From Ruby to Golang
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From Ruby to Golang

A Ruby Programmer's Guide to Learning Go

About the Book

Imagine that you like to learn a new programming language, and you start by leveraging what you already know and bridge the gap in learning specific parts of the new language. This book was created on that idea, it starts with using my existing language knowledge and experience to breakdown Go into familiar Ruby concepts and implementations.

By teaching familiar implementations found in Ruby, you will see the correlation between the two languages, establishing familiar concepts to give you enough knowledge to be comfortable with Go and to start programming with it.

In today's world of cloud native microservices, containerized architectures, You can be up-to-date with a knowledge in Go. Many notable open-source projects are built using Go (i.e. Docker, Kubernetes, Ethereum and Terraform to name a few), and those platforms have APIs and SDKs readily available natively for you to use. And many global companies have been using Go in production (i.e. Google, Netflix, Dropbox, Heroku and Uber to name a few), proving that it has been battle-tested and powerful mature language to based your work into.

This book was made with a Rubyist in mind, all the learning metaphors are based on Ruby and I think it will help you to learn Go programming language when you already knows Ruby. Go can be your second or third programming language and this book can help you get started.

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About the Author

Joel Bryan Juliano
Joel Bryan Juliano

Joel has over 12+ years of experience as a software engineer in different companies. He started programming when he was 12. Now, he currently works in Amsterdam, to make live sports available to everyone.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Introduction
    • About the Author
  • Chapter 0: Go Primer
    • Package Name and Imports
    • Println
    • Printf
    • Sprintf
    • Functions
    • Function Basics
    • Function Parameters and Arguments
    • Function Return Types
    • Main Function
  • Chapter 1: Structs
    • Instance Variables
    • Struct
    • Public Structs
    • Attaching a Struct to a Function
    • Pass-by-value and Pass-by-reference
    • Pointer Receiver
    • Value Receiver
    • Decouple and Reuse Structs through Inheritance
    • Anonymous Structs
    • Anonymous Struct Fields
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 2: Maps
    • Maps by Declaration
    • Initialization by Make
    • Initialization by Literal Type Assignment
    • Maps by Assignment
    • Assignment with a Key/Value
    • Assignment on an Empty Map
    • Using Struct in Maps
    • Struct Maps by Declaration
    • Struct Maps by Assignment
    • Struct Maps with Array Values
    • Maps with Dynamic Types
    • Deleting Map Values
    • Reading a Non-Present Key from a Map
    • Variadic Functions
    • Variadic Interface
    • Maps with Variadic Interface
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 3: Arrays and Slices
    • Fixed Array
    • Fixed-Array Automatic Size Calculation
    • Fixed-Array Sizes
    • Fixed-Array Assignment Behaviour
    • Sliced Array
    • Sliced-Array Assignment Behaviour
    • Capacity
    • Deep Copy
    • Append
    • Arrays with Variadic Types
    • Empty Interface Array Type
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 4: Array Navigation
    • C-style Semantic Form
    • Value Semantic Form
    • Value Semantic Form with Muted Parameter
    • Index Semantic Form for Range
    • Value Semantic Form with Pointer Access
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 5: Package Management
    • Sharing Go Packages
    • Package Management using Go Modules
    • Manual go.mod Generation
    • Automatic go.mod Generation Through Source-Code
    • Automatic go.mod Generation Through dep Package Manager
    • Refresh Go Modules
    • Package Management using Dep
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 6: Collection Functions
    • Predicate Method all?
    • Predicate Method any?
    • Collect Enumerable Method
    • Cycle Enumerable Method
    • Detect Enumerable Method
    • Drop Enumerable Method
    • Drop While Enumerable Method
    • Chapter Questions
  • Chapter 7: Interfaces
    • Interface as a Self-Documenting API Reference
    • Interface as Type contract
    • Satisfying Return Values
    • Chapter Questions
  • Glossary
  • Acknowledgments
  • Credits

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