two primary techniques used for these transformations.

Mapping Results

Mapping involves applying a function to the value inside a result to produce a new result object.

Mapping Success Values

We can use mapSuccess to apply a function to the success value of a result, transforming it into a new success value. If the result is a failure, it remains unchanged.

Figure 26. Mapping success values
1 @Test
2 void testMapSuccess() {
3   // Given
4   Result<String, ?> result = success("HELLO");
5   // When
6   Result<Integer, ?> mapped = result.mapSuccess(String::length);
7   // Then
8   assertEquals(5, mapped.orElse(null));
9 }

In this example, we wrap a String inside a Result object and invoke mapSuccess to calculate its length and wrap it inside a new Result object.

Mapping Failure Values

Next up, we can use mapFailure to apply a function to the failure value, transforming it into a new one. If the result is a success, it remains unchanged.

Figure 27. Mapping failure values
1 @Test
2 void testMapFailure() {
3   // Given
4   Result<?, BigDecimal> result = failure(ONE);
5   // When
6   Result<?, Boolean> mapped = result.mapFailure(TWO::equals);
7   // Then
8   assertFalse(mapped.getFailure().orElse(null));
9 }

Here, we invoke mapFailure to transform the failure type of the result from String to Boolean for demonstration purposes.

Mapping Both Success and Failure

The map method simultaneously handles both success and failure cases by applying two separate functions: one for transforming the success value and one for transforming the failure value.

Figure 28. Mapping both success and failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testMap() {
 3   // Given
 4   Result<String, BigDecimal> result1 = success("HELLO");
 5   Result<String, BigDecimal> result2 = failure(ONE);
 6   // When
 7   Result<Integer, Boolean> mapped1 =, TWO::equals);
 8   Result<Integer, Boolean> mapped2 =, TWO::equals);
 9   // Then
10   assertEquals(5, mapped1.orElse(null));
11   assertFalse(mapped2.getFailure().orElse(null));
12 }

Flat-Mapping Results

Flat-mapping is used to chain operations that return results themselves, flattening the nested structures into a single result object. This allows you to transform a success into a failure, or a failure into a success.

To illustrate flat-mapping concepts, the next examples will follow a familiar “pet store” theme. This involves three Java types: Pet, PetError, and PetStore. These types will help us demonstrate the effective use of flat-mapping methods.

Figure 29. Flat-Mapping Results
 1 enum PetError {NOT_FOUND, NO_CONFIG}
 3 record Pet(long id, String name) {
 5   static final Pet DEFAULT = new Pet(0, "Default pet");
 6   static final Pet ROCKY = new Pet(1, "Rocky");
 7   static final Pet GARFIELD = new Pet(2, "Garfield");
 8 }
10 record PetStore(Pet... pets) {
12   PetStore() {
13     this(Pet.ROCKY, Pet.GARFIELD);
14   }
16   Result<Pet, PetError> find(long id) {
17     Optional<Pet> found = stream(pets).filter(pet -> == id).findAny();
18     return Results.ofOptional(found, NOT_FOUND);
19   }
21   Result<Pet, PetError> getDefaultPet(PetError error) {
22     return error == NO_CONFIG ? success(Pet.DEFAULT) : failure(error);
23   }
25   Result<Long, PetError> getDefaultPetId(PetError error) {
26     return getDefaultPet(error).mapSuccess(Pet::id);
27   }
28 }

With these types defined, we’ll explore how to use various flat-mapping methods to transform result objects and manage pet-related operations in our imaginary pet store.

Flat-Mapping Successful Results

Use flatMapSuccess to chain an operation that returns a result object. This method applies a mapping function to the success value, replacing the original result with the new one returned by the function. If the result is a failure, it remains unchanged.

Figure 30. Flat-Mapping successful Results
 1 @Test
 2 void testFlatMapSuccess() {
 3   // Given
 4   PetStore store = new PetStore();
 5   Result<Long, PetError> result = success(100L);
 6   // When
 7   Result<Pet, PetError> mapped = result.flatMapSuccess(store::find);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals(NOT_FOUND, mapped.getFailure().orElse(null));
10 }

This example starts with a successful result containing a wrong pet ID (not found in the pet store). When we flat-map it with the store’s find method reference, the final result contains a pet error.

Flat-Mapping Failed Results

Use flatMapFailure to chain a result-bearing operation. This method also replaces the original result with the new one returned by the mapping function. If the result is a success, it remains unchanged.

Figure 31. Flat-Mapping failed Results
 1 @Test
 2 void testFlatMapFailure() {
 3   // Given
 4   PetStore store = new PetStore();
 5   Result<Long, PetError> result = failure(NO_CONFIG);
 6   // When
 7   Result<Long, PetError> mapped = result.flatMapFailure(store::getDefaultPetId);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals(, mapped.orElse(null));
10 }

Here we start with a failed result containing a pet error. When we flat-map it with the store’s getDefaultPetId method reference, the final result contains the ID of the default pet in the store.

