Notebook C++: Tips and Tricks with Templates
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Notebook C++: Tips and Tricks with Templates

About the Book

One of the problems that C++ programmers face using templates is understanding the complex syntax. Mastering Templates can be a game-changer when programming C++, as it is a powerful feature for writing clean code.

In this book from the Notebook C++ series, the author Andreas Fertig shows you tips and tricks on how to write templates efficiently. It starts with the basics, like the different template parameter types and techniques like always_false. You’ll then learn more about best practices. For example, where to put the enable_if and how to disable a special member function.

Notebook C++: Tips and Tricks with Templates is a quick-reference book where you can find the information you need for programming the moment you need it.

About the Author

Andreas Fertig
Andreas Fertig

Andreas Fertig, CEO of Unique Code GmbH, is an experienced trainer and lecturer for C++ for standards 11 to 23.

Andreas is involved in the C++ standardization committee, in which the new standards are developed. At international conferences, he presents how code can be written better. He publishes specialist articles, e.g., for iX magazine, and has published several textbooks on C++.

With C++ Insights (, Andreas has created an internationally recognized tool that enables users to look behind the scenes of C++ and thus to understand constructs even better.

Before working as a trainer and consultant, he worked for Philips Medizin Systeme GmbH for ten years as a C++ software developer and architect focusing on embedded systems.

His web presence is

Table of Contents

  • Notes by Standard at a Glance
    • Notes belonging to C++11
    • Notes belonging to C++17
    • Notes belonging to C++20
  • 1 Tips and Tricks with Templates
    • Note 1 : Know the name
    • Note 2 : Templates can have type and non-type parameters
    • Note 3 : When to use typename and when to use class
    • Note 4 : The elements of a variadic template
    • Note 5 : There are no implicit conversions for template parameters
    • Note 6 : Alias template for clean TMP
    • Note 7 : Variable templates for clean TMP
    • Note 8 : Using trailing return type syntax with decltype and void()
    • Note 9 : Use declval when you need to construct a type for testing during compile-time
    • Note 10 : What void_t does
    • Note 11 : Keep that array's size
    • Note 12 : There is no else if in C++
    • Note 13 : More useful than it appears: always_false
    • Note 14 : Prefer auto as an NTTP to reduce redundancy
    • Note 15 : Block template argument deduction
    • Note 16 : Fold expressions and the comma operator
    • Note 17 : A Poor Man's Fold Expression
    • Note 18 : From an array to a pack
    • Note 19 : From an array to a pack with templated lambda
    • Note 20 : Create objects in place for direct use
    • Note 21 : Guidelines for efficient use of templates
    • Note 22 : Put enable_if on the return type
    • Note 23 : enable_if and how to disable a member function
    • Note 24 : How to disable a special member function
  • Acronyms
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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