Writing PHP with Emacs
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Writing PHP with Emacs

Turn vanilla Emacs into a powerful PHP editor.

About the Book

My aim is for the book to teach you how to take a brand new Emacs installation and turn it into something tailored just for you.

A complete table of contents, along with a regularly updated changelog, is available on the Writing PHP with Emacs homepage. The rough outline looks like this:

Part 1 - Essential Packages

  • Using php-mode
  • Installation
  • First Steps
  • Useful shortcuts (for navigation, viewing documentation and editing code)
  • Customization - indentation and coding styles
  • Customization - documentation lookup
  • Customization - Using TAGS files
  • Evaluating inline code using php-send-region
  • Using web-mode
  • Installation
  • First steps
  • Useful shortcuts
  • Customization - indentation
  • Explanation and examples of all shortcuts

Part 2 - Getting More out of Emacs

  • Checking syntax (and more) with flycheck
  • Navigating projects using projectile
  • Using lsp-mode

Part 3 - Recipes

  • Setting per-project settings using .dir-locals.el
  • Generating code quickly with emmet
  • Looking up documentation with dash
  • Adding a project sidebar using dired-sidebar
  • Setting up an Emacs environment for WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, and Symfony

About the Author

Phil Newton
Phil Newton

I am a freelance software developer living in beautiful North Carolina. The majority of my work involves building and maintaining custom PHP web applications, although I also spend a lot of time developing for WordPress and Drupal. For personal projects I like to mix things up and use a variety of languages from Ruby to Common Lisp.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What this book is working towards
    • The structure of this book
    • Conventions
    • Learning more about Emacs
    • Let’s get started!
  • Part I: Essential Packages
  • php-mode
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • First Steps
    • Useful Shortcuts
    • Customization - Indentation and Coding Styles
    • Customization - PHP Documentation Lookup
    • Customization - Browsing Documentation Within Emacs
    • Customization - Generating a TAGS File
    • Evaluating PHP Code
    • Running PHP’s Built-in Server
    • Viewing PHP’s Configuration Paths with php-ini
  • web-mode
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • Configuring web-mode for PHP file extensions
    • First Steps
    • Highlighting embedded code
    • Configuring indentation
    • Useful shortcuts
    • Snippets
  • Part II: Getting More out of Emacs
  • Checking syntax (and more) with flycheck
    • Installing flycheck
    • Installing PHP checkers
    • Globally enabling and disabling checkers
    • Per-project enabling and disabling checkers
  • Quickly navigating projects with projectile
    • What is projectile?
    • Getting Started
    • Useful key bindings
  • Using lsp for intelligent code features
    • What is lsp?
    • What can lsp-mode do?
    • Installation
    • Configuring lsp-mode
    • Configuring lsp-ui
    • Installing and configuring each PHP lsp server
    • Setting up automatic-completion with company-mode
    • Adding icons to company-mode
  • Part III: Recipes
  • Using .dir-locals.el to automatically set project preferences
    • Just what is a .dir-locals.el file?
    • Setting values within Emacs
    • Setting values directly
    • Useful settings for PHP developers
    • Setting the coding style
    • Setting tab and space styles
    • Setting flycheck phpcs coding standard
    • Enabling and disabling flycheck checkers
    • Learning more
  • Generating HTML code quickly with emmet
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • Quick syntax overview
  • Looking up documentation with dash
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • Installing and using documentation sets
    • Automatically activating docsets for a mode
    • Setting per-project docsets
    • Fixing the GnuTLS error
  • Adding a project sidebar using dired-sidebar
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • Usage
    • Customization
  • Configuring a Drupal 7 project
    • Overview
    • Setting up indentation
    • Setting up Drupal documentation lookup
    • Setting up coding standards checking
    • Adding Drupal 7 file type associations
    • The full .dir-locals.el configuration
  • Configuring a Drupal 8 project
    • Overview
    • Setting up indentation
    • Setting up Drupal documentation lookup
    • Setting up coding standards checking
    • Adding Drupal 8 file type associations
    • The full .dir-locals.el configuration
  • Configuring a Laravel project
    • Overview
    • Setting up tabs and indentation
    • Setting up Laravel documentation lookup
    • Setting up coding standards checking with flycheck
    • The full .dir-locals.el configuration
  • Configuring a Symfony project
    • Overview
    • Setting up tabs and indentation
    • Setting up Symfony documentation lookup
    • Setting up coding standards checking with flycheck
    • The full .dir-locals.el configuration
  • Configuring a WordPress project
    • Overview
    • Setting up tabs and indentation
    • Setting up WordPress documentation lookup
    • Setting up coding standards checking with flycheck
    • WordPress-specific lsp configuration
    • The full .dir-locals.el configuration
  • Appendix
  • Appendix A: Intelephense Configuration Variables
  • Acknowledgments
  • Notes

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