Flat-Mapping Both Success and Failure

The flatMap method handles both success and failure cases by applying the appropriate function based on the status of the original result.

Figure 32. Flat-Mapping both success and failure
 1 @Test
 2 void testFlatMap() {
 3   // Given
 4   PetStore store = new PetStore();
 5   Result<Long, PetError> result1 = success(100L);
 6   Result<Long, PetError> result2 = failure(NO_CONFIG);
 7   // When
 8   Result<Pet, PetError> mapped1 = result1.flatMap(store::find, store::getDefaultPet);
 9   Result<Pet, PetError> mapped2 = result2.flatMap(store::find, store::getDefaultPet);
10   // Then
11   assertEquals(NOT_FOUND, mapped1.getFailure().orElse(null));
12   assertEquals(Pet.DEFAULT, mapped2.orElse(null));
13 }

This example starts with a successful result containing a wrong pet ID (not found in the pet store). When we flat-map it with the store’s find method reference, the final result contains a pet error.

Here we start with a failed result containing a pet error. When we flat-map it with the store’s getDefaultPetId method reference, the final result contains the ID of the default pet in the store.


We demonstrated how to transform results in a concise and functional manner, enhancing the clarity and flexibility of your error-handling and data-processing logic.


Level up and lessons learned

Congratulations on reaching the end of this guide! By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to use results in your Java applications effectively. Here’s a brief recap of what you’ve learned:

  • Getting Started: You learned how to integrate result objects into your codebase and instantiate new ones.
  • Basic Usage: You explored foundational operations like checking statuses, unwrapping values, and executing conditional actions based on result status, enabling you to respond dynamically to success and failure scenarios.
  • Advanced Usage: You delved into more sophisticated techniques like screening results to transform successes and failures based on conditions, and leveraging mapping and flat-mapping methods to compose behaviors in a functional style.

For more details on the Result API, you can read the Javadoc reference documentation.

Next, we’ll introduce additional resources where you can further enhance your understanding and skills. Let’s continue expanding your knowledge!


Boosting results with enhanced capabilities

Add-ons are optional, yet powerful extensions to the Result library, designed to provide extra features that can be integrated on demand.

These small, focused libraries provide a modular approach to extending the core functionalities of Results without adding unnecessary complexity.

  • Lazy results allow us to defer expensive calculations until absolutely necessary.
  • Fluent assertions for Result allow us to write expressive tests using AssertJ.
  • The Jackson datatype module for Result allows us to serialize and deserialize results using Jackson.
  • The Micronaut serialization support for Result allows us to serialize and deserialize results using Micronaut.

Lazy Results

How to defer expensive calculations with Results

Lazy results optimize performance by deferring costly operations until absolutely necessary. They behave like regular results, but only execute the underlying operation when an actual check for success or failure is performed.

How to Use this Add-On

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result-lazy

Maven Central provides snippets for different build tools to declare this dependency.

Creating Lazy Results

We can use LazyResults.ofSupplier to create a lazy result.

Figure 33. Creating lazy Results
1 Supplier<Result<Integer, String>> supplier = () -> success(123);
2 Result<Integer, String> lazy = LazyResults.ofSupplier(supplier);

While suppliers can return a fixed success or failure, lazy results shine when they encapsulate time-consuming or resource-intensive operations.

Figure 34. Encapsulating expensive calculations
1 /* Represents the operation we may omit */
2 Result<Long, Exception> expensiveCalculation(AtomicLong timesExecuted) {
3   long counter = timesExecuted.incrementAndGet();
4   return success(counter);
5 }

This sample method simply increments and returns a counter for brevity. However, in a typical scenario, this would involve an I/O operation.

Skipping Expensive Calculations

The advantage of lazy results is that they defer invoking the provided Supplier for as long as possible. Despite this, you can screen and transform them like any other result without losing their laziness.

Figure 35. Skipping expensive calculations
 1 @Test
 2 void shouldSkipExpensiveCalculation() {
 3   AtomicLong timesExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 4   // Given
 5   Result<Long, Exception> lazy = LazyResults
 6       .ofSupplier(() -> expensiveCalculation(timesExecuted));
 7   // When
 8   Result<String, Exception> transformed = lazy.mapSuccess(Object::toString);
 9   // Then
10   assertNotNull(transformed);
11   assertEquals(0L, timesExecuted.get());
12 }

In this example, the expensive calculation is omitted because the lazy result is never fully evaluated. This test demonstrates that a lazy result can be transformed while maintaining laziness, ensuring that the expensive calculation is deferred.

Triggering Result Evaluation

Finally, when it’s time to check whether the operation succeeds or fails, the lazy result will execute it. This is triggered by using any of the terminal methods, such as hasSuccess.

