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About the Book

Fired from his job, dumped by his girlfriend and shoved around by the world, a young, lazy, day-dreamer takes refuge in his world of dreams and fantasies, and finally decides to become a writer. And what does he want to write about? He wants to write about monsters! He wants to write about fights, action, adventure, etc.! He's writing a book about:'Two simple minded, happy-go-lucky buddies suddenly find themselves in trouble when they are attacked by a 3000-year old fireball-belching monster whom nothing seems to be able to defeat. When all the tricks of the local police fail to control the creature, and ordinary bullets and bombs prove useless, the question remains - will the world ever be able to get rid of this menace once and for all?'He has started created a world of his own, a world in which only HE can rule with full authority. But will he be able to finish what he's started? More importantly, will he be able to taste success in his new venture?

About the Author

Marlowe, Sr.
Marlowe, Sr.

Well, I don't have much to say about myself. I have been writing since my school days (short poems, stories, etc) but never could make it big in the offline world due to competition. Then later on in my life I discovered the awesome world of self-publishing! It took me some time to get back in gear but hey it was worth it, and here I am!What inspires me to write? Hmm, pretty hard to answer that one! Hmm, maybe the dream of becoming rich and famous one day! :-) Seriously, although I consider myself to be a jack of all trades, I feel that writing is the only thing I can do, and do well, without any restrictions! There is no limit here that I can't cross, no boss whose rules I have to play by!I am a slow writer and more of a seat-of-the-pants type! One I am done with my book I'd regret about not having a proper plan or method etc., but when I am about to write my next book I am back to square one again. Creature of habit, you can say!I pretty much want to slip into my characters, put myself in their shoes and think about 'Hey, if it were me instead of him or her, then what would I have done/said in a similar situation?' That apart, because my characters are pretty multi-dimensional, it takes quite a lot of research before I can sketch even ONE character fully!Although I've been writing for a long time, I wouldn't have been here had it not been for a friend: she really convinced me (I don't think it was her intention but anyway) to join the world of self-publishing. She is a pretty good writer herself (actually I think a better writer than me) and doing well in the publishing world! I mentioned her name in my book Phantasy because it was she who helped me in the arduous task of formatting my book!For wannabe writers, I have just one thing to tell them 'Write your heart out. Don't give a damn about what people would say about it!' I believe that the future of self-publishing is bright, although not everything about the self-publishing world is as rosy as it looks on the surface. There is quite a struggle and investment involved ahead, if you really want people to read your ebook, that is!

Table of Contents

  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Three
  • Converted Files

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