Object-Oriented PHP
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Object-Oriented PHP

Writing Resilient & Reusable Code in PHP 7

About the Book

Most PHP developers have a clear understanding of what technical debt looks like and the business necessity of having resilient and reliable code. With the release of PHP 7, the Object-Oriented language features of PHP have matured significantly. This book seeks to discuss how you can use Object-Oriented PHP now.

In order to rapidly deliver value through software, your codebase needs to be resilient to the forces of change. This book will guide you through using Object-Orientation in modern PHP to deliver a reliable and reusable code throughout the design, development and construction phases. Whether working on a brand new codebase or refactoring existing code, this book will discuss the patterns to ensuring your codebase is resilient and reliable for years to come.

Topics include:

  • An Introduction to Object-Orientation (Classes, Scalar Type Hinting, Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Inheritance, Coding Standards)
  • Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (Advanced OOP, Magic Methods, Polymorphism, Generators, Composition vs Inheritance, Traits)
  • SOLID Design Principles
  • Gang of Four Design Patterns
  • Testing (Unit Testing, Integration Testing and End-to-End Testing)
  • Identifying Code Smells and improving code quality through Refactoring

What Design Patterns does this book cover?

  •  Factory
  •  Abstract Factory
  •  Builder Pattern
  •  Composite Pattern
  •  Adapter Pattern
  •  Chain-of-Responsibility Pattern
  •  Observer Pattern
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About the Author

Junade Ali
Junade Ali

Junade Ali was a technical lead at some of the UK's leading digital agencies and has also worked using PHP in mission-critical road-safety systems. He loves pushing PHP to its innovative limits. Having started his career as a web development apprentice, he still remains engaged in the academic computer science community.

Junade, an avid contributor to the PHP community, has also spoken at PHPTek and the Lead Developer Conference. In addition to this, Junade was interviewed by Cal Evans for Voices of the ElePHPant, and he has appeared on the PHP Roundtable. In this spirit, Junade is proud of his local PHP user group: PHPWarks. Currently, Junade works at CloudFlare as a polymath, and helps make the Internet more secure and faster.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Conventions
    • Code Style
    • Errata and Comments
  • Back to Basics
    • Composer Package Manager
    • Classes
    • Scalar Types Hinting
    • Interfaces
    • Abstract Classes
    • Inheritance
    • Coding Standards
    • Conclusion
  • Advanced Concepts
    • Magic Methods
    • Polymorphism
    • Dependency Injection
    • Generators
    • Composition vs Inheritance
    • Traits
    • Conclusion
  • SOLID Design Principles
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency-Inversion Principle
    • Conclusion
  • An Introduction to Design Patterns
    • Design Pattern Principles
    • Creational Design Patterns
    • Structural Design Patterns
    • Behavioural Design Patterns
    • Conclusion
  • Testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Conclusion (Testing Matters!)
  • How to Write Better code
    • Refactoring
    • PHP-MD
    • Conclusion

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