Figure 36. Triggering Result evaluation
 1 @Test
 2 void shouldExecuteExpensiveCalculation() {
 3   AtomicLong timesExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 4   // Given
 5   Result<Long, Exception> lazy = LazyResults
 6       .ofSupplier(() -> expensiveCalculation(timesExecuted));
 7   // When
 8   Result<String, Exception> transformed = lazy.mapSuccess(Object::toString);
 9   boolean success = transformed.hasSuccess();
10   // Then
11   assertTrue(success);
12   assertEquals(1L, timesExecuted.get());
13 }

Here, the expensive calculation is executed because the lazy result is finally evaluated.

Handling Success and Failure Eagerly

By default, ifSuccess, ifFailure, and ifSuccessOrElse are treated as terminal methods. This means they eagerly evaluate the result and then perform an action based on its status.

Figure 37. Handling success and failure eagerly
 1 @Test
 2 void shouldHandleSuccessEagerly() {
 3   AtomicLong timesExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 4   AtomicLong consumerExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 5   Consumer<Long> consumer = x -> consumerExecuted.incrementAndGet();
 6   // Given
 7   Result<Long, Exception> lazy = LazyResults
 8       .ofSupplier(() -> expensiveCalculation(timesExecuted));
 9   // When
10   lazy.ifSuccess(consumer);
11   // Then
12   assertEquals(1L, timesExecuted.get());
13   assertEquals(1L, consumerExecuted.get());
14 }

In this test, we don’t explicitly unwrap the value or check the status, but since we want to consume the success value, we need to evaluate the lazy result first.

Furthermore, even if we wanted to handle the failure scenario, we would still need to evaluate the lazy result.

Figure 38. Handling success and failure eagerly
 1 @Test
 2 void shouldHandleFailureEagerly() {
 3   AtomicLong timesExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 4   AtomicLong consumerExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 5   Consumer<Exception> consumer = x -> consumerExecuted.incrementAndGet();
 6   // Given
 7   Result<Long, Exception> lazy = LazyResults
 8       .ofSupplier(() -> expensiveCalculation(timesExecuted));
 9   // When
10   lazy.ifFailure(consumer);
11   // Then
12   assertEquals(1L, timesExecuted.get());
13   assertEquals(0L, consumerExecuted.get());
14 }

In this other test, we use ifFailure instead of ifSuccess. Since the lazy result is evaluated to a success, the failure consumer is never executed.

Handling Success and Failure Lazily

When these conditional actions may also be skipped along with the expensive calculation, we can encapsulate them into a LazyConsumer instead of a regular Consumer. All we need to do is to create the consumer using LazyConsumer.of. Lazy consumers will preserve the laziness until a terminal method is eventually used on the result.

Figure 39. Handling success and failure lazily
 1 @Test
 2 void shouldHandleSuccessLazily() {
 3   AtomicLong timesExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 4   AtomicLong consumerExecuted = new AtomicLong();
 5   Consumer<Long> consumer = LazyConsumer
 6       .of(x -> consumerExecuted.incrementAndGet());
 7   // Given
 8   Result<Long, Exception> lazy = LazyResults
 9       .ofSupplier(() -> expensiveCalculation(timesExecuted));
10   // When
11   lazy.ifSuccess(consumer);
12   // Then
13   assertEquals(0L, timesExecuted.get());
14   assertEquals(0L, consumerExecuted.get());
15 }

Here, we use a lazy consumer with ifSuccess so the expensive calculation is skipped because the lazy result is never fully evaluated.


We learned how to defer expensive calculations until absolutely necessary. By leveraging lazy results, you can optimize performance by avoiding unnecessary computations and only evaluating the operation’s outcome when needed.

Fluent Assertions

How to assert Result objects fluently

You can use fluent assertions for Result objects to enhance the readability and expressiveness of your unit tests. These assertions are based on AssertJ, an open-source Java library that offers a fluent API for writing assertions in test cases.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

AssertJ features a comprehensive and intuitive set of strongly-typed assertions for unit testing. It is a popular choice among Java developers due to its effective features and compatibility with various testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG.

How to Use this Add-On

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result-assertj

Maven Central provides snippets for different build tools to declare this dependency.

Asserting Result Objects

You can use ResultAssertions.assertThat in your tests to create fluent assertions for result objects.

Figure 40. Asserting Result objects
 1 import static com.leakyabstractions.result.assertj.ResultAssertions.assertThat;
 3 @Test
 4 void testAssertThat() {
 5   // When
 6   final Result<Integer, String> result = success(0);
 7   // Then
 8   assertThat(0).isZero();
 9   assertThat(result).hasSuccess(0);
10 }

If, for any reason, you cannot statically import assertThat, you can use ResultAssert.assertThatResult instead.

