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Prince to Frog ... and Vice Versa
Psychological techniques to change yourself – or others!
Applied psychological techniques to change yourself - or others.
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Community Edition
Last updated on 2023-07-27
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if you do not change your direction, you are probably going to end up where you are heading (quote made in China).
What is it all about?
Prince to Frog ... and vice versa
We are all born beautiful babies, adored by parents and friends, with specifications and potential to become real princes. Howev-er, at some stage, in our 30s or 40s–for others even earlier–most of us, instead of 'princes,' turn into 'frogs,' due to the maladaptive thoughts and habits that we adopt along the way.
How can one revert to a prince again? One solution is to wait for something magical, e.g., the kiss of the princess. The other is to read this book.
The book addresses change-related topics, supplies examples and step-by-step guidelines for effective change, and answers questions such as:
–Is change necessary?
–Can we change behaviours? Can we change others?
–Why don't people change?
–When do people change?
–Changing beliefs, changing actions
–Behaviour-change theories
–How long does a new habit take?
As JF Fog sums it up, behaviour changes involve efforts to a) stop or decrease a behaviour, or b) start or increase a behaviour–once, over some time, or long term.
What about you?
Is there something you would like to change?
–Do you text while driving?
–Do you waste too much time on social media or watching the Electronic Income Reducer (TV)?
–Would you like to stop smoking or drinking?
–Would you like to improve your nutrition?
–Do you find it difficult to adhere to your exercise schedule?
–Do you want to get over a relationship?
–Would you like to study more or complete your assignments on time?
–Are you constantly late to work, school, or appointments?
–Would you like to be able to get up on time?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above statements, you are in good company. Most people would like to change one or more things in their lives–if only they could find a way to change.
If you are not happy with yourself or with the conditions in your life, do not lose hope, because you can change. If you follow certain steps, you can change your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions.
As the late Zig Ziglar put it, 'If you keep on doing what you've been doing, you're going to keep on getting what you've been getting.'
What you'll learn
60 pages of the book, including contents and references.