Practical Vavr
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Practical Vavr

About the Book

Practical Vavr is all about making you want to use Vavr in your day to day Java programming.

If you want to improve the quality of your code by using a well-thought and beautifully designed functional programming library for Java, then you need to adopt Vavr, and this book will help you put it in practice.

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About the Author

Alexandre Grison
Alexandre Grison

I'm a Software Engineer from Metz/France, working as a Tech Lead & Software Craftsman in Luxembourg.

I have been using Vavr since before it was called Vavr and I am interested in Functional Programming, Software Craftsmanship and beautiful code.

You can find me on Twitter or on my website.

Table of Contents

  • Practical Vavr
    • Vavr
      • Why
      • How
    • This book
      • Why
      • Code samples
      • About me
      • The cover
      • Thank you
    • Tuple
      • Creating Tuples
      • Creating Tuples from Iterables
      • Accessing elements
      • Mapping a tuple
      • Updating a Tuple
      • Transforming Tuples
      • Getting the size
      • Growing Tuples
      • Converting to a sequence
      • Hashing objects
      • Tuples and Maps
    • Option
      • Creating an Option
      • Conditionally creating an Option
      • Creating an Option from a sequence
      • Checking the status of an Option
      • Creating an Option holding null
      • Running side effects
      • Getting the value out of an Option
      • Filtering an Option
      • Mapping an Option
      • Mapping and nulls or other Option
      • Transforming an Option
      • Using with collectors
    • Either
      • Creating an Either
      • Creating an Either from a sequence
      • Checking the status of an Either
      • Running side effects
      • Getting the value out of an Either
      • Filtering an Either
      • Swaping an Either
      • Mapping an Either (transforming what’s inside)
      • Using with collectors
    • Try
      • Creating a Try
      • Using a Try to run a procedure
      • Checking the status of a Try
      • Running side effects
      • Chaining side effects
      • Finally
      • Getting the value out of a Try
      • Filtering a Try
      • Making an Either
      • Making a Validation
      • Mapping a Try
      • Mapping and null
      • Making a Success from a Failure
      • Recovering from errors
      • Working with resources
      • Using with collectors
    • Lazy
      • Creating a Lazy
      • Getting the value
      • Knowing if a Lazy has been evaluated
      • Filtering a Lazy
      • Mapping on a Lazy
      • Running a side effect
      • Transforming to another domain
      • Deprecation
    • Future
      • Creating a Future
      • Retrieve a Future state
      • Retrieving a Future’s value
      • Running side effects
      • Canceling a Future
      • Awaiting termination
      • Finding a Future within a sequence
      • Finding the first completed Future within a sequence
      • Running tasks
      • Accessing the underlying Executor
      • Providing a custom Executor
      • Mapping the Future
      • Folding futures
      • Reducing Futures
      • Filtering Futures
      • Zipping Futures
      • Recovering from errors
      • Try Interrop
      • Java Interrop
      • Using with collectors
    • Match
      • Creating a Match
      • Adding cases
      • Patterns
      • Predicates
    • Validation
      • Creating a validation
      • Combining and applying validations
      • Retrieve the status of a Validation
      • Swapping a Validation
      • Running a side effect
      • Folding a Validation
      • Mapping a Validation
    • Functions
      • Creating functions
      • Constants
      • Composition
      • Lifting
      • Partial application
      • Currying
      • Memoization
      • Reversing parameters
      • Getting the arity
      • Using Tuples as parameters
      • Sneaky Throws
      • Recovering
    • Collections
      • Performance characteristics of Vavr Collections
      • Vavr collections regarding Java collections
      • Hierarchy
    • Sequences
      • Creating a sequence
      • Appending to a sequence
      • Updating an element
      • Removing and filtering elements
      • Finding elements
      • Slices and sub sequences
      • Head and tail
      • Dropping elements
      • Inserting between elements
      • Padding
      • Taking elements
      • Checking if starting or ending
      • Folding and reducing sequences
      • Partitioning sequences
      • Patching sequences
      • Replacing an element
      • Splitting sequences
      • Sorting sequences
      • Shuffling sequences
      • Sliding over sequences
      • Scanning sequences
      • Rotating sequences
      • Reversing sequences
      • Generating permutations
      • Generating combinations
      • Grouping elements
      • Keeping distinct elements
      • Generating cross products
      • Zipping sequences
      • Finding longest segments
      • Summing elements
      • Product of elements
      • Minimum and maximum
      • Averaging elements
      • Flattening sequences
      • Making Strings
      • Java Interop
      • Using with collectors
    • Sets
      • Creating a Set
      • Creating ranges
      • Appending to a Set
      • Updating an element
      • Removing and filtering elements
      • Finding elements
      • Head and tail
      • Getting the size
      • Dropping elements
      • Taking elements
      • Sorting sets
      • Partitioning sets
      • Sliding sets
      • Scanning sets
      • Grouping elements
      • Union of sets
      • Intersection of sets
      • Difference of sets
      • Keeping distinct elements
      • Zipping sets
      • Summing elements
      • Product of elements
      • Minimum and maximum
      • Averaging elements
      • Making Strings
      • Interop with Java
      • Using with collectors
    • Maps
      • Creating a Map
      • Adding entries to a Map
      • Updating an entry
      • Removing and filtering elements
      • Finding elements
      • Head and tail
      • Getting the size
      • Retrieving the keys
      • Retrieving the values
      • Dropping elements
      • Taking elements
      • Sorting Map
      • Mapping Maps
      • Sliding over Maps
      • Scanning entries
      • Grouping elements
      • Merging two Maps
      • Reversing entries
      • Keeping distinct entries
    • Folding and reducing Maps
      • Zipping entries
      • Partitioning Maps
      • Interop with Java
      • Using with collectors
    • Streams
      • Creating a sequence
      • Appending to a Stream
      • Updating an element
      • Removing and filtering elements
      • Finding elements
      • Slices and sub sequences
      • Head and tail
      • Dropping elements
      • Taking elements
      • Checking if starting or ending
      • Splitting streams
      • Sorting streams
      • Sliding over streams
      • Scanning streams
      • Rotating streams
      • Reversing streams
      • Generating permutations
      • Generating combinations
      • Keeping distinct elements
      • Generating cross products
      • Zipping streams
    • Vavr in action
      • Try: a real world example
      • The Gilded Rose Kata
      • From HTTP to the Database, and back
      • Analysing football data
      • Advent Of Code
    • Vavr Matchers
      • Installation
      • Usage
      • Matchers
    • Vavr and Kotlin
      • Usage
      • Tuple
      • Option
      • Either
      • Try
      • List
      • Set
      • Map
    • Vavr and Property Testing
      • Usage
      • FizzBuzz
      • API

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