PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Practice Test
PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Practice Test
Clear your PL-900 Exam on the first attempt | Power Platform | In-depth Explanations for correct & wrong answers | With Product Images
About the Book
a. 140+ deeply researched questions for PL 900. I create no more than three questions/day to maintain high quality.
b. I simulate the actual PL900 Microsoft exam experience for you in the form of single-answer or multiple-answer questions, statement analysis, active screen questions, drag-and-drop questions, build list and reorder questions, and so on.
c. Clear and lucid explanations for both correct & incorrect answers.
d. Supporting visuals created by me to drive better understanding (Not taken from Microsoft documentation)
e. Explanations run parallel to the product. Every detailed explanation has corroborating evidence with the Microsoft product (like Power BI or Power Apps or Power Automate or PVA) shown in screenshots and clear callouts.
f. Explanations are NOT directly copied from Microsoft documentation. I have rephrased all the reasoning in simple and easy-to-understand language.
g. No step-motherly treatment of incorrect answer choices. I took enough effort to explain the rationale for each answer choice (whether correct/wrong), including the reference links.
h. Don't worry about inaccurate sentence framing/wrong grammar/incorrect punctuation. I use Grammarly to review every question.
i. Almost non-existent repetition of questions only to increase the question count.
j. For some questions, you may have to search for answers in the given reference link. A Quick Preview feature shows a screenshot of the relevant paragraph to which the correct answer refers.
k. I love to help you succeed. If you need to discuss, we have an Active Q&A dashboard and expect fast responses (save for my sleeping hours, which are generally less).
l. As soon as there is an update from Microsoft, I try to update my course, keeping it always fresh.
m. The question bank is peer-reviewed every three months to ensure exam relevance.
n. Still not convinced? Check out sample questions on my YouTube channel/website before you decide to buy.
Feel free to connect with me through my website for any issues/questions.
The questions are collected from a variety of domains and sub-domains with extra care taken to equal attention to each exam area. Also, the questions are on different levels.
For example:
- Remember-level questions test whether you can recall memorized facts, & basic concepts.
- Understand-level questions validate whether you can explain the meanings of terms, & concepts.
- Application-level questions test whether you can perform tasks using facts, concepts, & techniques, and,
- Analysis-level questions validate whether you can diagnose situations & solve problems with concepts & techniques.
A mixture of questions at different levels reinforces your knowledge and prepares you to ace the exam.
These are the exam domains covered in the PL-900 practice test:
- Describe the business value of Power Platform (20-25%)
- Identify the core components of Power Platform (10-15%)
- Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI (20-25%)
- Describe the capabilities of Power Apps (25-30%)
- Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Automate (10-15%)
- Demonstrate the business value of Power Virtual Agents (5-10%)
Table of Contents
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