Navajo: A Collection of NavajoWOTD Mini-Lessons
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Navajo: A Collection of NavajoWOTD Mini-Lessons

About the Book

A special collection of Navajo Words of the Day from the first year of

Nearly a year ago we began posting Navajo word translations. Now, more than 200 posts and 22,000 typed words later, we're making it easier for you to access all of the information we've shared. With this collection, you can take NavajoWOTD with you on your smartphones, laptops, and you can even make printouts that fit nicely onto a regular sheet of paper.

Here's a snapshot of some of the topics we've covered this past year:

  • Months
  • Numbers (to 100)
  • Seasons
  • Kinship terms
  • Directions
  • Geographical locations (eg. "Monument Valley")
  • Verb conjugations
  • Colloquialisms (and more...)

Helping you learn Navajo by introducing small pieces of the language at a time is the driving philosophy of NavajoWOTD. We know many people out there want to learn Navajo, but maybe sometime down the road. There are also those who are actively exploring the Navajo language, but have difficulty finding resources to take with them when they're away from the internet. This NavajoWOTD collection is meant to be a simple companion for both of these types of learners - the casual reader and the devout student - alike.

Best of all, you're welcome to download this book absolutely free of charge (actually, you can pay whatever you want). You'll receive any future updates and additions that we make based on feedback from you, our reader, as we expand the collection to include better resources for the Navajo language learner.

Ahéhee' (thank you) for making this past year a great one for NavajoWOTD.

Please help us spread the word by sharing with your friends and social circles.

note: we're aware of the issue with the rendering of the ǫ character in a few of the headers in the book; once we find a way to fix it, we'll update the book and send to all our readers.

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About the Author


Byron Shorty is Tódích'íí'nii born for Hashk'aan Hadzóhí (Bitterwater clan born for the Yucca fruit strung out on a line clan). His early years were spent in the Round Cedar community located west of Leupp, AZ on the Navajo Nation.

