Playground Secrets and Power Tips (Playground Secrets and Power Tips)
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Playground Secrets and Power Tips

About the Book

Playgrounds offer an essential Swift learning, development, and documentation tool. They enable you to explore the Swift language, test out routines, prototype quick solutions, delve into Cocoa / Cocoa Touch APIs, and create flexible interactive documents. That's a lot of power for one minor Xcode feature and that's why this book exists. Playgrounds don't just let you tweak, test, and explore, they offer an exciting tool suite that promotes data visualization and design clarity.

Playgrounds provide instant gratification for every bit of code you type. Imagine creating fully operational code elements in just a few lines. APIs, functions, and methods spring to life, ready for testing and refinement. Apple has invested a lot of work into making these environments a fantastic touch point for language development support. If you think a playground is nothing more than a read-eval-print loop with pretentions, you're missing the point. Inline value previews, timeline exploration, rich documentation, and other highly visual elements support development beyond the level of "does this compile?" and "what value does this return?

"Playgrounds are so so great :) …reading “Playground Secrets and Power Tips” by @ericasadun" – Don Southard @dirtdon

"Trying to figure out the XCPlayground stuff, and I knew @ericasadun would have my back. Thanks!" – Laura Dickey, @littlepotatosw

"Just picked up Playground Secrets. Your books have always been a meaningful part of my learning and growth. Thank you!" – Zach Starkebaum, @rebelzach

"Xcode Playgrounds book by @ericasadun keeps being updated and getting better." – John Haney, @johnhaney

"Thanks for your amazing work Erica! Loved your book" – Jasdev Singh, @jasdev

"Purchased your Playgrounds book. It is invaluable, thank-you." – Russell Gordon, @rgordon

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About the Author

erica sadun
erica sadun

Erica Sadun writes lots of books. When not writing, she's a full time parent of geeks who are brushing up on their world domination skills. According to her academic dosimeter, she's acquired more education than any self-respecting person might consider wise. She enjoys deep diving into technology and has written, co-written, and contributed to dozens of books about computing and digital media. Sadun has blogged at TUAW, Ars Technica, O'Reilly, and Lifehacker. If you have any comments or questions about her ebooks, please drop an email at Follow the author on her blog and Twitter (@ericasadun) to keep up with news and ebook announcements

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Table of Contents

Playground Power

Exploring Playgrounds

Controlling Your Workspace

Working with the Playground Editor

Documenting Playgrounds

Playground Internals

Power Tricks


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