Build UI Components using React Hooks
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Build UI Components using React Hooks

Frontend Engineering using React

About the Book

README FIRST PLEASE: This is a work in progress book and readers feedback will be taken into consideration in shaping the final output.

Also, this book will always be updated and kept in sync with respect to changes in React Library as much as possible.

If you always wanted to learn how to code medium to hard reusable components using React then this is the book to jump into.

? The pricing is early access pricing and the lowest. Once the book is complete the price will change.

The proposed table of content is shown below.

# Part 0 - Essential JavaScript For React

1. JavaScript Principles

2. Arrow Function 

3. Let, Const, Var

4. Closure

5. Call, Apply and Bind

6. Scope and Context

# Part 1 - Foundational React

1. Introduction

2. JSX Basics

3. Thinking in React

4. Function Component

5. Nesting Component

6. Props and State

7. PropTypes

8. Event Handling

9. useState

10. useReducer

11. useEffect

12. useRef

13. useContext

14. useCallback

15. useMemo

16. Custom Hooks

# Part 2 - Building Forms

1. Adding CSS

2. Building forms

- one to one associations

- one to many associations

  - many to many associations

3. Multistep/Wizard forms

4. Form Validations

5. Form submission

6. Dynamic forms

# Part 3 - Connecting with Server

1. React Routing

2. AJAX/Remote calls

3. Authentication

# Part 4 - Building components 

1. Tag Input component

2. Calendar Component

3. Datatable Component

4. Tab Component

5. Autosuggest Component (with Debouncing)

6. Accordion Component

7. Modal Dialog Component

8. Multilevel Menu

9. Breadcrumb Menu Component

10. Star Rating Component

# Part 5 - Production Deployment

Create React Production Build

About the Author

Rajesh Pillai
Rajesh Pillai

I am the Co-Founder of Algorisys Technologies where we specialize in providing solutions using Open source stack inlcuding but not limited to, MS technologies, HTML5, javascript, ruby on rails, nodejs, react, angular etc.  I have about 22+ years of overall software development experience covering major roles across different verticals.

My free early access tutorials are hosted at

I blog at

My video tutorials are at

My LinkedIn profile is at

Table of Contents

  • Readme first please
  • Hello React
  • Pure JavaScript
  • Example 1 : React without JSX
    • Let’s dissect how this works.
    • Welcome JSX
  • Simple TextInput Component
    • TextInput Component
    • Component Usage
    • <TextInput> Component
    • Understanding TextInput component
    • PropTypes
  • Hooks Defined
  • useState Hook
  • Example 1 : useState with simple value
    • Let’s dissect how this works.
    • What Do Square Brackets Mean?
  • Example 2: Updating state using the updater function
  • Example 3: Better Practice: Use the updater function with the functional parameter
  • Example 4: Using multiple state variables
  • Example 5: use multiple state attributes with single updater function (issues and tips)
  • Hook 2— useReducer
    • Dispatching action
  • useEffect Hook
    • Example 1: useEffect — Runs always (on all render) (componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate)
    • Example 2: useEffect — On first mounting only (like componentDidMount)
    • Example 3: useEffect — simulate componentDidUnmount
    • Example 4: useEffect — Optimizing Performance by Skipping Effects
  • useRef Hook
    • useRef DOM Example
    • useRef Mutable example
  • Hook 4— useContext
    • Steps to use context API
  • Custom Hook
    • What makes a custom hook?
    • Rules of Custom Hook
  • useFetch Custom Hook
    • useFetch API Usage
    • useFetch - The source code
    • More useFetch examples coming soon.
  • useFormValidation Custom Hook
    • useFormValidation Hook Usage
    • Let’s build a Login component using the useFormValidation Hook
    • Let’s create an entry poing App Component that uses the Login component
  • Custom Hook 1 -> useBodyScrollPosition
  • Custom Hook 2 -> useLocalStorage
    • Step 1 - Declare the function
    • Step 2 - useState
    • Step 3 - The updater function for local storage
    • Step 4 - Return the current value and the updater function
    • Step 5 - The useLocalStorage complete code
    • Step 6 - Example App
  • Star Rating Component
    • The Usage
    • Step 0
  • Exercise
  • Demo Code
  • Compound Component
    • The usage
    • The output
    • Tab Component Code Explanation
    • TabList Component
    • Tab Component
    • TabDivider Component
    • TabPanel Component
  • Input Tag Component
    • Create Tags state variables
    • The onKeyUp method
    • The onDelete method
    • Code Explanation
    • onAddTag method
    • onDeleteTag method
  • Autocomplete / AugtoSuggest Component (work-in-progress)
    • The high level design of the component
    • Some features of the component are listed below
    • The usage (with static data)
    • The usage (with dynamic/remote/ajax data)
    • The output
    • Usage Explanation
  • Code Explanation
    • The basic structure
    • State variables
    • Refs
    • onChange event (throttling)
    • throttle function (this can be in separate file and imported as well)
    • Render (function return)
    • handleChange
    • onClick
  • onInputFocus
  • showResult function
    • handleKeyDown - keyboard Events
    • useEffect Hooks
    • <List> Component
    • The App component
  • Essential JavaScript for React Developers
  • var, let and const
    • var - Code Examples (Scope)
    • var - Code Examples (Reassignment and Redeclaration)
    • var - Code Examples (Hoisting)
    • var - Code Examples (Loop behaviour)
    • let - Code Examples (Scope)
    • let - Code Examples (Reassignment and Redeclaration)
    • let - Code Examples (Hoisting)
    • let - Code Examples (Loop behaviour)
    • const - Code Examples (scope)
    • const - Code Examples (Reassignment and Redeclaration)
    • const - Code Example (Hoisting)
    • const - Code Example Objects
    • const - Code Example - Arrays
  • Mastering working with JavaScript Array
    • Adding items to an array
    • Adding items to the beginning of an array (unshift)
    • Adding items to the beginning of an array ES6 (spread operator)
    • Adding items to the end of an array ES6 (spread operator)
    • Remove first item from the array -> shift() method
    • Remove portion of an array, slicing -> slice() method
    • Remove /adding portion of an array -> splice() method
    • Remove last item from the array -> pop() method
    • Merging two arrays -> concat() method
    • Merging two arrays -> es6 (spread operator)
    • Joining arrays -> Join () method
    • Array Custom Slice Helper function
    • Looping through array
    • Looping through an array - for in Loop
    • Looping through array - map function ()
    • Map () - Example 2- Simple Transformation
    • Map () - Example 3 - Return a subset of data
    • Looping through an array - filter function ()
    • Looping through an array - reduce function ()
    • Reduce - Simple Example - 1
    • Using reduce to categorize data
    • Using reduce to implement custom map() function
    • Using reduce to implement custom filter() function
    • Using reduce to implement custom forEach function
    • Using reduce to implement custom pipe() function
    • Holes in arrays
    • Changing array length and holes

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