Figure 41. Using alternative static import
 1 import static com.leakyabstractions.result.assertj.ResultAssert.assertThatResult;
 2 import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
 4 @Test
 5 void testAssertThatResult() {
 6   // When
 7   final Result<Integer, String> result = success(0);
 8   // Then
 9   assertThat(0).isZero();
10   assertThatResult(result).hasSuccess(0);
11 }


We covered how to use fluent assertions for Results. This approach allows you to write clear and expressive tests, enhancing the maintainability of your unit tests while ensuring that Result objects behave as expected.

Jackson Module

How to serialize Result objects with Jackson

When using Result objects with Jackson we might run into some problems. The Jackson datatype module for Result solves them by making Jackson treat results as if they were ordinary objects.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

Jackson is a Java library for JSON parsing and generation. It is widely used for converting Java objects to JSON and vice versa, making it essential for handling data in web services and RESTful APIs.

How to Use this Add-On

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result-jackson

Maven Central provides snippets for different build tools to declare this dependency.

Test Scenario

Let’s start by creating a class ApiResponse containing one ordinary and one Result field.

Figure 42. Test Scenario
1 public class ApiResponse {
3   @JsonProperty String version;
4   @JsonProperty Result<String, String> result;
6   // Constructors, getters and setters omitted
7 }

Problem Overview

Then we will take a look at what happens when we try to serialize and deserialize ApiResponse objects.

Serialization Problem

Now, let’s instantiate an ApiResponse object.

Figure 43. Serialization problem
1 ApiResponse response = new ApiResponse();
2 response.setVersion("v1");
3 response.setResult(success("Perfect"));

And finally, let’s try serializing it using an object mapper.

Figure 44. Using an object mapper
1 ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
2 String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response);

We’ll see that now we get an InvalidDefinitionException.

Figure 45. Invalid definition exception
Java 8 optional type `java.util.Optional<java.lang.String>` not supported by default:
add Module "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jdk8" to enable handling

While this may look strange, it’s the expected behavior. When Jackson examined the result object, it invoked getSuccess and received an optional string value. But Jackson will not handle JDK 8 datatypes like Optional unless you register the appropriate modules.

Figure 46. Testing serialization problem
 1 @Test
 2 void testSerializationProblem() {
 3   // Given
 4   ApiResponse response = new ApiResponse("v1", success("Perfect"));
 5   // Then
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
 7   InvalidDefinitionException error = assertThrows(InvalidDefinitionException.class,
 8       () -> objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response));
 9   assertTrue(error.getMessage().startsWith(
10       "Java 8 optional type `java.util.Optional<java.lang.String>` not supported"));
11 }

This is Jackson’s default serialization behavior. But we’d like to serialize the result field like this:

Figure 47. Expected serialization
  "version": "v1",
  "result": {
    "failure": null,
    "success": "Perfect"

Deserialization Problem

Now, let’s reverse our previous example, this time trying to deserialize a JSON object into an ApiResponse.

Figure 48. Deserialization problem
1 String json = "{\"version\":\"v2\",\"result\":{\"success\":\"OK\"}}";
2 ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
3 objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiResponse.class);

We’ll see that we get another InvalidDefinitionException. Let’s inspect the stack trace.

Figure 49. Invalid definition exception
Cannot construct instance of `com.leakyabstractions.result.api.Result`
 (no Creators, like default constructor, exist):
 abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types,
 have custom deserializer, or contain additional type information

This behavior again makes sense. Essentially, Jackson cannot create new result objects because Result is an interface, not a concrete type.

Figure 50. Testing deserialization problem
 1 @Test
 2 void testDeserializationProblem() {
 3   // Given
 4   String json = "{\"version\":\"v2\",\"result\":{\"success\":\"OK\"}}";
 5   // Then
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
 7   InvalidDefinitionException error = assertThrows(InvalidDefinitionException.class,
 8       () -> objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiResponse.class));
 9   assertTrue(error.getMessage().startsWith(
10       "Cannot construct instance of `com.leakyabstractions.result.api.Result`"));
11 }

Solution Implementation

What we want, is for Jackson to treat Result values as JSON objects that contain either a success or a failure value. Fortunately, there’s a Jackson module that can solve this problem.

Registering the Jackson Datatype Module for Result

Once we have added Result-Jackson as a dependency, all we need to do is register ResultModule with our object mapper.

Figure 51. Registering the Jackson datatype module for Result
1 ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
2 objectMapper.registerModule(new ResultModule());

Alternatively, you can also make Jackson auto-discover the module.

Figure 52. Auto-discovering the module
1 objectMapper.findAndRegisterModules();

Regardless of the chosen registration mechanism, once the module is registered all functionality is available for all normal Jackson operations.

