Reactivity in Vue.js ( Vue )
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Reactivity in Vue.js ( Vue )

Vue. The Progressive JavaScript Framework

About the Book

Vue.js stands out as an innovative and efficient framework, celebrated for its declarative rendering and robust reactivity system. While declarative rendering simplifies UI state definition, Vue.js's reactivity system genuinely distinguishes it, facilitating seamless data binding and automatic UI updates.

"Reactivity in Vue.js" offers an in-depth exploration of Vue.js's reactivity system, catering to both seasoned developers and newcomers alike. This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey from reactivity novice to expert, equipping you with the skills to leverage Vue's dynamic data reactivity features effectively.

Through explicit examples and a simplified reactivity implementation closely resembling Vue 3 code, this book ensures a comprehensive understanding of Vue.js's reactivity system. Our simplified approach sheds light on the inner workings of Vue 3 code, saving you valuable time typically spent on trial and error. By following along with the examples and actively engaging with the content, you'll gain the confidence to apply these concepts in your projects seamlessly.

About the Author

Table of Contents

    • 1:Reactivity, a first look
      • 1.1:Understanding Reactive versus Imperative programming
      • 1.2:Reactivity defined: synchronizing application State with the DOM
      • 1.3:Reactive examples in Vue.js
    • 2:Running the examples in this book
      • 2.1:Inline Vue template in HTML
      • 2.2:Using an external JS file for Vue components
      • 2.3:Locally with Node.js
      • 2.4:SFC
    • 3:Debugging Code
      • 3.1:Template Inspection
      • 3.2:Determining Reactivity
      • 3.3:Readable JSON Debugging
      • 3.4:Advanced console commands
      • 3.5:In-template debugging with an event listener
      • 3.6:Custom formatters in the Chrome DevTools
      • 3.7:StackBlitz
      • 3.8:Observing reactivity
      • 3.9:Visual debugging
      • 3.10:Hooks for debugging reactive variables
      • 3.11:Expose a reactive variable to the global scope
      • 3.12:Live Expressions and the Root Component Instance
    • 4:Reactivity with Composition API
      • 4.1:Example showcasing ref() and reactive()
      • 4.2:Introduction to the reactivity utilities
      • 4.3:Object-based reactivity with reactive()
      • 4.4:Reference-based reactivity with ref()
      • 4.5:computed(): lazy auto-updating properties
      • 4.6:watch(): manual dependency tracking
      • 4.7:watchEffect(): automatic dependency tracking
      • 4.8:computed() versus watch()
      • 4.9:Cleanup of a watcher
      • 4.10:More Utilities
    • 5:Caveats
      • 5.1:Reassigning objects
      • 5.2:Ways to replacing entire objects
      • 5.3:Destructering and reactivity loss
      • 5.4:Copying reactive references
      • 5.5:Properly updating a reactive reference to maintain reactivity
      • 5.6:Watching reactive objects or reactive arrays
      • 5.7:Limitations with making primitives reactive()
      • 5.8:ref() and array methods that mutate
      • 5.9:Static snapshots disrupt reactive() objects
      • 5.10:Decoupling behavior
      • 5.11:Retrieving the raw, original object of a Vue-created proxy.
      • 5.12:Watchers and ref(): trade-off between deep reactivity and performance
      • 5.13:Vue updates the DOM automatically, but not synchronously
      • 5.14:The asynchronous nature of watch callbacks
      • 5.15:The need for getter functions
    • 6:Understanding observable objects, Proxies, and Reflect
      • 6.1:Observable objects in JavaScript
      • 6.2:Introduction to JavaScript Proxies
      • 6.3:Introduction to Reflect
      • 6.4:Harmonious method naming among Reflect, Proxy, and Object
      • 6.5:Crafting custom ‘dynamic’ variables with Proxy and Reflect
      • 6.6:Proxies: the reactivity backbone
      • 6.7:Component instance as this context
    • 7:Reactive variables and effects
      • 7.1:Reactive variables
      • 7.2:Reactive effects
      • 7.3:How are reactive variables and effects connected ?
      • 7.4:Upcoming content
    • 8:Peeling off a first layer: understanding ReactiveEffect
      • 8.1:Inspecting a ReactiveEffect within a reactive reference
      • 8.2:What is ReactiveEffect?
      • 8.3:How ReactiveEffect and Proxy work together
      • 8.4:The Role of the internal tool effect
      • 8.5:Takeaway
    • 9:Dependency tracking
      • 9.1:Dependency tracking for reactive objects.
      • 9.2:Dependency tracking for reactive references.
      • 9.3:Extending our effect() implementation
      • 9.4:Nested, recursive, and interdependent effects
    • 10:shallowRef and shallowReactive
      • 10.1:Understanding ref
      • 10.2:Deep reactivity. Internally we cache proxies. This approach ensures deep reactivity and efficient re-use of proxies for optimal performance. ( shallowRef does nothing more than disabling that feature)
      • 10.3:Understanding shallowReactive
    • 11:Creating our implementation of computed()
      • 11.1:First, we’ll set up a basic reactivity system.
      • 11.2:Computed Properties
    • 12:ReactiveEffect powers watch() and watchEffect()
    • 13:Reactivity and timing
      • 13.1:Vue badges updates
      • 13.2:The nextTick function
      • 13.3:Recap of watchEffect() and watch()
      • 13.4:Timing
      • 13.5:a Timeline
      • 13.6:The source code
      • 13.7:Examples
      • 13.8:Practical implications
    • 14:The render function as an effect
      • 14.1:Simplified Vue component example
      • 14.2:Source code insights
      • 14.3:SFC Example Focusing on Reactivity

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