Practical Performance and Load Testing
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Practical Performance and Load Testing

About the Book

Load testing is often neglected in software development. As a result, we often see websites crash due to load on the launch day.  With more and more end-users accessing websites using various devices anytime, anywhere, the load demand for web apps grows exponentially. While awareness of the need for load testing is widely acknowledged, there has been little improvement in load testing in software development. That is why we see so many "XXX site crashed on the first day" news. 

Here are the common challenges that software projects are now facing in load testing:

  • Load testing tools are expensive
  • Unable to load-test dynamic websites (using AJAX)
  • Load testing is conducted rarely, and often too late
  • Lack of skills in load testing
  • Fragile load test scripts, unable to maintain them along with application changes 

This book will show you a practical approach (Continuous Performance/Load Testing) to address the above.

  • Support modern websites. All operations, including AJAX, can be load-tested easily.
  • Free (as in freedom as well as free in ‘free beer'). The load test (and build) scripts are all in open-source and popular frameworks, with no vendor-locking. Load testing is no longer a luxury that only large software companies can afford.
  • Immediate Result. Set up and running can be done within one day!
  • Continuous Performance and Load Testing in a DevOps process. Detect performance or load issues early. 

About the Author

Zhimin Zhan
Zhimin Zhan

Zhimin Zhan is the founder and principal agile testing coach of AgileWay Pty Ltd, Australia. As an advisor and coach, he helps organizations by implementing test automation with Continuous Testing using open technologies such as Selenium WebDriver / Appium and RSpec. Zhimin is the creator of TestWise, the next-generation functional testing tool that supports functional test refactorings, and BuildWise, an award-winning Continuous Testing Server. Zhimin is a frequent speaker and author of 12 books on software testing and programming. He shares his test automation and CI experience on Substack and Medium.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • What makes this book unique?
    • Who should read this book?
    • How to read this book?
    • Send me feedback
  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Performance Testing vs Load Testing
    • 1.2 Benefits of Load Testing for web apps
    • 1.3 Why effective load testing is more necessary than ever?
    • 1.4 Reality Check
    • 1.5 Why do most projects do load testing poorly?
    • 1.6 Load Testing Approaches
      • 1.6.1 HTTP Protocol-based load testing
      • 1.6.2 Real browser-based load testing
    • 1.7 Review
  • 2 Practical Load Testing
    • 2.1 Load Testing Trends
      • 2.1.1 Approach: Protocol-based ⇒ Browser-based
      • 2.1.2 Who is doing load testing: one performance testing team ⇒ individual projects
      • 2.1.3 Tools: Expensive commercial proprietary ⇒ Free and open-source scripting
      • 2.1.4 Execution frequency: A few times ⇒ Early and frequently
      • 2.1.5 Execution mindset: Long and Regid ⇒ Short and Relax
    • 2.2 Success Factors
    • 2.3 Practical Load Testing
      • 2.3.1 The Team Owns it
      • 2.3.2 Starting small, Starting today
      • 2.3.3 Do it often as a part of CT
      • 2.3.4 Make every load testing short, less stringent
      • 2.3.5 Focus on the main, then the rest load testing targets
      • 2.3.6 The Process
    • 2.4 Case Study: How will I load test Census Australia?
      • 2.4.1 Prerequisite
      • 2.4.2 Process
      • 2.4.3 The Cost
      • 2.4.4 Why does it work?
      • 2.4.5 FAQ
    • 2.5 Review
  • 3 Protocol-based Performance and Load Testing
    • 3.1 How does Protocol-based testing works?
    • 3.2 Simple Performance/Load Testing Exercise
    • 3.3 Scripting with Mechanize
      • 3.3.1 Preparation
      • 3.3.2 Performance Testing
      • 3.3.3 Simple Load Testing
      • 3.3.4 Compare load results
      • 3.3.5 Failure to load test AJAX
    • 3.4 Load testing with JMeter
      • 3.4.1 Performance Testing
      • 3.4.2 Load Testing
    • 3.5 Handcrafted scripts vs GUI tools
    • 3.6 Review
  • 4 Test Syntax Framework
    • 4.1 RSpec
      • 4.1.1 Install and Run RSpec tests
      • 4.1.2 A performance test in RSpec
    • 4.2 Avoid Gherkin
    • 4.3 Review
  • 5 First Functional Performance Test
    • 5.1 Test Design
    • 5.2 Install Testing Tool
    • 5.3 New Performance Test Project
    • 5.4 Run the blank test
    • 5.5 Create test steps
      • 5.5.1 Create test steps manually
      • 5.5.2 Using TestWise Recorder
      • 5.5.3 Test case
    • 5.6 Add measurements
      • 5.6.1 Measure timings in Ruby
    • 5.7 Headless browser mode
    • 5.8 Compare performance testing results
    • 5.9 Measure AJAX operations
    • 5.10 Functional Test vs Functional Performance Test
    • 5.11 Review
  • 6 Performance Test Plan
    • 6.1 Scope of work
    • 6.2 Testing execution approach
