PHP Fundamentals
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PHP Fundamentals

Learn PHP Fundamentals in Plain English

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This book explains you PHP fundamentals using simple examples. If you are having difficulties in understanding things like PHP arrays, control structures, form submissions etc, this book will definitely be a helpful reference to you.

Currently this book contains 29 chapters under following three sections.

  • Basics section covers the language basics like installing & running PHP files, data types, operators and control structures.
  • Configuration section brings you the essentials you need to know about PHP configuration (php.ini).
  • Get and Post section covers all you need to know about form submissions & processing in PHP.

There is more content to be added and if you buy the book now, you will get all of them free of charge.

About Me

I started my professional career about six years ago and have gained sound knowledge in PHP, MySQL and related technologies. I experienced learning challenges of these technologies earlier in my career and have seen how other beginners struggle.

As a way of sharing my knowledge and helping beginners, I launched in 2010.

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About the Author

Gayanath Jayarathne
Gayanath Jayarathne

Gayanath is a Software Engineer specialized in PHP. He has over six years of industry experience that include open source software and enterprise software. He is the founder of

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Table of Contents

  • Part 1 - Basics
    • Chapter 1 - Role of PHP in Web Applications
      • Dynamic Content
      • How PHP Engine Outputs Content
      • Embedding PHP in HTML
    • Chapter 2 - Installing PHP in Your Computer
    • Chapter 3 - Working with XAMPP
      • Downloading and Installing XAMPP
      • Starting Apache and MySQL
      • Apache Is Not Starting Error
      • Making Requests to the Server
      • Putting Stuff in Web Folder
      • Root URL and Home Page Content
      • Locations of Configuration Files
      • Restarting Apache and MySQL
    • Chapter 4 - How to Run PHP Files
    • Chapter 5 - Getting Information about PHP Installation
    • Chapter 6 - Choosing a PHP Editor
    • Chapter 7 - Printing Content with echo()
      • Different Usage of echo()
      • Difference Between echo() and print()
    • Chapter 8 - Usage of Quotes
    • Chapter 9 - PHP Variables and Constants
      • Naming Variables
      • Arrays
      • Predefined Variables
      • Constants
    • Chapter 10 - PHP Arrays
      • Indexed vs Associative Arrays
      • Defining Arrays
      • Array Functions
    • Chapter 11 - PHP Data Types
      • Type Juggling
      • Scalar Data Types
      • Compound Data Types
      • Other Data Types
      • Type Casting
    • Chapter 12 - PHP Operators
      • Assignment Operator
      • Arithmetic Operators
      • Integer Division
      • String Concatenation
      • Increment and Decrement Operators
      • Comparison Operators
      • Logical Operators
      • Error Suppression Operator (@)
      • Bitwise Operators
      • Backtick Operator
      • More Forms of Assignment Operator
      • Operator Precedence
    • Chapter 13 - PHP Functions
      • Function Name
      • Arguments
      • Return Value
      • Modifying Functions
      • Variable Scope
      • Built-in Functions
    • Chapter 14 - PHP Language Constructs vs Built-in Functions
      • Language Constructs Are Relatively Faster
      • Language Constructs Don’t Need Parenthesis
    • Chapter 15 - PHP If Else and Switch Case
      • If
      • If Else
      • If Elseif
      • Condition of If Statements
      • Switch Case
      • If Else vs Switch Case
      • Ternary Operator (Shorthand If/Else)
    • Chapter 16 - PHP Loops
      • While Loop
      • Do While Loop
      • While vs Do While
      • For Loop
      • Foreach Loop
      • For vs Foreach
    • Chapter 17 - Break Statement
    • Chapter 18 - Continue Statement
    • Chapter 19 - PHP Include Files
      • include_once()
      • include() vs require()
      • include_once() vs require_once()
      • Include Path
      • Extension of Include File
      • Braces Are Optional
    • Chapter 20 - Coding Standards
      • Use CamelCase in Naming
      • Use Braces Consistently
    • Chapter 21 - Comments
      • Single Line Comments
      • Multi-line Comments
      • phpDocumentor
    • Chapter 22 - Usage of Brackets
      • Round Brackets ()
      • Square Brackets
      • Curly Brackets {}
    • Chapter 23 - Basic PHP Debugging
      • Setting Break Points
      • Debugging Functions
      • Remember to Clear Debugging Code
  • Part 2 - Configuration
    • Chapter 24 - Basics of php.ini
      • short_open_tag
      • max_execution_time
      • memory_limit
      • register_globals
      • safe_mode
      • Deprecated and Removed Settings
    • Chapter 25 - php.ini Error Settings
      • display_errors
      • display_startup_errors
      • log_errors
      • error_reporting
    • Chapter 26 - Changing php.ini Settings at Runtime
      • ini_get()
      • get_cfg_var()
      • error_reporting()
  • Part 3 - Get and Post
    • Chapter 27 - Understanding Get and Post
      • Difference between Get and Post
      • $_REQUEST
      • Form Action
      • Security Concerns
    • Chapter 28 - Dealing with Form Fields
      • Using isset() and empty()
      • Naming Conventions
      • Button Fields
      • Dealing with Multiple Rows of Form Fields
    • Chapter 29 - PHP File Upload
      • Mime Types
      • Using Error Codes
      • Use of MAX_FILE_SIZE
      • Uploading Multiple Files
      • Security Concerns

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