Serializing Results

Now, let’s try and serialize our ApiResponse object again:

Figure 53. Serializing a successful Result
 1 @Test
 2 void serializeSuccessfulResult() throws Exception {
 3   // Given
 4   ApiResponse response = new ApiResponse("v3", success("All good"));
 5   // When
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
 7   objectMapper.registerModule(new ResultModule());
 8   String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response);
 9   // Then
10   assertTrue(json.contains("v3"));
11   assertTrue(json.contains("All good"));
12 }

If we look at the serialized response, we’ll see that this time the result field contains a null failure value and a non-null success value:

Figure 54. Actual serialization
  "version": "v3",
  "result": {
    "failure": null,
    "success": "All good"

Next, we can try serializing a failed result.

Figure 55. Serializing a failed Result
 1 @Test
 2 void serializeFailedResult() throws Exception {
 3   // Given
 4   ApiResponse response = new ApiResponse("v4", failure("Oops"));
 5   // When
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
 7   objectMapper.findAndRegisterModules();
 8   String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response);
 9   // Then
10   assertTrue(json.contains("v4"));
11   assertTrue(json.contains("Oops"));
12 } // End

We can verify that the serialized response contains a non-null failure value and a null success value.

Figure 56. Actual serialization
  "version": "v4",
  "result": {
    "failure": "Oops",
    "success": null

Deserializing Results

Now, let’s repeat our tests for deserialization. If we read our ApiResponse again, we’ll see that we no longer get an InvalidDefinitionException.

Figure 57. Deserializing a successful Result
 1 @Test
 2 void deserializeSuccessfulResult() throws Exception {
 3   // Given
 4   String json = "{\"version\":\"v5\",\"result\":{\"success\":\"Yay\"}}";
 5   // When
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();
 7   ApiResponse response = objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiResponse.class);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals("v5", response.getVersion());
10   assertEquals("Yay", response.getResult().orElse(null));
11 }

Finally, let’s repeat the test again, this time with a failed result. We’ll see that yet again we don’t get an exception, and in fact, have a failed result.

Figure 58. Deserializing a failed Result
 1 @Test
 2 void deserializeFailedResult() throws Exception {
 3   // Given
 4   String json = "{\"version\":\"v6\",\"result\":{\"failure\":\"Nay\"}}";
 5   // When
 6   ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();
 7   ApiResponse response = objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiResponse.class);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals("v6", response.getVersion());
10   assertEquals("Nay", response.getResult().getFailure().orElse(null));
11 }


We learned how to serialize and deserialize Result objects using Jackson, demonstrating how the provided datatype module enables Jackson to treat Results as ordinary objects.

Micronaut Serialization

How to serialize Result objects with Micronaut

When using Result objects with Micronaut, we might run into some problems. The Micronaut serialization support for Result solves them by making Micronaut treat results as Serdeable (so they can be serialized and deserialized).

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based framework for building lightweight microservices and serverless applications. It focuses on fast startup times and low memory usage. Although not as widely adopted as Spring Boot, it has gained popularity for its performance and innovative features.

How to Use this Add-On

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result-micronaut-serde

Maven Central provides snippets for different build tools to declare this dependency.

Test Scenario

Let’s start by creating a record ApiOperation containing one ordinary and one Result field.

Figure 59. Test Scenario
1 /** Represents an API operation */
2 @Serdeable
3 public record ApiOperation(String name, Result<String, String> result) {
4 }

Problem Overview

We will take a look at what happens when we try to serialize and deserialize ApiOperation objects with Micronaut.

Serialization Problem

Now, let’s create a Micronaut controller that returns an instance of ApiOperation containing a successful result.

Figure 60. Serialization problem
1 @Controller("/operations")
2 public class ApiController {
4     @Get("/last")
5     ApiOperation lastOperation() {
6         return new ApiOperation("setup", Results.success("Perfect"));
7     }
8 }

And finally, let’s run the application and try the /operations/last endpoint we just created.

Figure 61. Running the application
curl 'http://localhost:8080/operations/last'

We’ll see that we get a Micronaut CodecException caused by a SerdeException.

Figure 62. Serde exception
No serializable introspection present for type Success.
 Consider adding Serdeable. Serializable annotate to type Success.
 Alternatively if you are not in control of the project's source code,
 you can use @SerdeImport(Success.class) to enable serialization of this type.

Although this may look strange, it’s actually what we should expect. Even though we annotated ApiOperation as @Serdeable, Micronaut doesn’t know how to serialize result objects yet, so the data structure cannot be serialized.

Figure 63. Testing serialization problem
 1 @Test
 2 void testSerializationProblem(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
 3   // Given
 4   ApiOperation op = new ApiOperation("setup", success("Perfect"));
 5   // Then
 6   SerdeException error = assertThrows(SerdeException.class,
 7       () -> objectMapper.writeValueAsString(op));
 8   assertTrue(error.getMessage().startsWith(
 9       "No serializable introspection present for type Success."));
10 }

This is Micronaut’s default serialization behavior. But we’d like to serialize the result field like this:

Figure 64. Expected serialization
  "name": "setup",
  "result": {
    "failure": null,
    "success": "Perfect"

Deserialization Problem

Now, let’s reverse our previous example, this time trying to receive an ApiOperation as the body of a POST request.