Linguistics, although not his current course of study, is a topic of great interest to Byron, and it begins with the Navajo language. He recognizes the need for easily accessible resources for learning Navajo that take advantage of new technology and the internet.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Copyright notice
  • Front Cover
  • February 2012
  • Yá’át’ééh
  • Mą’iiłitsxoo’í
  • Atsiniltł’ish
  • Nishłį́
  • Tónteel
  • Tł’éé’honaa’éí
  • Dóone’é
  • Abíní
  • Níyol
  • Diné
  • March 2012
  • Ha’a’aah
  • Chidí
  • Hólǫ́
  • Béésh
  • Díí jį́
  • Yas / Zas
  • Hooghan
  • Díkwíí
  • Tsésǫ’
  • Tózis
  • Álázhoozh
  • Kinłání
  • Bizaad
  • Shik’is
  • Tsin
  • Nda’iiníísh
  • Dá’ák’eh
  • K’ad
  • Mósí
  • Dąą
  • Shádi’ááh
  • Jaa’abaní
  • Ná’á’ah
  • Daats’í
  • Tł’oh
  • Deesk’aaz
  • Dził
  • Béeso
  • April 2012
  • ‘Óbáámá
  • T’ą́ą́chil
  • Naaltsoos
  • Béégashii bitsį’
  • Ná’oolkiłí
  • Adinídíín
  • Áníídí
  • Yáshti’
  • Łees’áán yílzhódí
  • Éé’élyaa
  • Níłch’i naalkidí
  • Gohwééh
  • Táláwosh
  • Yádiłhił
  • Siláo
  • Atsiits’iin
  • Sin
  • Ooshgę́ę́zh
  • Naat’áanii
  • Na’ats’ǫǫsí
  • Nóomba
  • May 2012
  • Dilchxoshí
  • Tóhajiilee
  • Deigo
  • E’e’aah
  • Háálá
  • Atiin
  • Adah’íílį́
  • Da’ / ya’
  • Nóomba (11-20)
  • T’ą́ą́tsoh
  • Doo … da
  • Łid
  • Tsin sitą́
  • Money (Béeso)
  • Diyogí
  • Daané’é
  • Jóhonaa’éí daaztsą́
  • Dzi’izí
  • Kéyah
  • The Navajo Alphabet
  • Ajéídíshjool
  • Bii’nda’a’néhé
  • June 2012
  • Ya’iishjááshchilí
  • Nantł’ah
  • T’áá’ákwííjį́
  • Na’iidzeeł
  • Navajo numbers (multiples of 10)
  • Hashk’aan
  • Názbąs
  • Nahasdzáán
  • Tł’óół
  • Ííníshta’
  • Wah
  • Bóhoosh’aah
  • Navajo Numbers (20-30)
  • Yéigo
  • T’óó ahayóí
  • Azee’ííł’íní
  • July 2012
  • Ya’iishjáástsoh
  • Deesdoi
  • Bilagáana
  • Índa
  • Navajo Language Notes and Discrepancies
  • Łeezh
  • Ha’ní
  • Yoołkááł
  • Mandagíiya
  • Baa dloh hasin
  • Déyá
  • Dah naat’a’í
  • Jooł
  • éé’
  • Aoo’
  • Ndaga’ (nda, ndah, nidaga’)
  • Ch’iyáán (ch’yáán)
  • Ha’át’íí (ha’íí)
  • Dishní
  • August 2012
  • Kǫ’
  • Ahéhee’
  • Diné Bizaad yee Nidaazbaa’ígíí
  • Yiską́ągo
  • Tsé Biiʼ Nidzisgaii
  • Ádahooníłígíí
  • Bééshbii’kǫǫ’í tsoh
  • Ch’osh
  • Naaldlooshii
  • Be’eldííl Dah Sinil
  • Nahałtin
  • Bini’anit’ą́ą́ts’ósí
  • I’ii’nííł bijį́
  • Adą́ą́dą́ą́’
  • K’aalógii
  • September 2012
  • Łigai
  • Bini’anit’ą́ą́tsoh
  • Nisin
  • Dzaanééz Nahat’ah Bee Dah Ooldah
  • Damóo Biiskání
  • Áłchíní
  • Tsézhin
  • Náhookǫs
  • Ashą́
  • Damóo dóó naakijį́
  • Biniinaa
  • Ch’il bíláhtah nizhóní
  • Sid
  • Dikos
  • October 2012
  • Dah díníilghaazh
  • Tsídii
  • Gháájí’
  • Wáshindoon
  • Iiná
  • Neeshch’íí’
  • Wóshdę́ę́’
  • Hastiin
  • Kélchí
  • Na’azhǫǫsh
  • Baa shił hózhǫ́
  • Hágoónee’
  • Tádídíín
  • Bilasáana
  • Shił łikan
  • Yinishyé
  • Ch’į́įdii
  • November 2012
  • Níłch’its’ósí
  • Sháńdíín
  • Dééh
  • Dííjį́ éí i’ii’nííł. Ada’diiyohnił!
  • Tązhii
  • Ak’ah
  • Aak’ei
  • Háí
  • Ak’éí
  • Ak’éí (Continued…)
  • December 2012
  • Níłch’itsoh
  • Hai
  • Naakishchíín
  • K’os
  • Hasht’e’ nihénil
  • Baa Hózhǫ́ǫgo Nidizhchí
  • Késhmish
  • Yidzaas
  • Sis Naajiní
  • Yázhí
  • Ńchííl
  • Naat’áanii
  • January 2013
  • Yas Niłt’ees
  • Áłtsé
  • Telling the time of day in Navajo
  • Ts’in
  • Tsah / Ts’ah
  • Bee
  • Dootł’izh
  • Bikáá’dah’asdáhí
  • Ké Ntsaaí
  • Ayóó Ánííníshní
  • Wááshindoon Aląąjį’ Dahsidáhígíí
  • Kin Ya’áanii
  • Beeldléí
  • Lók’eeshchąą’í
  • Tł’ízí
  • Tádiin (30-40)
  • February 2013
  • Atsá Biyáázh
  • Jooł yikalí
  • Nila
  • February 2013
  • Naa’ahóóhai
  • Nááhai
  • Introducing Navajo: A Collection of NavajoWOTD Mini-Lessons
  • Navajo Word of the Day: Ayóó Ánííníshní (I love you)
  • Bééhózin
  • Bééhasin
  • Hane’ binaaltsoos
  • Ałk’ésdisí
  • Ma’ii
  • Honeezílí & Honeesk’ází
  • March 2013
  • Tsís ná
  • Náádamóo
  • Gah
  • Nízhánee’
  • Tóta’
  • Tł’óó’
  • Nówehjí
  • Azee’
  • Dąą
  • Basic Body Parts in Navajo
  • Sha’shin
  • Łitso
  • Bą́ą́h ílį́
  • April 2013
  • Woshch’ishjí
  • Át’ahálo
  • Awáalya
  • T’áá’áko
  • Dił
  • Shą́ą́’tóhí
  • Łééchąą’í
  • NavajoWOTD Pronunciation Album
  • Pronunciation Album V2
  • Gólizhii
  • Jééhkał

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