part 2

part 2

About the Book

About the Author

jon hagar
jon hagar

Jon Hagar is a senior tester with 35 years in software development and testing currently working with Grand Software Testing, LLC. He has supported software product design, integrity, integration, reliability, measurement, verification, validation, and testing on a variety of projects and software domains (environments). He has an M.S. degree in Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering and Testing from Colorado State University and a B.S. Degree in Math with specialization in Civil Engineering and Software from Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado. Jon has worked in business analysis, systems, and software engineering areas, specializing in testing, verification and validation. Projects he has supported include the domains of embedded, mobile devices, IoT, and PC/IT systems as well as test lab and tool development.

Jon is and has been a member of numerous professional organizations, including: Association of Software Test (AST), IEEE, ACM, ISO and Object Modeling Group (OMG). He serves as an author and current project editor of ISO 29119 Software Test Standards; he is also a member of IEEE 1012 Verification and Validation planning standards working group, 1028 review committee, and co-chair on OMG Unified Modeling Language testing profile standard, as well as a voting member on many other standards. He is past member of professional society boards: Software Quality Assurance of Denver-QA (SQuaD) and American Software Test Qualification Board (ASTQB).

Jon has taught hundreds of classe

s and tutorials around the world in: software engineering, systems engineering, and testing, throughout industry and universities. He has published numerous articles on software reliability, testing, test tools, formal methods, mobile, and embedded systems. Jon is author of the book: Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices (CRC Press 2013), as well as contributor to books on agile testing and test automation. Jon makes presentations regularly at industry working groups and conferences. He holds a patent on web test technologies.

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