React From Scratch, Book 2: React and TypeScript
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React From Scratch, Book 2: React and TypeScript

Build your porfolio with hooks and forms

About the Book

This book picks up where Book 1: The Basics left off. In this book, you continue discovering the ins and outs of React.

The focus of this book is working with hooks and forms, as well as further understanding components and JSX.

In this book, you'll:

  • build a to-do app
  • learn about popular form libraries
  • learn about popular component libraries
  • build a portfolio app
  • deploy your portfolio app to Netlify

Once you've completed this book, you'll be well-equipped to take the next step, which is discussed in Book 3: Context and Redux.

About the Author

Ajdin Imsirovic
Ajdin Imsirovic

Ajdin Imsirovic is a full-stack web developer who has published several courses (way back in 2015) on the subject of web design and web development. 

Before self-publishing books on Leanpub, he authored four books on front-end development for Packt Publishing:

  1. Vue CLI 3 Quick Start Guide (Build and maintain Vue.js applications quickly with the standard CLI), May 2019
  2. Vue.js Quick Start Guide (Learn how to build amazing and complex reactive web applications easily using Vue.js), October 2018
  3. Elm Web Development (An introductory guide to building functional web apps using Elm), March 2018
  4. Bootstrap 4 Cookbook (Over 75 recipes to help you build elegant and responsive web applications with Bootstrap 4), June 2017

Additionally, he's published a number of books on the Leanpub platform, specifically:

  1. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - The Basics:
  2. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Built-in Objects:
  3. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Useful Snippets:
  4. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Mini Apps:
  5. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Advanced JavaScript:
  6. Angular From Scratch:
  7. Vue.js From Scratch:
  8. React from Scratch:
  9. Building Amazing Layouts - Learn the Basics of HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 5:
  10. Building Amazing Layouts - Bootstrap 5 Layouts in Depth:

Table of Contents

    • Chapter 0: Before we start
      • 0.1 Disclaimer
      • 0.2 Assumptions: Things to have and know before we start
      • 0.3 What this book is about?
    • Chapter 1: Understanding the useState hook
      • 1.1 Updating a component’s state using the useState hook
    • Chapter 2: Forms in React
      • 2.1 Forms in React
      • 2.2 Watch for input changes in React
      • 2.3 Detecting and handling the onChange event on an input
      • 2.4 Adding the built-in event object
      • 2.5 Adding state to the form input
      • 2.6 The proper way of updating the state object in React
      • 2.7 Controlled components in React
      • 2.8 Other form inputs: radio buttons, checkboxes, textareas, and selects
      • 2.9 The useRef hook, controlled and uncontrolled components
      • 2.10 The useRef hook, focus and blur
      • 2.11 The useRef hook, scrollIntoView
      • 2.12 The useRef hook, setInterval and clearInterval
      • 2.13 The useRef hook, requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame
      • 2.14 The useRef hook, file input use case
      • 2.15 Using the useRef hook to create custom hooks
    • Chapter 3: Build a todo app
      • 3.1 Render a list of pre-defined todos in a state variable
      • 3.2 A form to add new todos
      • 3.2.1 Adding the form
      • 3.3 Handling the submission of a new todo
      • 3.4 Improvements to the app
      • 3.5 Exercise and recap
      • 3.6 Conclusion
    • Chapter 4: Testing your todo app
      • 4.1 Planning for testing: a general outline of steps
      • 4.2 Implementing our tests
      • 4.3 Run the tests
      • 4.4 The updated app with passing tests
      • 4.4 Red-green-refactor: Conquering your todo app with confidence
      • 4.5 Red-Green-Refactor Cycle example in TodoList.test.js
      • 4.6 Continuing testing: Refine and Expand
      • 4.7 Conclusion
    • Chapter 5: Test-Driven Development (TDD) with React: Building a Todo App
      • Step 1: Setting up the project
      • Step 3: Implementing the App component
      • Step 3.1: Declare state for todos using the useState hook
      • 3.2: Intermission: Tracking it with git
      • Step 3.3: Implement the addTodo function
      • Step 3.4: Render the TodoForm and TodoList components
    • Chapter 6: Popular form libraries
      • 6.1 Formik
      • 6.2 React Hook Form
      • 6.3 React-hook-form vs Formik
      • 6.4 Yup
      • 6.5 Conclusion
      • 6.6 One more point
    • Chapter 7: Components and keys
      • 7.1 Rendering components: a revision
      • 7.2 The usage of keys in React
      • 7.3 Why keys?
      • 7.4 An example of the problem with keys
      • 7.5 Fixing the problem with keys
      • 7.6 Conclusion
    • Chapter 8: Popular component libraries
      • 8.1 React Bootstrap
      • 8.2 Chakra UI
      • 8.3 Material-UI
      • 8.4 Conclusion
    • Chapter 9: The useEffect hook
      • 9.1 Side effects
      • 9.2 Pure and impure functions in React
      • 9.3 How to deal with side effects in React
      • 9.4 Understanding the dependency array
      • 9.5 Using the useEffect hook
    • Chapter 10: Comparing hooks: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.1 Scroll to top of page: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.2 Log to console: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.3 Update the document’s title: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.4 Updating the DOM in React: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.5 Fetching data from the web in React: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.6 Trigger animation: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.7 Toggle visibility: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.8 Capture user input: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.9 Validate form: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.10 Timer countdown: useRef vs useEffect
      • 10.11 Conclusions
    • Chapter 11: Build an improved todo app
      • 11.1 The app’s requirements
      • 11.2 Implementing the app
      • 11.3 The app’s code explained
      • 11.4 Coding a new Todo app from scratch
      • 11.5 Todo App, v3
      • 11.6 Summary
    • Chapter 12: Working with custom hooks
      • 10.1 What are custom hooks?
      • 12.2 Creating a custom hook
      • 12.3 Using a custom hook
      • 12.4 Using state in a custom hook
      • 12.5 Using effects in a custom hook
      • 12.6 Using multiple hooks in a custom hook
      • 12.7 Using a custom hook in a component
      • 12.8 Using multiple custom hooks in a component
      • 12.9 A practical example
      • 12.10 Why even bother with a custom useFetch hook?
      • 12.11 Conclusion
    • Chapter 13: Working with the useReducer hook
      • 13.1 A very simple useReducer example
      • 13.2 Comparing the useState and useReducer hooks
      • 13.3 Analyzing the reducer function
      • 13.4 Why use useReducer instead of useState
      • 13.5 Example 2: Using useReducer to manage multiple state variables
      • 13.6 Example 3: Using useReducer to manage multiple state variables, and to manage state that is related to each other
      • 13.7 Why I prefer the useReducer hook over the useState hook
      • 13.8 An example with multiple different state variables using the useReducer hook
      • 13.9 An example with 25 different action types using the useReducer hook
    • Chapter 14: Build and deploy a portfolio app
      • 14.1 The app’s structure
      • 14.2 The app’s components
      • 14.3 The header component
      • 14.4 The portfolio component
      • 14.5 The about component
      • 14.6 The contact component
      • 14.7 The footer component
      • 14.8 The social media component
      • 14.9 The App component
      • 14.10 Adding the specific content
      • 14.11 Styling the app
      • 14.12 Update the menu so that it leads to a specific section
      • 14.13 Smoothly scrolling to a section when the menu is clicked
      • 14.14 Adding images to the Portfolio component
      • 14.15 Using site-wide variables
      • 14.16 Deploying the App
      • 14.17 Other minor tweaks

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