Figure 65. Deserialization problem
 1 @Controller("/operations")
 2 public class ApiController {
 4     @Post("/notify")
 5     Map<String, String> notify(@Body ApiOperation op) {
 6         return op.result()
 7                 .mapSuccess(s -> Map.of("message", + " succeeded: " + s))
 8                 .orElseMap(f -> Map.of("error", + " failed: " + f));
 9     }
10 }

We’ll see that now we get an IntrospectionException. Let’s inspect the stack trace.

Figure 66. Introspection exception
No bean introspection available for type
 [interface com.leakyabstractions.result.api.Result].
 Ensure the class is annotated with

This behavior again makes sense. Essentially, Micronaut cannot create new result objects, because Result is not annotated as @Introspected or @Serdeable.

Figure 67. Testing deserialization problem
 1 @Test
 2 void testDeserializationProblem(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
 3   // Given
 4   String json = """
 5       {"name":"renew","result":{"success":"OK"}}""";
 6   // Then
 7   IntrospectionException error = assertThrows(IntrospectionException.class,
 8       () -> objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiOperation.class));
 9   String errorMessage = error.getMessage(); // Extract error message
10   // Verify error message
11   assertTrue(errorMessage.startsWith("No bean introspection available " +
12       "for type [interface com.leakyabstractions.result.api.Result]."));
13 } // End

Solution Implementation

What we want, is for Micronaut to treat Result values as JSON objects that contain either a success or a failure value. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to solve this problem.

Adding the Serde Imports to the Classpath

All we need to do now is add Result-Micronaut-Serde as a Maven dependency. Once the @SerdeImport is in the classpath, all functionality is available for all normal Micronaut operations.

Serializing Results

Now, let’s try and serialize our ApiOperation object again.

Figure 68. Serializing a successful Result
 1 @Test
 2 void serializeSuccessfulResult(ObjectMapper objectMapper)
 3     throws IOException {
 4   // Given
 5   ApiOperation op = new ApiOperation("clean", success("All good"));
 6   // When
 7   String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(op);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals("""
10       {"name":"clean","result":{"success":"All good"}}""", json);
11 }

If we look at the serialized response, we’ll see that this time the result field contains a success field.

Figure 69. Actual serialization
  "name": "clean",
  "result": {
    "failure": null,
    "success": "All good"

Next, we can try serializing a failed result.

Figure 70. Serializing a failed Result
 1 @Test
 2 void serializeFailedResult(ObjectMapper objectMapper)
 3     throws IOException {
 4   // Given
 5   ApiOperation op = new ApiOperation("build", failure("Oops"));
 6   // When
 7   String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(op);
 8   // Then
 9   assertEquals("""
10       {"name":"build","result":{"failure":"Oops"}}""", json);
11 }

We can verify that the serialized response contains a non-null failure value and a null success value:

Figure 71. Actual serialization
  "name": "build",
  "result": {
    "failure": "Oops",
    "success": null

Deserializing Results

Now, let’s repeat our tests for deserialization. If we read our ApiOperation again, we’ll see that we no longer get an IntrospectionException.

Figure 72. Deserializing a successful Result
 1 @Test
 2 void deserializeSuccessfulResult(ObjectMapper objectMapper)
 3     throws IOException {
 4   // Given
 5   String json = """
 6       {"name":"check","result":{"success":"Yay"}}""";
 7   // When
 8   ApiOperation response = objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiOperation.class);
 9   // Then
10   assertEquals("check",;
11   assertEquals("Yay", response.result().orElse(null));
12 }

Finally, let’s repeat the test again, this time with a failed result. We’ll see that yet again we don’t get an exception, and in fact, have a failed result.

Figure 73. Deserializing a failed Result
 1 @Test
 2 void deserializeFailedResult(ObjectMapper objectMapper)
 3     throws IOException {
 4   // Given
 5   String json = """
 6       {"name":"start","result":{"failure":"Nay"}}""";
 7   // When
 8   ApiOperation response = objectMapper.readValue(json, ApiOperation.class);
 9   // Then
10   assertEquals("start",;
11   assertEquals("Nay", response.result().getFailure().orElse(null));
12 }


We learned how to serialize and deserialize Result objects using Micronaut, demonstrating how the provided @SerdeImport enables Micronaut to treat Results as Serdeable objects.

Other Resources

Supplementary materials and guidance

Finally, we’ll explore an assortment of resources, designed to provide further context and support for working with the Result library.

Topics include hassle-free dependency management, performance benchmarks, demo projects that demonstrate integration with popular frameworks, and details on the library’s licensing terms.

