Python 3 exercicis per a principiants
Python 3 exercicis per a principiants
About the Book
Aquest llibre conté exercicis en el llenguatge Python 3 per a principiants, i valuoses explicacions sobre com resoldre'ls i com pensar.
El llibre està escrit en tre idiomes:
- Anglès
- Català
- Castellà
També ensenyo com crear jocs en mode text com el tres en retlla, enfonsar la flota, adivina el meu número i pintar gràfics.
Table of Contents
- Index for version 39. 3
- Contact me 7
- Receiving Free Updates 8
- If you’re not satisfied 9
- Some notes / Algunes notes / Algunas anotaciones 10
- MT Notation 11
- MT Notation (English) 11
- Just execute / Només executa / Solo ejecuta 12
- Exercise 1: index returned by .find() 12
- Exercise 2: for in range 13
- Exercise 3: New instance of a class 14
- Exercise 4: New instance of a class with Parameters 15
- Exercise 5: Math Operations order 16
- Basic exercises / Exercicis bàsics / Ejercicios básicos 18
- Exercise 1: Print numbers from 0 to 9. Use for and range. 18
- Exercise 1.1: Do the same with while instead of for and range. 19
- Exercise 2: Num1 exp Num2 20
- Exercise 3: Prints characters from "a" to "z". 23
- Ascii Table 25
- Exercise 4: Print even numbers for 0 to 20 27
- Exercise 4.1: Do it using while instead of for 28
- Exercise 5: Locate the index of a Substring in a String 30
- Exercise 6: Create a function that gets a String and prints each character in a line 31
- Access Strings by position 31
- Exercise 7: Scrap the title of a web 33
- Exercise 8: Reverse a String 37
- Exercise 8.1: Reverse a String using for 39
- Exercise 9: Phrase in diagonal 41
- Exercise 10: Number Translator 45
- Exercise 11: Create a function that using .rfind() return the index of the last position in a String passed by parameter 46
- Exercise 11.1: Create a function that using .find() returns the index position of the first occurrence of the substring searched for 46
- Exercise 11.2: Create a simple code that prints the index position of the first occurrence of the character “a” in the String without using any function (not .find(), etc…) 46
- Exercise 12: The minor number of 2. 47
- Exercise 13: The minor number of 3. 47
- Exercise 13: The minor number of n 47
- Exercise 13.1: The minor number of n 47
- Exercise 14: Create a function that does nothing and does not generate an error when it's called 47
- Exercise 15: Import library random and print a random number between 0 and 10. 48
- Exercise 16: Create a function that gets two parameters, i_min and i_max, and it generates a random number. Return it 48
- Exercise 17: Create a function that gets three parameters, i_min and i_max and i_numbers and it generates a list with i_numbers random numbers. Returns that array 49
- Exercise 18: Using the previous code, generate an Array of numbers 1,000 numbers between 0 and 255. 49
- Exercise 19: Numbers in words 51
- Exercise 20: translate numbers to the name of their position if the most optimal way in terms of usage of memory 53
- Exercise 21: Convert Bytes to KB 55
- Exercise 22: Count how many times “a” char appears in a text 56
- Exercise 23: Remove the accents of a Text 57
- Exercise 24: Count the char more used in a text, excluding spaces 59
- Exercise 25: Open a text file and print it’s contents on the screen prepending the line number 61
- Exercise 26: Calculate the average of several numbers 64
- Exercise 27: Create a Function to calculate the area of a circle of radius n 65
- Exercise 28: import the previous file area_of_a_circle.py and calculate the areas of circles of radius from 5 to 100 in increments of 5 (5, 10, 15...100). 67
- Exercise 29: Print the values from a tuple stored in an Array 68
- Arrays or Lists. Llistes. Listas 69
- Exercice 1: Print the items of the list, one per line 69
- Exercici 2: Sort the list using .sort() 71
- Exercise 2.1 [Difficult]: Sort the list without using .sort() 72
- Exercise 3: Using .count() method determine how many times a value appears in the Array 74
- Exercise 3.1 [Difficult]: Using a loop (avoid using .count() method) count how how many times a value appears in the Array 74
- Exercise 4: Last item of an Array 75
- Exercise 5: Print a new array that contains the last two items of the previous array using array slice 76
