PHP MVC (Clinic Management App)


Create your own MVC framework with PHP

About the Book

On our way to becoming successful developers, we will come across different tools to get the job done. What we learn today will not necessarily be relevant in a couple of years (maybe less). Such is the nature of the beast.

There are very good reasons to create your own MVC framework:

  1. If we go straight to learning a framework, we can end up seeing any problem only depending on the framework used or preferred.
  2. A framework has a lot of "magic" behind. We use what the framework offers, ignoring how things really work.
  3. We should concentrate first on learning the language, that'll make us betters developers.

So, creating our own PHP framework will not only provide us with a functional and powerfill skeleton to develop robust applications; it will also serve as a learning path, understanding complex topics so in the future, any professional framework you are required to use will make sense.

What you will learn:

  • How to structure applications so your code is robust and manteinable.
  • Design patterns such as Front Controller and MVC.
  • Advanced topics sucha us sessions, dependency injection, routing, class autoloading, etc.
  • You will a develop a complete application using the newly created framework.

It won't be short, but at the end of the road you will have the skills and knwoledge to advance your carreer.

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About the Author

Victor Hugo Garcia
Victor Hugo Garcia

More than ten years as a fullstack developer, using different frameworks such as Laravel, Yii, Zend, Cake, Angular, React and Vue. Master's Degree in Computer Science.

He loves teaching, reading and writing technical and fantasy books.

Table of Contents

    • Chapter 01: Why creating an MVC Framework
      • Introducion
      • Reasons to create your own MVC framework
      • Who is this book for and how to read it?
      • Installations needed
      • Errors
      • Contact information
      • Summary
    • Chapter 02: Introduction to PHP
      • Introduction
      • Development environment
      • Syntax
      • Comments
      • Variables
      • Types
      • Converting types
      • Constants
      • Operators
      • Control Structures
      • Functions
      • Arrays
      • Forms
      • Databases
      • Summary
    • Chapter 03: Object oriented programming
      • Classes and Objects
      • $this
      • Access modifiers
      • Getters and setters
      • Magic methods
      • Building a fileuploader
      • Inheritance
      • Interfaces
      • Namespaces
      • Autoloading of classes
    • Chapter 04: Basic structure
      • Starting to spin the wheel
      • Structure
    • Chapter 05: Database connection
      • Introduction
      • Database class
    • Chapter 06: Model, View, Controller
      • Summary
    • Chapter 07: First application
      • The Client Model
      • The ClientController
      • Adding a main layout
      • DataTable widget
      • Summary
    • Chapter 08: Authentication
      • Introduction
      • Users table
      • Generating a unique session id
      • User model
      • UserController: registering a new user
      • Register view
      • UserController: login in
      • Summary
    • Chapter 09: Advanced topics
      • Introduction
      • Dependency injection
      • PSR-4 Autoloading
      • Summary
    • Chapter 10: Clinic Management App Part I
      • Introduction
      • Project folder
      • Config
      • Visual aspect
      • Main layout
      • Logout button
      • Summary
    • Chapter 11: Clinic Management App Part II, Database
      • Introduction
      • Data Structure
      • Employee Model
      • Patient Model
      • PatientController
      • Summary
    • Chapter 12: Clinic Management App Part III, Medical Records
      • Introduction
      • Specialities table
      • Model’s Relations
      • One to one relation
      • Patient Medical History
      • Summary
    • Chapter 13: Patients Appointments
      • Introduction
      • Availability table
      • Appointment model
      • Employee appointments relationship
      • Working hours for professionals
      • Showing the hours already registered in the edit form
      • Generating doctors available appointments
      • Summary
    • Chapter 14: Routing
      • Introduction
      • Protecting our routes
      • Routes configuration
      • Named routes
      • Summary
    • Chapter 15: Role based access control
      • Introduction
      • Roles table
      • Changing the UserController
      • Finishing the views
      • Checking Admin role
      • Change password functionality
      • Summary and last words

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