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About the Book
Designed especially for beginners but also useful to skilled JavaScript programmers who want to make HTML5 games, this book guides you to the creation of a game like Concentration with some twists and comes with 26 – twenty six – code samples, one for each step in the making of the game, covering:
* The structure of your Phaser project* Phaser states* Preloading images* Placing images on the stage* Displaying given frames in a sprite sheet* Adding interactivity to images by turning them into clickable and touchable buttons* Giving each button a custom property and accessing it when touched / clicked* Using timers to schedule events* Turning the prototype into a real game adding a title screen with soundmute options* Preloading sounds* Playing sounds* Organizing your folders* Making it run nicely on any mobile device no matter the orientation
By the end of the book, you will have a complete game made by you
About the Author
Programmer since early 1980, game developer, book writer and so on. You can check the full bio at