Core Service Principles
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Core Service Principles

Guidance for Developing Quality Based Service Design Decisions

About the Book

A framework of current principles on which to base modern systems.

About the Author

Sky Sigal
Sky Sigal

Architect. That's it.

Table of Contents

  • I Introduction
    • 1. Synopsis
    • 2. Introduction
      • 2.1 Objective
      • 2.2 Risks
      • 2.3 Qualities Requirements
      • 2.4 Principled Decisions
      • 2.5 Categorizing Principles
      • 2.6 Count
      • 2.7 Culture and Behaviours
  • II Principles
      • 2.8 Principles
      • 2.9 Organisation Principles
        • PRINC-O-POP: Primacy of Principles
        • PRINC-O-CWLS: Compliance with Laws and Standards
        • PRINC-O-MB4M: Maximize Benefit for the Most
        • PRINC-O-DFBC: Develop for Business Continuity
        • PRINC-O-AOO: Automate over Operate
        • PRINC-O-DFCU: Develop for Common Use
        • PRINC-O-DOON: Develop for Opportunity over Needs
        • PRINC-O-EOC: Enable over Control
        • PRINC-O-EDE: Enrich. Don’t Exploit
        • PRINC-O-PFE: Plan for the End
        • PRINC-O-POLS: Principle of Least Surprise
        • PRINC-O-RIRR: Reuse, Improve, Reinvent over Reuse
        • PRINC-O-VOPR: Virtual over Physical Resources
      • 2.10 Information Principles
        • PRINC-I-AVOT: Authorised Versions of Truth
        • PRINC-I-DIDI: De-identify Shared Information
        • PRINC-I-PDP: Provide Data Portability
        • PRINC-I-IAIT: Entities can Access and Correct Information about Themselves
        • PRINC-I-IIAA: Information is an Asset
        • PRINC-I-IFFP: Information is Fit For Purpose
        • PRINC-I-IIFR: Information Is for Reuse
        • PRINC-I-IISL: Information is Standardized, Versioned and Referenceable
        • PRINC-I-LOPD: Logical over Physical Information Disposal
        • PRINC-I-LUPI: Limit Use of Personal Information
        • PRINC-I-PIPF: Publish Information Publicly First
      • 2.11 Security Principles
        • PRINC-S-ATSI: Apply Tokenisation to Sensitive Information
        • PRINC-S-DIAL: Data is a Liability
        • PRINC-S-DID: Defense in Depth
        • PRINC-S-ISPS: Identity First Security
        • PRINC-S-ISS: Independently Secure Systems
      • 2.12 Technology Principles
        • PRINC-T-CFPL: Cloud First, OnPrem Last
        • PRINC-T-LRV: Maintained Services to the Latest Released Version
        • PRINC-T-WBW: Wireless before Wired
      • 2.13 Integration Principles
        • PRINC-N-ASAF: Accessible Web based REST API First
        • PRINC-N-HVP: HTTPS before Virtual Networks before Physical Networks
        • PRINC-N-NDC: Notifications before Deltas before Copies
      • 2.14 Architecture Principles
        • PRINC-A-9A: 9A over Closed Services
        • PRINC-A-ADNU: Automate Devices Not Users
        • PRINC-A-DDCS: Distributed before Decentralized before Centralized
        • PRINC-A-SCMS: Deliver SCALED, VALUABLE, SMART Services
        • PRINC-A-DUS: Deliver Universal Services
        • PRINC-A-LCHC: Loosely Coupled, Highly Cohesive
        • PRINC-A-MOSP: Micro-Services before Split-Services
        • PRINC-A-MTST: Multi-Tenant over Single Tenant
        • PRINC-A-SRP: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
        • PRINC-A-SVD: Stakeholder Qualities Driven
        • PRINC-A-UIAC: User Interfaces are Service Clients
      • 2.15 User Interface Principles
        • PRINC-U-AFI: Avoid Flow Interruption
        • PRINC-U-AO: Avoid Ornament
        • PRINC-U-EFUR: Easy to Find, Use, Resolve
        • PRINC-U-FACD: From Any Current User Agent
        • PRINC-U-OBI: Offer BREAD Based Interfaces
        • PRINC-U-PASV: Preferred Outcome Single Views
        • PRINC-U-UOC: Undo Over Cancel
      • 2.16 Delivery Principles
        • PRINC-Y-DCOT: Automatable Delivery Contracts over Tests
        • PRINC-Y-AABF: Appropriate Accessibility before Functionality
        • PRINC-Y-APBP: Automated Pipeline Before Product
        • PRINC-Y-DVRI: Deliver Validated Value Rapidly and Iteratively
  • III Appendices
    • 3. Appendices
    • 4. Regional Considerations
      • 4.1 New Zealand
        • Privacy and Sensitive Data
        • Government Agencies
        • Information Archiving and Disposal
        • Security
        • Accreditation
        • C&A
  • Notes

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