Python for Programmers
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Python for Programmers

Get up to speed - in a practical sense - with the Python programming language

About the Book

If you're a programmer, then learning a new language isn't difficult. It's just syntax at the end of the day, and so you're not overly concerned about 'how' to write code. You're more interested in just getting setup quickly and in the right direction.

Things like:

  • What's the best way to install and run applications?
  • How do dependencies and libraries work?
  • What does the important parts of the language API look like?
  • What's are the language idiosyncrasies?
    • For Loops
    • Generators
    • List Comprehensions
    • Magic Methods
    • Writing tests

Getting to this information quickly is what will make the difference to your success picking up the language and how fast you get up and running.

About the Author

Mark McDonnell
Mark McDonnell

Staff Software Engineer @BuzzFeed.

Formerly: @BBC @StormCreative.

Compassionate Listener. Polyglot. Author. Husband. Father. Jazz Guitarist. He/Him.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Background
    • Brief History of Python
    • The Pythonic Way
    • This Book
    • Prerequisites
  • Installation
    • Homebrew
    • Docker
    • Pyenv
    • Documentation
  • Vim Setup
    • Pylint
    • Flake8
    • Auto-Complete with Jedi
  • Modules
    • Importing Modules
    • Module used for CLI tooling
  • Packages
    • Local Package Development
    • Installing Private Packages from GitHub
    • Package Management
  • Data Structures
    • Lists
    • Dictionary
    • Tuple
    • Sets
    • Double-ended Queue
    • Bisection
  • Classes
    • Pylint
    • Attributes
    • Property Decorators
    • Polymorphic Access
    • Getters and Setters Discussion
  • Code Reuse Patterns
    • Inheritance
    • Composition
  • Magic Methods
    • __str__
    • __str__ vs __repr__
    • __class__
    • __name__
    • __getattribute__
    • __dict__
    • __call__
  • Loops
    • For/In
    • Zip
    • Enumerate
  • List Comprehensions
    • Ordering
    • Range
  • Generators
  • String Formatting
    • Positional access to arguments
    • Splatting arguments
    • Repeatable indexes
    • Named arguments
    • Keyword arguments
    • Complex object access
    • Alignment and Padding
    • Separators
    • Percentages
  • Decorators
    • Memoization
  • Concurrency
    • Tasks and the Event Loop
    • Hello World Concurrency
    • Chained/Coupled Function Calls
    • Futures
    • Multiple Tasks
    • Wait vs Gather
    • uvloop
  • Parallelism
    • Subprocesses
    • Deco: simplified subprocesses
    • Asyncio (again)
  • Threads
    • Threads vs Coroutines vs Futures vs Subprocesses
  • Logging
    • Log Levels
    • Configuration
    • File Logging
    • Multiple Modules
    • Different modules require different configuration
    • Timestamps
  • Tornado Web Server
    • Example
    • Documentation
  • Testing
    • Example test files
    • Understanding our example tests
    • Running our tests
    • setUp/tearDown
    • The many faces of Mock
    • Pytest
  • Debugging
    • Poor Man Debugging
    • IPython
    • PDB
  • Scope
    • Global
  • Context Managers
    • With
    • Creating your own Context Manager
    • contextlib
  • Conclusion

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