Reintroducing React
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Reintroducing React

Modern React with Every React Update Since v16 Demystified (includes advanced hooks)

About the Book

I wrote my first React application 3 to 4 years ago. Between then and now, the fundamental principles of React have remained the same. React is just as declarative and component-based today as it was then. 

That’s great news, however, the way we write React applications today has changed! 

There’s been a lot of new additions (and well, removals).

If you learned React a while back it’s not impossible that you haven’t been up to date with every new feature/release. It’s also possible to get lost on all the new features. Where exactly do you start? How important are they for your day to day use? 

Modern React has new interesting features that are worth your attention. It’s best to know those now, and not have to unlearn and relearn newer concepts. 

Whether you’ve been writing React for a while, or new to developing React applications, I will be discussing **every** update to React since version 16.

This will keep you in sync with the recent changes to React, and help you write better software. 

Remember, a reintroduction to React is important for not just beginners, but professionals alike. It all depends on how well you’ve kept your ear to the ground, and really studied the many changes that have been released over the last 12 months. 

On the bright side, I’m bringing you a one-stop reference to all the changes. From the new lifecycle methods to advanced hooks and reusable component patterns with hooks.

In this book, I’ll take you on a journey — alongside some humour and unique content to follow. 

The question is, are you ready to go on this journey with me? 

Got questions? Drop me a line at:


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About the Author

Ohans Emmanuel
Ohans Emmanuel

Ohans Emmanuel has been building complex Javascript front ends for companies all over the world. With the ability to demystify complex subjects, Ohans has been helping engineers build their careers in software development for years. Having authored over 5 books, he's always stoked to share the knowledge he has gained with other software engineers.

Table of Contents



Why Comic Strips ? 

Why Reintroduce React ? 

What’s Changed since version 16? 

Chapter 1: New Lifecycle Methods.

What’s Lifecycle Anyway.

Lifecycle Methods.

static getDerivedStateFromProps. 


The Error Handling Lifecycle Methods.

static getDerivedStateFromError.



Chapter 2: Simpler State Management with the Context API. 

Introduction to Context.

Example: The Mini-Bank Application.

Identifying Props being Drilled.

Avoid Props Drilling with Context.

Isolating Implementation Details.

Updating Context Values. 


Chapter 3: ContextType — Using Context without a Consumer. 

Using a Class Component with contextType.

The Perfect Solution? 


Chapter 4: React.memo === Functional PureComponent.

How React.memo works. 

Handling Deeply Nested Props. 


Chapter 5: The Profiler — Identifying Performance Bottlenecks.

Measuring Performance in React Apps. 

Getting Started. 

How does the Profiler Work?

Making Sense of the Profiler Results. 

The Flame Chart. 

The Ranked Chart. 

Component Chart. 


Example: Identifying Performance BottleNecks in the Bank Application.

Noting the Expected Behaviour.

Interpreting the Flame chart.

Profile Different Interactions. 

The Provider Value. 


Chapter 6: Lazy Loading with React.Lazy and Suspense.

What is Lazy Loading? 

Using React.lazy and Suspense. 

Handling Errors. 

No named exports.

Code splitting routes.

Example: Adding Lazy Loading to the Bank App. 


Chapter 7: Hooks — Building Simpler React Apps.

Introducing Hooks. 

The Candy Bowl.

The State Hook. 

Multiple useState calls.

Object as Initial Values 

The Effect Hook.

Passing Array Dependencies.

Build Your own Hooks

The Rules of Hooks

Advanced Hooks

Chapter 8: Advanced React Patterns with Hooks 


Why Advanced Patterns? 

Compound Components Pattern

Example: Building an Expanding Component. 

Designing the API 

Building the Expandable Component 

Building the Compound Child Components 

Manageable Styling for Reusable Components 

Building a Custom Hook 

Props Collection 

Prop Getters 

State Initializers 

State Reducer 

Control Props 


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