Programming the Raspberry Pi with Perl
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Programming the Raspberry Pi with Perl

About the Book

Have you ever wondered how to make your garage door open over the Internet? Or maybe do facial recognition in real time from a camera? Log the temperature of a room? It's easier than you'd think, and Perl can help you do it.

Meant for current Perl programmers who want to expand into hardware programming. The examples are kept simple, so knowledgeable programmers in any language should be able to follow along.

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    • Computers and Programming
    • Perl
    • Computer Hardware
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Home Automation
    • Internet of Things
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About the Authors

Timm Murray
Timm Murray

Perl programmer with many years of experience and over 30 CPAN modules. Specializes in web development and hardware. Lives in Madison, WI with a lovely wife, and plays Warhammer 40k and Killer Queen.

Steve Bertrand
Steve Bertrand

I've coded in Perl since 2001. I have 40+ published CPAN distributions, and currently author berrybrew. My main focus in Perl has been writing software to help the developer; test software, code examination software, and am the author of RPi::WiringPi and several distributions for various ICs and sensors for use on the Raspberry Pi.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • About the Raspberry Pi
    • About Perl
  • Acknowledgements
  • Raspberry Pi Pinout
  • Let’s Get Down to Basics
    • Raspberry Pi Models
    • Tools
  • Basic Setup, AKA: The Hurry Up and Wait Chapter
  • GPIO and PWM
    • Pin Numbers
    • Simple Output
    • Taking Input
    • Asynchronous Input
    • Pulse Width Modulation
    • Servo Control
  • I²C - Connecting Your World Together
    • Addresses and Registers
    • Connecting the Board
    • Reading a Datasheet
    • The Actual Code
  • Temperature Sensor Logger
  • Serial Peripheral Interface
    • Driving the MAX7219
  • GPS with UART
  • Working with Arduino over Firmata
  • The Pi Camera and GStreamer
    • Getting a Still Image
    • Continuous Capture
    • Detecing Faces
  • Control Over HTTP
    • Sequences
    • Build Project: Garage Door Opener

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