Bill of Materials

How to declare dependencies without having to worry about version numbers

Tracking multiple add-on versions for your project can quickly become cumbersome. In that situation, you can use the convenient Result Library Bill of Materials to centralize and align their versions. This ensures compatibility and simplifies dependency maintenance.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

Maven’s Bill of Materials POMs are special POM files that group dependency versions known to be valid and tested to work together, reducing the chances of having version mismatches.

The basic idea is that instead of specifying a version number for each Result library in your project, you can use this BOM to get a complete set of consistent versions.

How to Use this Add-On

Add this Maven dependency to your build:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
com.leakyabstractions result-bom

You can find the latest version of the BOM in Maven Central.


To import the BOM using Maven, use the following:

Figure 74. Importing the BOM using Maven
<!-- Import the BOM -->

<!-- Define dependencies without version numbers -->


To import the BOM using Gradle, use the following:

Figure 75. Importing the BOM using Gradle
dependencies {
  // Import the BOM
  implementation platform("com.leakyabstractions:result-bom:")

  // Define dependencies without version numbers


We discussed the benefits of using the Bill of Materials for managing dependencies in your project. With the BOM, you can eliminate the hassle of manually specifying version numbers, ensuring consistency and compatibility across all Result libraries.


Measuring performance to find out how fast Results are

Throughout these guides, we have mentioned that throwing Java exceptions is slow. But… how slow? According to our benchmarks, throwing an exception is several orders of magnitude slower than returning a failed result. This proves that using exceptional logic just to control normal program flow is a bad idea.

We should throw exceptions sparingly, even more so when developing performance-critical applications.

Benchmarking Result Library

This library comes with a set of benchmarks that compare performance when using results versus when using exceptions.

Simple Scenarios

The first scenarios compare the most basic usage: a method that returns a String or fails, depending on a given int parameter:

Using Exceptions
Figure 76. Using exceptions
1 public String usingExceptions(int number) throws SimpleException {
2   if (number < 0) throw new SimpleException(number);
3   return "ok";
4 }
Using Results
Figure 77. Using Results
1 public Result<String, SimpleFailure> usingResults(int number) {
2   if (number < 0) return Results.failure(new SimpleFailure(number));
3   return Results.success("ok");
4 }

Complex Scenarios

The next scenarios do something a little bit more elaborate: a method invokes the previous method to retrieve a String; if successful, then converts it to upper case; otherwise transforms the “simple” error into a “complex” error.

Using Exceptions
Figure 78. Using exceptions
1 public String usingExceptions(int number) throws ComplexException {
2   try {
3     return simple.usingExceptions(number).toUpperCase();
4   } catch (SimpleException e) {
5     throw new ComplexException(e);
6   }
7 }
Using Results
Figure 79. Using Results
1 public Result<String, ComplexFailure> usingResults(int number) {
2   return simple.usingResults(number).map(String::toUpperCase, ComplexFailure::new);
3 }


We provided insights into the Result library’s performance through benchmarking. While our metrics corroborate that most codebases could benefit from using this library instead of throwing exceptions, its main goal is to help promote best practices and implement proper error handling.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information

To address performance concerns, benchmark your applications to gain reusable insights. These should guide your decisions on selecting frameworks and libraries.

Demo Projects

Check out some REST APIs that consume and produce Result objects

To help you become familiar with this library, you can explore two demo projects that showcase how to handle and serialize Result objects within popular frameworks like Spring Boot and Micronaut. Each project provides a working example of a “pet store” web service that exposes a REST API for managing pets. They are based on Swagger Petstore Sample and you can interact with them using Swagger-UI.

An icon indicating this blurb contains information
  • Spring Boot is a widely-used, JVM-based framework designed to simplify the development of stand-alone, production-ready Spring applications. It emphasizes convention over configuration, allowing developers to get started quickly with minimal setup. Known for its extensive ecosystem and robust community support, Spring Boot streamlines the creation of microservices and enterprise applications, leveraging the powerful Spring Framework while minimizing boilerplate code.
  • Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based framework for building lightweight microservices and serverless applications. It focuses on fast startup times and low memory usage. Although not as widely adopted as Spring Boot, it has gained popularity for its performance and innovative features.

These projects illustrate how to develop powerful APIs using Result objects. Follow the examples to create resilient web services that elegantly handle success and failure scenarios.

Spring Boot Demo Project

Take a look at a Spring Boot-based REST API leveraging Result objects

This demo project demonstrates how to handle and serialize Result objects within a Spring Boot application. It provides a working example of a “pet store” web service that exposes a REST API for managing pets.

Generating the Project

The project was generated via Spring Initializr including features: web and cloud-feign.

Adding Serialization Support

Then Jackson datatype module for Result objects was manually added as a dependency to serialize and deserialize Result objects.

Figure 80. build.gradle
dependencies {
  // ...
  implementation platform('com.leakyabstractions:result-bom:')
  implementation 'com.leakyabstractions:result'
  implementation 'com.leakyabstractions:result-jackson'

We use a @Bean to register the datatype module.

