Realizing 3D Animation in Blender
Realizing 3D Animation in Blender
Master the fundamentals of 3D animation in Blender, from keyframing to character movement
About the Book
Completely free and open source, Blender, with its supportive community and powerful feature set, is an indispensable tool for creating 3D animations. However, learning the software can be a challenge given the complexity of its interface and the intricacies of animation theory. If you want to venture into 3D animation but don’t know where to start, Realizing 3D Animation in Blender is for you. Adopting a practical approach, this guide simplifies the theory of 3D animation and the many animation workflows specific to Blender. Through detailed exercises and a sharp focus on the animation process, this book equips you with everything you need to set out on your path to becoming a 3D animator. It’s much more than just an introduction; this book covers complex concepts such as F-Curve modifiers, rigid-body physics simulation, and animating with multiple cameras, presented in an easy-to-follow manner to avoid common pitfalls encountered by novice animators. By the end of this Blender 3D animation book, you’ll have gained the knowledge, experience, and inspiration to start creating impressive 3D animations on your own.
Table of Contents
- Basic Keyframes in the Timeline
- The Graph Editor
- Bezier Keyframes
- Looking into Object Relationships
- Rendering an Animation
- Linking and Posing a Character
- Basic Character Animation
- The Walk Cycle
- Sound and Lip-Syncing
- Prop Interaction with Dynamic Constraints
- F-Curve Modifiers
- Rigid Body Physics
- Animating with Multiple Cameras
- Nonlinear Animation
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