    • 6.3 Automation framework
      • 6.3.1 Protocol based frameworks
      • 6.3.2 Browser based frameworks
    • 6.4 Scripting language
    • 6.5 Test Syntax framework
    • 6.6 Test Creation: Recording vs Handcrafting
    • 6.7 Automation Tools
      • 6.7.1 Be efficient
      • 6.7.2 Preview browser-based tests
    • 6.8 Measurements
      • 6.8.1 Operation types for measurements
      • 6.8.2 Determine operations for timing
    • 6.9 Test executions and Reporting
    • 6.10 Review
  • 7 Continuous Performance Testing
    • 7.1 Why run performance tests in CT server
    • 7.2 Set up BuildWise Server
    • 7.3 Execute performance tests in a CT server
      • 7.3.1 Prerequisite
      • 7.3.2 Set a CT build project
      • 7.3.3 Trigger a CT run
      • 7.3.4 View Build result
      • 7.3.5 Continuous Execution
    • 7.4 Case Study - Performance Testing WhenWise’s Reset
    • 7.5 Review
  • 8 Load Test Plan
    • 8.1 Load Testing Scenarios
    • 8.2 Determine the number of VUs required
    • 8.3 Generate Load
    • 8.4 Load Testing Metrics
    • 8.5 Define Success Criteria
    • 8.6 Parallel Execution in a CT server
    • 8.7 Execution Control
      • 8.7.1 Testing What?
      • 8.7.2 With how much load?
    • 8.8 Review
  • 9 Continuous Load Testing
    • 9.1 Generate Load from the command line
    • 9.2 How does Continuous Load Testing work?
      • 9.2.1 Benefits
      • 9.2.2 How can this approach handle a large load, e.g. 10000 concurrent users?
    • 9.3 Build Agents
      • 9.3.1 Build Agent Machines
      • 9.3.2 Install BuildWise agent software
      • 9.3.3 Configure first build agent
      • 9.3.4 Verify software on an Agent machine
      • 9.3.5 Verify Test Execution in an Agent
      • 9.3.6 Configure - Pre Execution (optional)
      • 9.3.7 Clone multiple build agents
    • 9.4 Set up Load Testing project
    • 9.5 Review
  • 10 Custom Load Testing Execution
    • 10.1 Control which tests to run
      • 10.1.1 Focused Scenario(s)
      • 10.1.2 Mix Scenarios
    • 10.2 Prepare Execution
    • 10.3 A Quick Test Run with one Build Agent
      • 10.3.1 Build Agent Specifiction Affects Performance
    • 10.4 Control the Load
      • 10.4.1 Set VU count
      • 10.4.2 Set test execution time
      • 10.4.3 Increase the load gradually
    • 10.5 Set Success Criteria
      • 10.5.1 Overall failure rate
      • 10.5.2 Indvidual Operation Timings
    • 10.6 Monitor Execution
    • 10.7 Case Study: Load Testing User Login
      • 10.7.1 1 VU
      • 10.7.2 3 VUs
      • 10.7.3 6 VUs
      • 10.7.4 9 VUs
      • 10.7.5 12 VUs
      • 10.7.6 Report
      • 10.7.7 Analyse
      • 10.7.8 What’s next?
      • 10.7.9 Review
    • 10.8 Case Study: Mixed Scenarios
      • 10.8.1 Create a new Build Project by Clone
      • 10.8.2 Test Scripts
      • 10.8.3 Debug Operation Failure
      • 10.8.4 Report
  • 11 Identifying Flaws and Performance issues
    • 11.1 Functional Flaws
      • 11.1.1 Design Flaw
      • 11.1.2 Race conditions
    • 11.2 Non-Functional
      • 11.2.1 Website Crash
      • 11.2.2 Software Inefficient
      • 11.2.3 Deployment/Infrastructure Flaw
    • 11.3 Feedback Time is Critical
    • 11.4 Performance/Load Improvement Suggestions
    • 11.5 Review
  • 12 Continuous Testing Lab
    • 12.1 Costing Factor
    • 12.2 Start Small, Start Today
    • 12.3 Reliable
    • 12.4 Ongoing Mainteance
      • 12.4.1 Execution Environment
      • 12.4.2 BuildWise Agent
      • 12.4.3 App related
    • 12.5 Optimize For Speed
      • 12.5.1 Recommendations
    • 12.6 Review
  • 13 Maintaining Load Test Scripts
    • 13.1 Reusable functions and Page Objects
      • 13.1.1 Page Object Models
      • 13.1.2 Reusable Helper Functions
    • 13.2 Test Refactoring
    • 13.3 Coding conventions
    • 13.4 AJAX in Load Tests
    • 13.5 Review
  • 14 Best Practices
    • 14.1 Run a warm-up script first
    • 14.2 Using faster Selenium operations
      • 14.2.1 Prefer a faster locator
      • 14.2.2 Avoid Selecting an option by Index
      • 14.2.3 Reuse already located element
      • 14.2.4 Submit form instead of clicking a submit button
      • 14.2.5 Asserting page content using source
    • 14.3 Speed up non-operational steps
      • 14.3.1 Mimimize test data
      • 14.3.2 Using JavaScript to enter text data
    • 14.4 Avoid Conflicts
      • 14.4.1 Stabilise load scripts with randomization
      • 14.4.2 Leave no side effects
    • 14.5 Review
  • Appendix: TestWisely
    • Test Scripts on Github
      • Verify: Run tests on TestWise
    • Set up a CT Lab on TestWisely and Run Performance/Load Tests
      • Sign up TestWisely
      • Set up Wizard
      • Set up Build Projects
    • Performance Testing
      • Protocol-based
      • Browser-based
      • Execution
    • Load Testing
      • Allocate Build Agents
      • A Run of Load Testing on TestWisely’s BuildWise
    • How do Build Agents support different Apps?
      • Test Scripts on Build Agents
      • Update BuildWise Agent Configuration
    • FAQ
  • Resources
    • Books
    • Tools
    • Online
  • References

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