Password Management Tools for Businesses and Institutions
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Password Management Tools for Businesses and Institutions

Improving cybersecurity by eliminating weak, reused, and compromised passwords

About the Book

This book is written for business and IT decision makers. Its purpose is to help you select the best password management tool (or tools) for your organisation. We examine the main issues relating to password management and take a look at 12 different solutions designed for businesses, enterprises, and teams.

Research studies reveal that over 80% of major data breaches can be traced back to a single compromised identity, so password management needs to be top of your cybersecurity agenda. But where do you start?

  • The business value of better password management
  • Password management: What capabilities do you need?
  • Tools that support operations vs dictate process
  • Reduce the complexity of the digital workplace
  • Minimise deployment and administration overhead
  • Reduce the user-visible password surface area
  • Monitor, audit, and review password-related threats
  • Do your due diligence
  • Vendor go-to-market strategies

The consumer market offers well over 70 password management tools. Thankfully, there are far fewer products designed for businesses and institutions. Through hands-on testing and vendor briefings, we assessed 12 competing products:

  • 1Password Business
  • Bitwarden
  • Bluink Enterprise
  • Dashlane Business
  • Keeper Enterprise
  • LastPass Enterprise
  • ManageEngine Password Manager Pro
  • Passbolt
  • Passwork
  • Pleasant Password Server
  • RoboForm for Business
  • TeamPassword

If you're an IT pro, you'll want to understand the market landscape, so we take a look at the origins of this market, its dynamics and trends, future developments, and the overall vendor landscape. If you're a product manager, you'll probably want to see how your offering measures up to the competition, so we've provided a chart to help you do just that. And if you're a service provider or system integrator, you'll want to understand the reach and range of these products and the commercial opportunities they present - we take a look at that too.

The book provides recommendations for enterprises, and we also offer a few thoughts and insights for vendors to take note of. Speaking of vendors, we asked them to review the product assessment for factual accuracy. Note: There was no sponsorship or commercial arrangement between the author and the vendor.

About the Author

Richard Edwards
Richard Edwards

Richard Edwards is an IT research analyst and technology management consultant with over 30 years of industry experience.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Market view

Key messages


Recommendations for businesses and institutions

Recommendations for vendors

Scoping the Market

The business value of better password management

Password management: What capabilities do you need?

Tools that support operations vs dictate process

Reduce the complexity of the digital workplace

Minimise deployment and administration overhead

Reduce the user-visible password surface area

Monitor, audit, and review password-related threats

Do your due diligence

Vendor go-to-market strategies

Market Landscape

Market origin and dynamics

Password management market trends

Future developments

Vendor landscape

1Password Business

Prouct summary

Key messages

Why put 1Password Business on your radar?



Current position



Product summary

Key messages

Why put Bitwarden on your radar?


Choice of deployment options and password data segmentation

Reporting, auditing, and automating


Current position


Bluink Enterprise

Product summary

Key messages

Why put Bluink Enterprise on your radar?



Current position


Dashlane Business

Product summary

Key messages

Why put Dashlane Business on your radar?



Current position


Keeper Enterprise

Product summary

Key messages

Why put Keeper Enterprise on your radar?



Current position


LastPass Enterprise

Product summary

Key messages

Why put LastPass Enterprise on your radar?



Current position


ManageEngine Password Manager Pro

Product summary

Key messages

Why put Password Manager Pro on your radar?



Current position



Product summary

Key messages

Why put Passbolt on your radar?



Current position



Product summary

Key messages

Why put Passwork on your radar?



Current position


Pleasant Password Server

Product summary

Key messages

Why put Pleasant Password Server on your radar?



Current position


RoboForm for Business

Product summary

Key messages

Why put RoboForm for Business on your radar?



Current position



Product summary

Key messages

Why put TeamPassword on your radar?



Current position


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