Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
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Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

About the Book

If you’re coming from a more traditional object-oriented language such as C++ or Java, JavaScript might seem like it’s not object-oriented at all. After all, JavaScript has no concept of classes, and you don’t even need to define any objects in order to write code. JavaScript can look just as much like C as it can an object-oriented language depending on how you decide to write it. But don’t be fooled, JavaScript is an incredibly powerful and expressive object-oriented language that puts many design decisions in the hands of you, the developer.

This book is an exploration of the object-oriented nature of JavaScript. It is not specific to a particular JavaScript environment, so it’s equally useful for web developers and Node.js developers. The book includes information about ECMAScript 5 and its new capabilities that have changed how you can work with objects in JavaScript.

What you'll learn:

  • The differences between primitive and reference values
  • What makes JavaScript functions so unique
  • The various ways of creating an object
  • The difference between data properties and accessor properties using ECMAScript 5
  • How to define your own constructors
  • How to work with and understand prototypes
  • Various inheritance patterns for types and objects
  • How to create private and privileged object members
  • How to prevent modification of objects using ECMAScript 5 functionality

Want a print version of the book? Purchase Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript from No Starch Press.

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About the Author

Nicholas C. Zakas
Nicholas C. Zakas

Nicholas C. Zakas is an independent software engineer, consultant, coach, and has authored over a dozen books. He created the ESLint open source project and has worked on everything from small websites to massive-scale web applications. He has worked at Box as a principal architect and Yahoo as a presentation architect. Nicholas is a strong advocate for development best practices including progressive enhancement, accessibility, performance, scalability, and maintainability.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Who This Book Is for
    • Overview
    • Acknowledgments
    • Help and Support
  • Chapter 1: Primitive and Reference Types
    • What are types?
    • Primitive Types
    • Reference Types
    • Instantiating Built-in Types
    • Identifying Arrays
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Functions
    • Declarations vs. Expressions
    • Functions as Values
    • Parameters
    • Overloading
    • Object Methods
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Understanding Objects
    • Defining Properties
    • Detecting Properties
    • Removing Properties
    • Enumeration
    • Types of Properties
    • Property attributes
    • Preventing Object Modification
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Contructors and Prototypes
    • Constructors
    • Prototypes
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Inheritance
    • Prototype Chaining and Object.prototype
    • Object Inheritance
    • Constructor Inheritance
    • Constructor Stealing
    • Accessing Supertype Methods
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Object Patterns
    • Private and Privileged members
    • Mixins
    • Scope-Safe Constructors
    • Summary

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