Enterprise IT Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
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Enterprise IT Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age

A Brief Guide to Enterprise IT Architecture

About the Book

My career in the IT industry began in 1995, a time when the landscape was markedly simpler. We dealt primarily with large mainframes running COBOL batch programs or engaged with the client-server model where relational databases served as the server backbone, supported by client-side tools such as PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and Oracle Developer 2000. The introduction of Java in 1996 marked a pivotal shift, initially employed to enhance browser-based HTML pages through applets. However, this application quickly evolved as Java emerged as a dominant server-side development language. The release of Java 2 Enterprise Edition catalyzed an influx of application servers into the market, transforming those proficient in platforms like WebSphere or WebLogic into esteemed experts. As multinational corporations began transitioning their business logic from databases—moving triggers, procedures, and functions to application servers—the IT sector began to expand beyond the straightforward technologies of the mid-to-late nineties. Today, despite the bewildering array of terminologies, technologies, tools, and languages, many share a core similarity in their foundational use and application. This book aims to equip aspiring architects, managers, and engineers with the foundational knowledge required to navigate the complexities of today’s IT environment. It is designed to cut through the gloss of marketing campaigns and grasp the substantive technologies necessary to build effective systems.

The purpose of this book is to provide a solid foundation to an aspiring (or current) software architect for the following purposes:

  1. Informed Decision-Making: Equip yourself to make well-informed choices concerning both functional and non-functional requirements essential for project success.
  2. Effective Communication: Master the art of communicating effectively with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that every project is steered towards its intended outcome.
  3. Adaptability in Technology: Develop the ability to seamlessly transition between various technologies, products, and frameworks as they evolve or become obsolete, ensuring a resilient and enduring career in an ever-changing industry landscape.
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    • Computers and Programming
    • Cloud Computing
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About the Author

Binit Datta
Binit Datta

Binit Datta has over thirty-one years of in-depth experience in business computing. He is an Enterprise Architect at home with both business and technology professionals using the latest and most remarkable cutting-edge technologies. He draws heavily growing up in the 90s, where lack of job divisions helped him understand the depth of business requirements and then design, build, and implement systems all by himself and his colleagues. His decades old experience directly interacting with end customers and stakeholders of all stripes, eliminates the disadvantage of only knowing and focusing on technology alone without knowing the relevance of their application.

Binit has spent the last ten years architecting and leading technology teams building modern high traffic eCommerce websites and scalable enterprise APIs / applications for multiple fortune 50 companies in AWS and Azure Cloud environments. Continuing from his multiple comfort zones, he spearheaded in User Interface Feasibility, Usability and Architecture, and Microservices based REST API Architecture (CRUD and CQRS), Security-related discussions, Event-Driven Streaming Architectures, among others. While his AWS Cloud Certifications (AWS Solution Architect Professional) prove his Cloud credibility’s, he has led multiple real-life Cloud Migration Programs to enrich his Cloud experience.