Figure 81.
1 @Configuration
2 public class JacksonConfig {
3   @Bean
4   public Module registerResultModule() {
5     return new ResultModule();
6   }
7 }

API Responses

API responses contain a Result field, encapsulating the outcome of the requested operation.

Figure 82.
1 public class ApiResponse<S> {
3   @JsonProperty String version;
4   @JsonProperty Instant generatedOn;
5   @JsonProperty Result<S, ApiError> result;
6 }

Results have different success types, depending on the specific endpoint. Failures will be encapsulated as instances of ApiError.


Controllers return instances of ApiResponse that will be serialized to JSON by Spring Boot.

 1 @RestController
 2 public class PetController {
 3   // ...
 4   @GetMapping("/pet")
 5   ApiResponse<Collection<Pet>> list(@RequestHeader("X-Type") RepositoryType type) {
 6"List all pets in {} pet store", type);
 7     return response(locate(type)
 8       .flatMapSuccess(PetRepository::listPets)
 9       .ifSuccess(x ->"Listed {} pet(s) in {}", x.size(), type))
10       .ifFailure(this::logError));
11   }
12 }

Since failures are expressed as ApiError objects, endpoints invariably return HTTP status 200.

Running the Application

The application can be built and run with Gradle.

Figure 83. Running the application
./gradlew bootRun

This will start a stand-alone server on port 8080.

Testing the Server

Once started, you can interact with the API.

Figure 84. Testing the server
curl -s -H 'x-type: local' http://localhost:8080/pet/0

You should see a JSON response like this:

Figure 85. JSON response
  "version": "1.0",
  "result": {
      "id": 0,
      "name": "Rocky",
      "status": "AVAILABLE"

Using Swagger-UI

You can navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to inspect the API using an interactive UI

Micronaut Demo Project

Take a look at a Micronaut-based REST API leveraging Result objects

This demo project demonstrates how to handle and serialize Result objects within a Micronaut application. It provides a working example of a “pet store” web service that exposes a REST API for managing pets.

Generating the Project

The project was generated via Micronaut Launch including features: annotation-api, http-client, openapi, serialization-jackson, swagger-ui, toml, and validation.

Adding Serialization Support

Then Micronaut Serialization for Result objects was manually added as a dependency to serialize and deserialize Result objects.

Figure 86. build.gradle
1 dependencies {
2     // ...
3     implementation(platform("com.leakyabstractions:result-bom:"))
4     implementation("com.leakyabstractions:result")
5     implementation("com.leakyabstractions:result-micronaut-serde")
6 }

That’s all we need to do to make Micronaut treat results as Serdeable.

API Responses

API responses contain a Result field, encapsulating the outcome of the requested operation.

Figure 87.
1 @Serdeable
2 public class ApiResponse<S> {
4   @JsonProperty String version;
5   @JsonProperty Instant generatedOn;
6   @JsonProperty Result<S, ApiError> result;
7 }

Results have different success types, depending on the specific endpoint. Failures will be encapsulated as instances of ApiError.


Controllers return instances of ApiResponse that will be serialized to JSON by Micronaut:

Figure 88.
 1 @Controller
 2 public class PetController {
 3   // ...
 4   @Get("/pet")
 5   ApiResponse<Collection<Pet>> list(@Header("X-Type") RepositoryType type) {
 6"List all pets in {} pet store", type);
 7     return response(locate(type)
 8         .flatMapSuccess(PetRepository::listPets)
 9         .ifSuccess(x ->"Listed {} pet(s) in {}", x.size(), type))
10         .ifFailure(this::logError));
11   }
12 }

Since failures are expressed as ApiError objects, endpoints invariably return HTTP status 200.

Running the Application

The application can be built and run with Gradle.

Figure 89. Running the application
./gradlew run

This will start a stand-alone server on port 8080.

Testing the Server

Once started, you can interact with the API.

Figure 90. Testing the server
curl -s -H 'x-type: local' http://localhost:8080/pet/0

You should see a JSON response like this:

Figure 91. JSON response
  "version": "1.0",
  "result": {
      "id": 0,
      "name": "Rocky",
      "status": "AVAILABLE"

Using Swagger-UI

You can navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to inspect the API using an interactive UI.


Feel free to tweak and share — no strings attached

This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use it except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Commercial Use: You may use this library and derivatives for commercial purposes.
  • Modification: You may modify this library.
  • Distribution: You may distribute this library.
  • Patent Use: This license provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors.
  • Private Use: You may use and modify this library without distributing it.
  • License and Copyright Notice: If you distribute this library you must include a copy of the license and copyright notice.
  • State Changes: If you modify and distribute this library you must document changes made to this library.
  • Trademark use: This license does not grant any trademark rights.
  • Liability: The library author cannot be held liable for damages.
  • Warranty: This library is provided without any warranty.