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About the Book
Eclipse Vertx is my main specialization and I work with it for several years. I developed reactive cloud systems for Mercedes Benz, Raiffeisen Bank, Tesco as well for startups. This book is based on my practical experience and contains real-life notes on such topics:
- Reactive architecture patterns
- Event driven communication with Vertx Event Bus
- Building real-life microservices, like an API gateway or a mail service
- Server side validation with Vavr
- Web stack (multi routing, template rendering, CORS)
- Access MySQL and CouchDB databases
- Configuration sources management
- Testing of reactive applications
Additionally, the book touches questions of a communication between Vertx services and client-side Vue JS applications. It provides practical notes on client-side caching and validation.
The book is for all Java/JVM developers, who want to develop modern reactive solutions with Eclipse Vertx.
Table of Contents:
Section A. Basic components of a reactive development with Vertx
Chapter 1. Reactive (and, or) asynchronous
Chapter 2. What is a verticle?
Chapter 3. Understanding an event loop
Chapter 4. Event bus and messaging patterns
Section B. Choosing an architecture
Chapter 5. Architectural patterns for Vertx applications
Section C. Writing web applications with Vertx
Chapter 6. Using Vertx to build an API gateway
Chapter 7. Using Vertx to build a SMTP mail service
Chapter 8. Server side validation with Vavr
Chapter 9. Using custom template engines
Chapter 10. CORS handling
Chapter 11. Using multiple routers in Vertx services
Section D. Access data sources with Vertx
Chapter 12. Work with a MySQL database
Chapter 13. Work with a CouchDB NoSQL database
Section E. Test Vertx applications
Chapter 14. Principles of unit testing
Chapter 15. Using Vertx JUnit5 library
Section F. Configure Vertx applications
Chapter 16. Using Vertx Config library
Section G. Interact with Vue.js applications
Chapter 17. Front end validation
Chapter 18. Front end caching patterns
About the Author
About the Author
Yuri Mednikov (Iurii Mednikov) is a Java software engineer and, as truly passionate reactive programming advocate, Yuri Mednikov creates and shares more Vertx content than anyone else.