From A Non-Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer
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From A Non-Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer

Step-by-step guide for your first web application (includes setup tutorials for the tools you need)

About the Book

I am following the same principles and steps I took when I learned programming for the first time, because I was just like you knowing almost nothing and I am now a Senior Full Stack Developer. Everything presented here is already tested on me and more others and it works.

My first advice for you is "don’t be scared, but in the same time don't expect it to be very easy". Life is not all beer and skittles and for sure I am not here to lie to you that by only reading this book you’ll become an awesome developer. Think of it as a great and unique opportunity, a starting point to learn something new. You have to stay motivated and work very hard to master it.

What will you learn ?

  • Build a very simple functional web application from the ground up using industry standard practices
  • Understand and develop basic C# backend applications
  • Understand and develop basic HTML,CSS and JS frontend applications
  • Understand the basic concepts of programming
  • Learn how to search on google
  • Learn the next steps to become an experienced programmer

Are there any requirements or prerequisites ?

  • A laptop/desktop pc with Windows
  • Motivation to achieve your goal :)
  • No-programming knowledge is required ( we will start from the very beginning and install tools we need as we go )
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  • Categories

    • Web Development
    • ASP.NET
    • JavaScript
    • .NET
    • C#
    • APIs
    • CSS
    • SQL Server
    • HTML
    • Software Engineering
    • Software Architecture
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About the Author

Ion Cosmin Grigore
Ion Cosmin Grigore

Cosmin grew up in Ploiesti and graduated from the University Politehnica of Bucharest. He has over 8 years of professional experience in software development, having had the opportunity to improve his teaching and leadership skills.

He is passionate about personal development, nurturing emotional intelligence, social and financial skills in every possible way, this being proven by the numerous personal projects we worked on, including some related to cryptocurrencies.

With an exceptional eye for details when it comes down to helping others achieve their goals, he considers everyone can learn if they take the right path.

If you want to find more about him, we recommend following him on Facebook & LinkedIn.

Personal Note:

Hey everyone! I like people who want to overcome their current condition and hate arrogant people and those who do not want to evolve.

I hope my lectures help you achieve your extraordinary goals.

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Table of Contents

Course overview

The Purpose Of This Guide

What Is Programming?

What Is A Full Stack Developer? Database, Frontend and Backend explained

Obstacles & You: One Step Ahead Of Everyone Around You

Before writing code

What is a web browser?

What is an IDE?

Microsoft Visual Studio: Setup

How Web Applications Usually Work

What is Hosting?

Choosing Our Database: Setup

Pop Quiz

Starting Slowly, Decoupled

Database System Introduction: understanding Microsoft SQL Server

Database Schema Using Medieval Methods: the magical pen and the paper

Creating Our First Database: a new love story

Adding Test Data To Our Tables

Pop quiz 2

What Is T-SQL: example

Pop quiz 3

Basic Programming Knowledge

Our Backend: C#

Class, methods, variables, namespaces and types

Pop quiz 4

Our Frontend: Html, css and Javascript


First Steps With Our IDE

Solution, Projects And The Right Architecture: using the magical pen again

One Step Closer: creating our digital project

Few Programming Terms Explained: you will always hear them

Linking The Database

Elegant Way Of Writing T-SQL Queries: lambda expressions

Pop Quiz 5


The Management Layer

What is mapping

Data Transfer Objects ( DTOs ): MovieDTO


Pop Quiz 6


What Is An API

Some More Programming Terms Explained: related to APIs

Our First API

Debugging Our Simple API

Pop Quiz 7


The Frontend Layer

What is Bootstrap?

Using Our Frontend Project: First MVC Controller

Pop quiz 8– CRUD

The Entire Flow Explained Again: the magical pen

First View: the ‘list’ page

A New View: the ‘details’ page

Pop Quiz 9

Summary: your first web application

The End

Helpful Links: further reading

The Enormous Amount of Frontend Libraries

Course Wrap Up

Final exam


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