Large Scale Apps with React and TypeScript
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Large Scale Apps with React and TypeScript

Build Large and Scalable front-ends that leverage component isolation, a centralized state manager, internationalization, localization, Custom Component Libraries, API-client code that easily can switch between mocked data and live data and more.

About the Book

Build Large and Scalable front-ends with a large organized code base that is easy to expand and maintain using technique like: 

  • Development of UI components in isolation using an API client that can easily serve live data or mocked data
  • Centralized state manager
  • Create Custom Component Libraries
  • Internationalization and Localization for language translation and number/dates formatting according to a specific culture
  • TypeScript type-checking at development time to decrease run-time bugs or errors
  • Directory structure, file, and code naming conventions
  • Unit tests for models and components
  • Container Components
  • Composition architecture (hooks)
  • And more
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    • Computers and Programming
    • React
    • JavaScript
    • Web Development
    • Software Architecture
    • TypeScript
    • Vue.js
    • Ember
    • Ember
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About the Author

Damiano Fusco
Damiano Fusco

Web Developer with 20 years of experience.

Specialties: VueJS, Svelte, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, SCSS, Microfrontends, and more.

Working as a freelance consultant, after 20 years of employment work. Hire my services to help your company get unstuck from the drawbacks of your current legacy frontend, and start moving forward at much higher speed and quality.

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Goal
    • Audience
    • Text Conventions
    • Thanks
    • About me
  • Prerequisites
  • Companion Code
  • Chapter 1 - Setting Up The Project
    • Create Project Wizard
    • Chapter 1 Recap
  • Chapter 2 - Your First Component
    • The Items List
    • ItemsList Component Requirements
    • ItemsList Component Code
    • Main App View
    • Chapter 2 Recap
  • Chapter 3 - Data Models and Interfaces
    • Models Directory
    • Interface ItemInterface
    • ItemsList Component
    • App View
    • Chapter 3 Recap
  • Chapter 4 - Adding Events To the Items Component
    • ItemsList Component
    • Chapter 4 Recap
  • Chapter 5 - Intro to Unit Testing While Refactoring a Bit
    • ItemComponent
    • ItemComponent Unit Tests
    • ItemsList component
    • Chapter 5 Recap
  • Chapter 6 - Introducing State Management
    • Store Interfaces
    • Store Implementation
    • App.tsx
    • Items.view.tsx
    • Back to the App.tsx file
    • Web Browser
    • ItemsList.component.tsx
    • Back to the Web Browser
    • Loader Component
    • Chapter 6 Recap
  • Chapter 7 - Api Client
    • API Client Overview
    • Domains
    • The Main ApiClient
    • Items domain Api Client
    • Mock and Live Api Clients
    • Environment Variables
    • Api Client Provider
    • Store Instance updates
    • Alternatives
    • Chapter 7 Recap
  • Chapter 8 - Enhance the Api Client
    • HttpClient Interfaces and Models
    • UrlUtils Unit Tests
    • HttpClient: Unit Tests
    • ItemsApiClientModel Update
    • Chapter 8 Recap
  • Chapter 9 - App Configuration
    • vite-env.d.ts updates (or env.d.ts)
    • .env files updates
    • Config Interface
    • Config files
    • tsconfig.json updates
    • Config files map
    • Config provider
    • Unit Tests
    • HttpClient code updates
    • Api Client code updates
    • Chapter 9 Recap
  • Chapter 10 - Localization and Internationalization - Language Localization
    • Plugins: i18next, react-i18next
    • Config updates
    • Translation JSON data
    • API Client updates
    • Updates to ApiClient.interface.ts
    • Updates to ApiClient instances
    • i18n initialization and useLocalization hook
    • main.tsx or index.tsx updates
    • App.tsx updates
    • Browser
    • Chapter 10 Recap
  • Chapter 11 - Localization and Internationalization - Number and DateTime Formatters
    • Directory localization/formatters
    • Chapter 11 Recap
  • Chapter 12 - Adding Tailwind CSS
    • Chapter 12 Recap
  • Chapter 13 - Intro to Primitives
    • Atomic Design and Similar Approaches
    • Conventions
    • General Strategies
    • Text Elements
    • Primitives View
    • Chapter 13 Recap
  • Chapter 14 - More Primitives
    • Button Elements
    • Primitives View - update
    • Toggle/Checkbox Elements
    • Primitives View - one more update
    • Chapter 14 Recap
  • Chapter 15 - A Primitive Modal
    • Icon: ElIconAlert
    • Interface ModalProps
    • File ElModal.ts (note: not .tsx)
    • File useModal.ts
    • Updates to Primitives.view.tsx
    • Browser
    • Chapter 15 Recap
  • Chapter 16 - Higher-level components
    • Item Component - updates
    • ItemsList Component - updates
    • Summary
    • Chapter 16 Recap
  • Chapter 17 - Creating Component Libraries
    • Create my-component-library
    • Chapter 17 Recap
  • Chapter 18 - Creating a JavaScript library
    • Create my-js-helpers
    • Chapter 18 Recap
  • Chapter 19 - Publish a library as a NPM package
    • Create an NPM user account
    • Create an Organization under your NPM profile
    • Update my-js-helpers package.json
    • Publishing the library
    • Consuming your NPM package
    • Chapter 19 Recap
  • (More Chapters Coming Soon)
  • Bonus Chapter - using create-react-app
    • Env Variables
  • Bonus Chapter - Vitest
    • Remove Jest dependencies and setup files
    • Add Vitest
    • Unit Tests updates
  • Naming Conventions
    • Coding Standards
  • Resources
    • Websites
    • Blogs
    • Books
  • Notes

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