Table of Contents

    • Acknowledgements
    • About the Author
    • Chapter 1
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1 Architects and Software Engineers
      • 1.2 Risk of Narrow Focus
      • 1.3 What This Book Aims to Achieve
      • 1.4 Intended Audience
    • Chapter 2
    • 2. Type Of Applications
      • 2.1. How Business Are Similar
      • 2.2 CRM
      • 2.3. ERP
      • 2.4. E-Commerce SaaS
      • 2.5. Omnichannel
      • 2.6. Text Search
      • 2.7. DWBI
      • 2.8. Cloud
      • 2.9. Singe Sign On (SSO)
      • 2.10. Security Terminologies
      • 2.11. SCM
      • 2.12. POS
      • 2.13. CMS
      • 2.14. DevOps
      • 2.15. AIML
      • 2.16. IoT
      • 2.17. Payment Gateway
      • 2.18. Email
      • 2.19. CDN
      • 2.20. RDBMS
      • 2.21. Collaboration and PM
      • 2.22. Web Analytics
    • Chapter 3
    • 3. Emergence Of the Web
      • 3.1. N Tier Applications
      • 3.2. The Browser Front End
      • 3.3. Mobile App Front End
      • 3.4. The Middle Business Logic Tier
      • 3.5. How Java Spring Boot Facilitates Microservices
      • 3.6. The Communication (Messaging) Tier
      • 3.7. The Backend Database
      • 3.8. Content Delivery Network For Web Apps(CDN)
      • 3.9. Load Balancing
      • 3.10. Security of Web Applications
    • Chapter 4
    • 4. User Interface Technologies
      • 4.1. Web UI Server-Side Rendering
      • 4.2. Single Page App (SPAs)
      • 4.3. Mobile UI
    • Chapter 5
    • 5. Cloud Computing
      • 5.1. Virtual Machine
      • 5.2. Linux Containers
    • Chapter 6
    • 6. AWS Cloud
      • 6.1. Global Infrastructure
      • 6.2. Our Job
      • 6.3. Architects View of AWS Cloud
      • 6.4. Regions
      • 6.5. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
      • 6.6. Availability Zones
      • 6.7. IP Addressing
      • 6.8. Routers and ISPs
      • 6.9. Domain Name System
      • 6.10. CIDR
      • 6.11. Public / Private Subnet
      • 6.12. Access Control Lists (ACLs)
      • 6.13. Security Groups
      • 6.14. EC2 Instances
      • 6.15. Auto Scaling Groups
      • 6.16. Key AWS Services
      • 6.17. AWS Specialized Services
      • 6.18. AWS Security & Compliance
      • 6.19. Integration & Scalability
      • 6.20. Support & Community
      • 6.21. AWS IAM In Details
      • 6.22. AWS Cognito
      • 6.23. AWS SQS
      • 6.24. AWS Kinesis
      • 6.25. AWS CloudWatch
      • 6.26. AWS CloudFormation
      • 6.27. AWS SNS
    • Chapter 7
    • 7. Data Exchange Formats
      • 7.1. XML
      • 7.2. JSON
      • 7.3. CSV
      • 7.4. YAML
    • Chapter 8
    • 8. Relational Database
      • 8.1. Origin
      • 8.2. Schemas
      • 8.3. Tables
      • 8.4. Rows
      • 8.5. Columns
      • 8.6. Data Types
      • 8.7. Primary Keys
      • 8.8. Foreign Keys
      • 8.9. Unique Keys
      • 8.10. Relationships
      • 8.11. Ecommerce ERD Diagram
      • 8.12. Indexes
      • 8.13. SQL
    • Chapter 9
    • 9. No SQL Database
      • 9.1. Features of NoSQL Databases
      • 9.2. MongoDB
      • 9.3. Features of MongoDB
      • 9.4. How MongoDB Works
      • 9.5. Key MongoDB Concepts
      • 9.6. Query Example in MongoDB
    • Chapter 10
    • 10. In Memory Data Grid
      • 10.1. Infinispan
      • 10.2. Hazelcast
    • Chapter 11
    • 11. Text Search
      • 11.1. Elasticsearch
      • 11.2. Architecture
      • 11.3 Data Loading and Indexing
      • 11.4. Tokenization
      • 11.5. Sharding and Replication
      • 11.6. Typeahead (Autocomplete)
      • 11.7. Relevancy and Ranking
      • 11.8. Sorting
      • 11.9. Other Key Features
      • 11.10. Scalability and Performance
      • 11.11. Ecosystem
      • 11.12. Elasticsearch Architecture
      • 11.13. Elasticsearch 8.x
      • 11.14. Large Data Loading
      • 11.15. Master Node
      • 11.16. Data Nodes
      • 11.17. Query (Coordination) Nodes
    • Chapter 12
    • 12. Containerization
      • 12.1. DevOps and Microservices Containerized Deployment
      • 12.2. Kubernetes: Overview
      • 12.3. Kubernetes Features
      • 12.4. Kubernetes Architecture
      • 12.5. Types of Objects Supported by Kubernetes
      • 12.6. Kubernetes Architecture: In Detail
      • 12.7. Kubernetes Object Examples
    • Chapter 13
    • 13. Non-Functional Requirements
      • 13.1. Scalability
      • 13.2. Performance
      • 13.3. Security
      • 13.4. Fraud Detection
      • 13.5. Availability and Reliability
      • 13.6. Compliance with GDPR
      • 13.7. Compliance with HIPAA
      • 13.8. Compliance with CCPA
      • 13.9. Data Privacy and Confidentiality
      • 13.10. Interoperability
      • 13.11. Usability
      • 13.12. Maintenance and Support:__
      • 13.13. Monitoring and Logging
      • 13.14. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:__
      • 13.15. Auditing
      • 13.16. Oauth 2.0 & OIDC
      • 13.17. SAML 2.0
      • 13.18. Monitoring
      • 13.19. Scalability
      • 13.20. High Availability
      • 13.21. Disaster Recovery
      • 13.22. Maintainability
      • 13.23. Logging
    • Chapter 14
    • 14. Development Organization
      • 14.1. Product Owners
      • 14.2. Business Analysts
      • 14.3. Project Managers
      • 14.4. Software Engineers
      • 14.5. Architects
      • 14.6. Director / VP, Product
      • 14.7. Director, Operations
    • Chapter 15
    • 15. Agile and Scrum
      • 15.1. Agile Manifesto
      • 15.2. Scrum Methodology
    • Chapter 16
    • 16. Microservice Architecture
      • 16.1. Features
      • 16.2. Monolithic Architecture
      • 16.3. Origin and Adoption
      • 16.4. Microservice 15 Factors
      • 16.5. Microservice Ecosystem
      • 16.6. Netflix OSS
      • 16.7. Service Discovery
      • 16.8. Spring Cloud Config
      • 16.9. Hystrix (by Netflix)
      • 16.10. Resilience4j
      • 16.11. Ribbon
    • References

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