- Exercise 5: Sorting an Array on numbers with sorted 77
- Exercise 6: Sorting an String with sorted 77
- Exercise 7: repeat an array pattern n times 78
- Exercise 8: Create an Array with the values from 0 to 99. 79
- Exercise 9: Keep an Array always sorted 80
- Dictionary / Diccionaris / Diccionarios 81
- Exercise 1: The code (substitution using a dictionary) 81
- Exercise 2: Connect to a web page that returns a JSON and get your public Ip 82
- Exercise 3: Challenge lettersum 83
- Classes 87
- Exercise 1: Create a class with a constructor, that does nothing when created, but works 87
- Exercise 2: Create a class named MyCar with a constructor, with two parameters, one String, and the other Integer, that sets two properties (class variables) 88
- Exercise 3: Draw a map for your games 89
- Practical problems and Recipes 95
- Exercise 1: Ask the user for Y or N. 95
- Exercise 2: Function to ask for user input 96
- Exercise 3: Create a function that will ask a user for a number from Keyboard input, and return the result, only when the value is between the accepted ranges 97
- Exercise 4: Write a program that will keep the Unix Epoch time when the program starts, and when the program ends, and it will show the time spent by the program 105
- Exercise 5: Using Paramiko library, write a function to SSH to a Server and execute a command 106
- Exercise 6: Getting count, min, max, average 109
- Exercise 7: Redo the exercise 6 by using Arrays 115
- Graphics 116
- Use WordCloud to generate a .PNG cloud of words 116
- Graphic lines with matplotlib.pyplot 118
- Draw a pie chart 119
- Games 121
- Guess my number / Adivina el número 121
- Tic Tac Toe / 3 en ratlla / 3 en ralla 123
- Battleship / Enfonsar la flota / Hundir la flota 127
- Hard exercises 145
- Exercise 1: Using the previous code to generate random numbers, generate and array of 10,000 random Integer numbers and sort the array using the Algorithm Bubble Sort 145
- Exercise 1.1: Use the Unix epoch functions written before, to see the time used by the Bubble Sort algorithm 146
- Exercise 1.2: Using the previous program, remove everything unnecessary, except the last print to show the time 149
- Exercise 1.3: Using the previous program, replace the Bubble Sort by Python Sort, so: a_i_random.sort() 151
- Exercise 1.4: Increase the number of numbers generated to 100,000 and observe the differences in time between Bubble Sort and Python .sort() 151
- Exercise 1.5: Now repeat the exercise with the Python Sort and Bubble Sort, but instead of a range between 0 and 255, use 10,000,000 as max. Generate 10,000 numbers only. Note the times and your conclusions. 153
- Exercise 2: Create a dictionary that contains three places, and the continent, population, and a particularity. Then print all of them using a for loop. 154
- Exercise 3: Create a game program that generates a random number between 1 and 100, and you have to guess it 155
- Exercise 4: Create a class named MySql to connect, select, insert/update to a MySql Database Server 157
- Exercise 5: Define the SQL for MySQL, for creating a table named car_queue that keeps the list of a car manufacturer to be built 159
- Exercise 6: write a class named CarDO that keeps the Data for an object Car, and provides some getters and functions to retrieve the Data visually nicelly 161
- Exercise 7: Using the MySQL Lib you created, and the table you created, and the CarDO write a CLI program to List, Insert, Delete registers, and Search by Id. 163
- Challenge: Compare two Roman numbers 168
- Challenge Nonogram 171
- Quiz 173
- Q1: Copying an Array and modifying the array from the new variable 173
- Q2: Accessing global variables from a function 174
- Q3: Having in count the previous exercise, what will be the output of this code 176
- Q4: Will this generate a Warning? 177
- Q5: Can we have a function with more than an input parameter? 178
- Q6: Can a function or method return more than a parameter? 179
- Q7: What is the result of int(“1.first”) 180
- Q8: Can this be done in Python? 182
- Q9: What will this code print? 183
- Q10: What will this code print? 185
- Useful libraries 186
- Bibliography 191
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